Motorists warned not to leave or throw litter

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Roadside litter, as well as being an eyesore, can lead to accidents and causes lasting environmental damage. This is the main factor leading government and government agencies to increase their efforts to, finally, stamp it out. Though all I can say to that is “good luck!”

    The Highways Agency has launched a summer campaign, just in time for the major holiday season in the UK, asking motorists to be more responsible when it comes to dumping litter and reminding them of the potential perils the antisocial act may cause.

    The “Bag it and Bin it!” campaign highlights the environmental risks of roadside littering as well as the inconvenience and danger it presents to those tasked with tidying it up.

    Rubbish dumped on the verge or thrown from a car window can clog roadside drains, leading to localized flooding.

    The threat presented by rural rubbish to wildlife is well-documented, with many animals poisoned, choked, trapped or strangled as they try to eat waste or make a home of it.

    The greatest problem now, as far as I can see it, is not just with the little that is being thrown from the windows of a moving vehicle but with the bin liners after bin liners of household waste and green waste being dumped along the side of the roads and motorways because the local authorities have change the way refuse is being collected and impose fines – rather than incentives to recycling – on people putting bags out at the wrong day or whatever, or charge horrendous sums for green waste collection, as in one particular London Borough that wishes to be known as so very green. But in doing so they have created a fly tipping problem in their own parks and open spaces and particular in those of the neighboring authorities and alongside the roads. Even their own workmen have been caught dumping green waste in a neighboring authority's open spaces.

    The Highways agency is also concerned that tidying waste from the UK's network of motorways and A roads puts workers at risk and diverts resources from the maintenance and repair of roads.

    The government agency's director of network operations, Derek Turner, said: "Everyone agrees roadside litter is unsightly, and clearing it up from the roadside takes up valuable resources that could be used elsewhere.

    "We want everyone to help us keep England's roads clear by getting into the habit of keeping a bag in their vehicle to store their rubbish until they can find a bin for it."

    It is a shame though that while everyone, apparently, agrees that roadside litter looks bad and all that people who will say that when asked are still the same that will throw out their McD's and such out of the window while driving along, regardless.

    The problems is that, as a whole, this nation just is a dirty nation when it comes to litter. Other countries do not seem to have this same problem, it would seem, and other countries do not seem to fine their residents at the smallest opportunity but make recycling financially rewarding. However, as this is Britain, this could not work here, I am sure the government would, yet again tell us, as the politicians always do when such things that work elsewhere are suggested.

    The RAC supports this campaign and its deputy director, Sheila Rainger, stated: "With rubbish, there's no such place as 'away' – every piece of litter tossed onto the carriageway has to be picked up by someone.

    “Throwing litter onto the road is a filthy habit and there's no excuse; it's a waste of money which could be better spent on repairs and maintenance; and it's a safety hazard for everyone who has to dodge bags, cans and bottles on the road.”

    "Bag it and bin it, or take it home and recycle it – whatever you do, no-one else wants to see it."

    Right she is but... we still need the incentives for recycling so that people will do it even it it may be a little inconvenient because there is a reward at the end. Fines do NOT work, for in order for fines to work the offenders will have to be caught first and then they need to be brought to courts and convicted, in most cases; all of which costs lost of money. Money better spent creating incentives and giving people a little money for bringing in their tin cans, their glass bottles and jars, etc. But, I doubt that the government, regardless of party, in this country will ever wake up to this.

    © M Smith (Veshengro), August 2008

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Motorists warned not to leave or throw litter

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