Tryfan in relegation battle!

    Tryfan's east face from Helyg

    How the mighty have fallen! Well.... not just yet but one of north Wales''s most majestic peaks Tryfan, faces the ignominy of being relegated from the region's mountain Premiership,into it's equivalent of the Championship.
    Since records began,Tryfan whose graceful pyramydical form dominates the Ogwen Valley, has stood proudly at 3002ft and as such takes it's place within the respected pantheon of 3000' peaks in Wales which number just 15.
    Now, the mountain is about to be remeasured and may well lose its elite status. Using the very latest technology, a group of amatuer enthusiasts which includes John Barnard from Mold in north Wales will re-measure the mountain and complete their investigations this June.

    "With modern technology we can measure things within a centimetre of accuracy....Basically we are going to use a positioning system and put it on the summit to collect data, and then that information will be processed through a computer,'
    Former Labour A.M and Minister for sport within the Welsh Assembly and now a director of the Snowdonia Society, Alan Pugh commented...  
    "The mountain is such a superbly beautiful mountain and also because of its status as one of the elite group of 14 Welsh 3,000 ft peaks for nearly a century people have done the 14 peaks.... it is one of the mountaineering challenges of Wales. If it turned out that Tryfan was not as high then maybe that route would have to change', he added.
    " Whatever the outcome,climbers would still enjoy Tryfan's challenges.I'd think we'd all still enjoy scrambling along its north ridge, or climbing on the east face, or walking up the south ridge to the wonderful summit," he said.
    "It's a wonderful mountain with some fantastic views, that won't change a jot... it has a special part in the heart of anyone who enjoys climbing mountains in Wales,'

    Two years ago and using the same technology, Mr Barnard's team discovered a 'new' mountain within the popular Nantlle mountain range when the minor peak of Mynydd Graig Goch was promoted to a 2000' mountain having previously hovered just under the magic mark.

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Tryfan in relegation battle!

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