White-tailed sea eagles released at secret Scottish location.

    Nineteen white-tailed sea eagles, gifted to Scotland as part of a reintroduction programme, have been released into the wild from a secret location in Fife.
    The magnificent birds of prey, the UK’s largest, arrived from Norway in June for the fourth year of the East Scotland Sea Eagle reintroduction project, a partnership scheme between RSPB Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage and Forestry Commission Scotland.
    Since their arrival, the birds have been reared in specially built aviaries until they were old enough to fledge. They will now join Scotland’s growing white-tailed eagle population and help restore this species to parts of their former range in the east of Scotland. This project is also contributing to wider conservation efforts across Europe for sea eagles.
    The ‘flying barn door’, once a regular sight in Scotland’s skies, was driven to extinction by game preservers and collectors in the Victorian era, with the last individual bird killed in 1916. It only returned to the UK following a successful reintroduction to the West of Scotland, on the Island of Rum in 1975. 
    Claire Smith, RSPB Scotland East Coast Sea Eagle Project Officer, said: “A diet of pike, haddock and roe deer has helped make sure these birds are fit and ready for life in the wild. Each bird has been fitted with a radio and wing tags so both project staff and the public can follow their progress. Already we receive many calls from the public thrilled to have seen a sea eagle on the east coast. For 2010 we’ve chosen yellow wing tags with black letters and numbers, and as usual any sightings can be reported to us via email on eastscotlandseaeagles@rspb.org.uk. Since the start of the east coast project in 2007, the survival of the released birds has been good. We now expect that in the next few years some of our older birds will begin to set up territory on the east coast of Scotland and, one day produce chicks of their own.”
    Susan Davies, SNH’s director of policy and advice, said: ” In this International Year of Biodiversity it is particularly good to see the efforts to restore the sea eagle population across Scotland continue. These new recruits will help ensure that this impressive bird's future, as an important part of Scotland's biodiversity, is secured.  As more people choose to stay at home for holidays, and as wildlife watching becomes ever more popular, our sea eagles help provide a local attraction that contributes to the local economy.”
    Charlie Taylor, Forestry Commission Scotland's district manager in Tayside added:"White-tailed eagles are magnificent birds and once seen they are never forgotten. The reintroduction programmes are very important and have been a success story so far. Hopefully, in time, everyone will be able to enjoy watching these birds on the east coast of Scotland."


    • For more information on East Scotland Sea Eagle (ESSE) reintroduction programme, visit http://www.rspb.org.uk/ourwork/conservation/projects/eastscotlandeagles
    • The sea eagle reintroduction is part of Scotland's Species Action Framework, coordinated by Scottish Natural Heritage, which sets out a strategic approach to species management in Scotland. Further information can be found at  www.snh.gov.uk/speciesactionframework
    • The first wild bred chick since UK extinction was born on Mull in June 1985
    • 15 birds were released in both 2007 and 2008 as part of ESSE. Of these 11 survived in 2007 and 12 in 2008. 14 birds were released in 2009, of these 10 remain.    
    • ESSE is the third phase of the Scottish sea eagle reintroduction, which began on Rum (owned by the Nature Conservancy Council, now Scottish Natural Heritage) in 1975.  Over the next ten years to 1985 a total of 82 eaglets were imported, under special licence, from nests in northern Norway where the sea eagle population was still expanding. The second phase saw a further 58 birds released in Wester Ross between 1993 and 1998.
    • After this year 63 birds will have been released as part of the ESSE project.
    • Often roosting in small groups, the released birds have spent their time investigating the coasts, straths, glens and firths of Scotland. It greatly helps the project if the public report sightings of sea eagles in the east of Scotland by emailing eastscotlandseaeagles@rspb.org.uk
    • Sea eagles feed on carrion, rabbits, ducks, geese, gulls, herons and fish.
    • Sea eagles in the wild normally breed for the first time at about 5 years of age.
    • RSPB

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White-tailed sea eagles released at secret Scottish location.

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