Trashe Bolsas Bags – Product Review

    Brilliant Recycled Bags

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Trashe Bolsas Bags are environmentally friendly as they keep tons and tons of advertising banners which are made of fabric covered with plastic out of the landfills in the Philippines or from being illegally dumped or illegally burned.

    In the Philippines giant billboards promoting all manner of products and services line the highways. In offices, schools, hotels and shops, banners do the same.

    Some of those advertising banners, as far as I can see from some photos that I have seen, are extremely large, much like the huge electronic billboards found in the USA and other countries, and often are the size of walls.

    These billboards and banners are printed onto tarpaulins or ‘tarps’ made from canvas coated with polycarbonate.

    These tarps, designed to withstand the scorching heat and torrential rain of the tropics, are non-biodegradable.

    When the tarps are finished with, they either end up in landfill or are burned, thus releasing harmful greenhouse gases – either way, they contribute to an ever increasing threat to the environment.

    Trashe Bolsas is a Livelihood Project that operates within the Earth Day Network, an NGO whose aim is to raise awareness of environmental issues.

    Trashe Bolsas transforms used tarps into unique, strong, durable bags giving an income to women living the temporary housing an income, enabling them to become independent.

    I met the two ladies and founders who are the moving force behind this project at the recent Promotional Marketing Exhibition in London and had the opportunity and great pleasure to talk with them, see the bags and take a sample home with me.

    All bags are cut out from patterns individually by hand and are then individually sewn on sewing machines by the women in the project, many of who have only recently learned how to sew and especially how to sew using a sewing machine.

    For that being the case I have to say that I found the quality of the stitching rather good, especially given also that material such as this used is difficult to sew at the best of time and even by professionals with industrial machines.

    As the bags are made from advertising banners are all unique and vary in colors. No two bags will ever, I should think, be alike. This means that while this or that bag may be this or that color on the website it does not mean that the bag you order may be the same color. This is something that must be understood and, in my view, makes those bags so great. Any bag anyone may buy from Trashe Bolsas is different and everyone will be getting a unique one of article.

    I can but recommend anyone to purchase one (or more than one) of those unique and wonderful bags.

    Check out their website at:

    © M Smith (Veshengro), Tatchipen Media & Trashe Bolsas, April 2008

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Trashe Bolsas Bags – Product Review

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