The BoGo Light – Product Review

    The BoGo Light is a concept that brings light into the darkness, and here especially in the developing world, but not only there, as the BoGo Light is also great as an emergency light source.

    I received the review sample of the cute orange BoGo Light in the beginning of February 2008 and due to the lack of sunlight in our areas at this time of the year to fully charge the light is a slight problems as, theoretically, it requires a full day of sunlight to fully charge the replaceable rechargeable batteries (three at, what I would assume to be, 1.2VDC each). Otherwise, however, the light is brilliant, literally, and this pun was, also, by the way, intended.

    The first thing that I was taken with was the fact that when opening the battery compartment to install the three supplied Ni-cads that there was a proper waterproof seal present that stayed in place and resealed the compartment once the cover was screwed on again. Having had some bad experience with a cycle light that took water during rain and then having pointed out that the instructions state that the light must not become exposed to rain and wet it is rather refreshing to see those seal in this flashlight. Then again, we must not forget that Mark Bent, the CEO of SunNight Solar is a former Marine and we military guys know how things need to be in such cases.
    While the BoGo Light may, primarily, be intended for Third World countries, oops, sorry, countries of the Developing World, this light would equally be useful and helpful for the Romani People who live in similar situations to those poor in Africa and India, and other such places, e.g. with no means of light other than candles, kerosene lanterns, or battery powered flashlights and, maybe, just maybe, a gasoline-powered generator. The latter is, however, often only an option for those that have a little more money. Personally, as a Rom myself, I would love to have the BoGo Light available for Romani NGOs to distribute to those of the community that could make good use of them.

    In addition to this the BoGo Light is the ideal for general preparedness and for survival situations, whether floods, hurricanes, ice storms, or what-have-you. Even in the event of a “normal” power outage such a light would come in extremely handy. The light can sit, until it is needed, quietly, on the windowsill soaking up daylight and is therefore always charged and ready to go as and when needed for a number of hours without, like with wind-up lights, having to crank a handle every thirty minutes or so for around a minute. By no means am I trying to diminish the idea and invention and concept of the wind-up/dynamo charged lights, far from it; I am just stating a fact while making an observation. They equally have their place in this world as does the BoGo Light.

    The term BoGo stands for Buy one – Give one, and it is this principle upon which the light is being sold. You buy one for US$ 25 plus shipping from SunNight Solar in Texas – only via their website – and another one will be sent to the charity of your choice in Africa or to US troops serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Having now had the unit here for a couple of days, and, having allowed it to get charged on the windowsill in our dull winter daylight plus from electric light in the evening at home I have been able to give it a little try and am very favorably impressed. The six LEDs are extremely bright and the light, with even the low powered charge that the Bogo Light could obtain from this very dull daylight around here, lasts for a number of hours. It would, I assume, require the real amount of sun hours to obtain the six hours or so of light from the BoGo Light.

    All in all I can but recommend this light to anyone, and I mean anyone, however, those that are preparing for the eventuality of an emergency of whatever kind and for homesteaders and such the BoGo Light is a light that should be on the shopping list as a stand-by for the as and when or even for general daily use.

    The BoGo Light is a scientific, eco-friendly breakthrough that is making an impact worldwide. From Cairo to Cape Town, from the Caribbean to the Amazon, it is improving the lives of individuals, families, and entire villages by replacing costly kerosene, candles, and disposable battery flashlights with an affordable, long lasting, solar flashlight. BoGo means Buy one, Give one. Mark Bent and SunNight Solar Ltd want their lights to benefit the less fortunate; therefore, with each light purchased in the developed world, a second identical light will be donated to an organization that will distribute it in the developing world with the company's direct financial support. Give the Gift of Light, and Help Change the World!

    So, go to the website and buy one and donate one to a worthy cause, whether this is for some of the poor in the developing world (and maybe we could even get a Romani NGO equipped some day with those) or for the US troops serving abroad in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Erm, and, erm yes, before anyone suggests it I must admit, I have fallen in love with the BoGo Light.

    Some more information as to the history and such of the BoGo Light shall also follow soon.

    Reviewed by Michael Smith (Veshengro), February 2008

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The BoGo Light – Product Review

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