Free Goods At Help Consumers in Tough Times

    Washington, DC: Throwplace users continue to list computers, furniture and all sorts of free merchandise to give away at - the Internet’s landfill alternative.

    At, charities, businesses and individuals from all over the world can "throw" their excess onto the Internet where others can view and "take" what they need for free. Each "throw" and "take" is recycled and reused, keeping countless goods out of landfills, and helping people and non-profits make ends meet during tough economic times. members donate an astonishing array of items, from furniture and appliances to computers and bric-a-brac. The site enables potential “takers” to view items and make requests. “Throwers” then may read the requests in “My Account” at their leisure, selecting a recipient with the click of a button. Then exchanges the giver and taker’s email addresses so that they may directly make shipping or pick-up arrangements.

    Current "takes" include dining and living room furniture, handbags and shoes in New York, plants and crutches in Washington, DC, a brass pendant & chandelier in Illinois, a $250 bed in Florida, as well as computers and electronics for reuse and recycling too. users are from all over the world.

    One Throwplace user named Jeannine, who has recently moved out of a shelter, has found the site useful in helping her obtain some of life’s barest necessities for her new apartment. “I have found items on Throwplace that I desperately need. I have severe back problems and had been sleeping on a hardwood floor each night, until I found a bed on It is wonderful to know that Throwplace offers gently used items from private donors and charities to people in need, like me.” A user from the midwest looked to for help for recent flood victims who have lost everything.

    Throwplace is organized into four sections: US Charity, International Charity, Business/Individual and Up-For-Grabs. Representatives of US-based charities like Community Health Connection and Computers for Schools that have 501(c)(3) status can "take" from the US Charity section, and are obliged to return a receipt to the donor. This US Charity section is intended to help non-profits obtain items for special needs families and individuals in their areas. Taking from Up-For-Grabs section is free for everyone. With a nominal fee, businesses and individuals may subscribe to the site, and take from the Business/Individual section. Subscribing businesses receive a directory listing.

    In late 1999, Lomangino, the owner of a highly-regarded graphic design firm in Washington, DC, saw that the web needed a marketplace where goods could be exchanged rather than thrown away. She launched in late March of 2004, having developed, produced, and financed the site herself.

    Lomangino hopes that non-profits from coast-to-coast will find items for community members who have been victims of the natural disasters that have occurred across the country, and who have fallen upon hard times during this economic downturn. is a Web site where businesses and individuals can post and find items listed for donation to charities and non-profits, businesses and individuals. The goals of are to encourage reuse rather than disposal; to raise awareness of responsible environmental practices by promoting the free exchange of goods; to help those in need; and to bring the business community, non-profits and the general public together by creating a central repository of donated merchandise available for recycling, reuse, and refurbishing.


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Free Goods At Help Consumers in Tough Times

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