Eating meat has a greater impact on climate change

    Says Compassion in World Farming… Well, now I have heard it all.

    We always knew, at least those of us that are not blind to the things that are going on around then and to the signs, that there are moves afoot for a long time to force all people into becoming vegetarians. Why this is and what the hidden agenda behind this is is still something that is a little unclear but definitely, so it appears, the target is to “covert”, by hook or by crook or by force, everyone in the world, in time, and it would appear that they are in a rush, to being vegetarians.

    If it is not health benefits that are being banded about to entice people into vegetarianism then it is poor animals that are being used, in as, is it not cruel to slaughter those animals for food. No, in fact it is not for that is the very reason that all those animals are alive for in the first place. They would not even exist would it not for the fact that people want to have them on their dinner plates. Wakey, wakey, all of you vegetarians and vegans out there. Now they jump on the “climate change” bandwagon. So, what, pray next. None of them has any integrity and honesty and they still keep their agenda hidden.

    Wake up! If all the people in the world suddenly would become vegetarians what do you all think would happen to the chickens, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs and what-have-you that are being kept for no other reason that to go on people's plates? They would be killed and destroyed. No two ways about it.

    Also, what are you going to do to keep the crops we then would have to grow safe from all the deer and all those that would be after our veggies? We would have to kill the deer and rabbits that are after our corn and cabbages, etc. So, would it not be better if we would then eat them too, so they would not get wasted.

    It would seem, however, that reality is not something that those people deal in. They are in a world of cute furry critters without the faintest idea of how nature works. About time they woke up and smelled the flowers in the real world.

    I agree that we all, probably, eat far too much meat than is good for us. The obesity of many of our fellow travelers on this planet, especially in countries like UK and the USA, proves the point and our parents and grandparents during World War II in Britain under rations ate healthier, much healthier, than we do now and they worked harder, much harder then, and still they did not keel over for lack of energy from food. They seemed to have gotten the right amount and right combination. Maybe we should dig up the old recipes from the British WWII home front once again and also, maybe, take some other lessons from the same book, such as in frugality and such. Our planet would benefit from it as would our wallets and our bodies, instead of blaming the eating of meat and the raising of for climate change.

    © M V Smith, October 2007

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Eating meat has a greater impact on climate change

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