New Guide Launched at Ecobuild "Sustainable Building in Practice – an essential guide"

    No longer to be dismissed as “just a fad”, sustainable building is gaining momentum.

    Soft targets are giving way to legislation and regulation - hardly surprising given that our homes account for 30% of the UK’s carbon emissions and 56% of all water use during their occupation.

    Developers increasingly recognise that schemes like the Code for Sustainable Homes are likely to mean that house-buyers will have ever more information with which to make informed purchasing decisions. Savvy developers are increasingly cottoning on to this and the best advisory teams are up to speed on the complexities involved in designing, building and marketing sustainable homes.

    Within this new guide, you will find a wealth of information which provides hands-on, practical advice to developers in the area of new-build residential homes. Issues such as the regulatory drivers touched upon above are explained in greater detail, as are the cost and value implications of dealing with the Code for Sustainable Homes. Case studies of exemplar ecohomes are given, providing demonstrations of how developers can effectively achieve sustainable developments within the mainstream. Looking towards 2016 – a key date for providing carbon neutral homes – details of the PassivHaus are given, as well as advice on how to achieve other environmental goals such as rainwater harvesting, durable air-tightness of buildings and selection of construction materials.

    This guide is published by Newzeye who publishes Sustainable Building, Brownfield Briefing and Property Forecast. Free copies of the guide and copies of our latest newsletters are available from the “Sustainable Building” stand no. E793 or go to to sign up for a free trial.

    For more information on this Guide or our monthly newsletter, contact:

    Anna Cairncross
    Head of Marketing
    Newzeye Ltd
    The Chapel
    Wellington Road
    NW10 5LJ
    Tel: +44 (0) 20 8969 1008

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New Guide Launched at Ecobuild "Sustainable Building in Practice – an essential guide"

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