It's the LLAMFF-ing season in North Wales !

    It's almost that time again. The 8th LLAMFF mountain film festival featuring some of the biggest names in the mountain creative arts...John Redhead, Stephen Venebles, Dave McCloud, Steve McClure et al. Set in the slate grey heart of Welsh climbing, Llanberis, the town is geared up to throwing open it's doors to what has become an ever increasing number of people from all over the world who will travel to Llanberis. LLAMFF mixes the accessible with the esoteric and provides a range of movies,speakers and exhibitions which will cater for all tastes. To quote the organisers......

    'LLAMFF, Llanberis Mountain Film Festival originated back in 2002 starting life as a bi-annual event, it has now stepped up a gear and become an annual one. LLAMFF dedicates itself to exploring mountain culture and inspiring adventure, through the medium of film, photography, literature and lectures. Its aim is to stimulate, invigorate and motivate during a long weekend of sensory bliss dedicated to the mountain environment and wild places in general. LLAMFF is one of the few film festivals where you can be in the mountains while at the event, it is also unique in the way it is not afraid to be eclectic and embrace the outdoor culture and enviroment as a whole, this helps to give it an edge that others seem to miss. Match this with the wide range of athletes, journalists, photographers, film makers and activists in the area and you have a unique recipe for a unique film festival.'


    LLAMFF has a ticketing policy that allows you to watch or see what you want when you want in respect to capacity, it is a policy that has evolved over the life of the festival and has worked very well. We sell tickets to ‘sessions’; there are six sessions in the entire weekend:
    • Friday Evening: (1 session).
    • Saturday: (3 sessions): Morning, Afternoon, Evening.
    • Sunday: (2 sessions): Morning, Afternoon.

    There are three session lengths that can be bought, these are:

    • Full Weekend Pass (Adult or Family) – this gives you access to every session, all 6 for the entire weekend.
    • Three Session Pass – this gives you access to any three sessions during the weekend.
    • Single Session Pass – this gives you access to any single session.

    All access is subject to capacity; arrive early if you feel it will be oversubscribed.

    We also offer concession tickets these are available to people on Income Support, OAPs and Students. Advance concession tickets will be sold at the full advanced weekend price. A refund on the difference may be obtained at the festival reception on production of proof of concessionary entitlement, along with your booking reference number.

    Ticket purchases are subject to a £3 booking fee per transaction, that means if you buy 1 ticket or 10 you will be charged a £3 booking fee.

    Children are classed as 16 and under.

    The prices of tickets are as follows:

    Adult Full Weekend Pass £45.00
    Family Full Weekend Pass (2 Adults + 2 Children) £90.00
    Any Three Session Ticket £25.00
    Single Session Ticket £10.00
    Under 16 Full Weekend Pass £30.00
    Full Weekend Pass Concession £30.00
    LLAMFF Party Ticket £10.00

    'The' Party will be held at the Fricsan - Snowdon Inn on the Saturday night this year, which is situated at the foot of Llyn Padarn. As usual it will start to kick off around the time that the rest of the festival starts winding down for the evening. As for its duration, usually unknown but if your game you should see the sun rise on Sunday morning! It will be a limited access and a ticket only event.

    Tickets can be obtained through either of our partners, Joe Browns or V12 Outdoor, just click on one of the links below to buy your tickets now.

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It's the LLAMFF-ing season in North Wales !

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