Aspartame has got a new name but, do not be fooled, it is still the same

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    aspartameThis artificial sweetener haunted by an ugly past is still as dangerous as before, regardless of name change.

    “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” claimed Shakespeare. Conversely, a sweet name for a potential toxin, does not make it sweet. Bit like the renaming of HFCS to corn sugar. It does not matter what name you give it it is still the same stuff.

    Aspartame, has had a makeover. Thanks to the slick marketers and their actions and ideas, the artificial sweetener now goes by the new, ever-so-sweet-sounding name of, wait for it, “AminoSweet.”

    First developed in 1974, by 1980, an FDA Board of Inquiry voted unanimously against approving Aspartame for human consumption, but the vote was overruled by the FDA commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. by 1983. Only one year after the approval, an FDA task force learned that some of the original data showcasing Aspartame’s safety had been falsified to hide results showing animals fed Aspartame had developed seizures and brain tumors; however, the FDA maintained its approval of this product.

    In 1983, the same year Aspartame was approved for use in carbonated beverages, a neuroscientist published reports in The New England Journal of Medicine that Aspartame may increase body weight by stimulating a craving for calorie-laden carbohydrates.

    By 1991, the National Institutes of Health cataloged 167 adverse effects linked to Aspartame use. In 1992, the U.S. Air Force issued a warning to pilots not to fly after ingesting Aspartame. And by 1994, the US Department of Health and Human Services had linked the artificial sweetener Aspartame to the risk of 88 symptoms of toxicity.

    Learn about the symptoms and conditions linked to Aspartame

    Research confirms that Aspartame is an excitotoxin. An excitotoxin is a substance that literally excites brain or nervous system cells until they die. In other words, it is a neural pathway agent, and one that may have sinister uses and sinister reasons for still being approved.

    According to Lynne Melcombe, author of Health Hazards of White Sugar, research links Aspartame to the following health conditions: anxiety attacks; appetite problems such as binge-eating and sugar cravings; birth defects; blindness and vision problems such as blurred vision, bright flashes, and tunnel vision; brain tumors; chest pain; depression and emotional problems; dizziness and vertigo; edema; epilepsy and seizures; fatigue; headaches and migraines; hearing loss and tinnitus; heart palpitations and arrhythmia; hyperactivity; insomnia; joint pain; learning disabilities; memory loss; menstrual irregularities and PMS (premenstrual syndrome); muscle cramps; nausea; numbness of extremities; psychiatric disorders; reproductive problems; skin lesions; slurred speech; and uterine tumors. Research even links Aspartame to death. Aspartame’s effects can be mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, epilepsy, Epstein-Barr virus, Huntington’s chorea, hypothyroidism, Lou Gehrig’s disease; Lyme disease, Ménière’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and postpolio syndrome.

    According to Randall Fitzgerald, author of The Hundred-Year Lie, some of the cancers linked to Aspartame include: brain, liver, lung, kidney, and lymphoreticular cancer.

    Aspartame is found in many diet products, including soft drinks, as well as a wide variety of prepared foods. But, shockingly, it is also found in some multivitamins, supplements, and pharmaceutical drugs.

    The reason, however, that the FDA approved Aspartame for human consumption against the better judgment of many is the very fact that the FDA sits in the pockets of big industry and that is also why neither BPA is being regulated against nor HFCS and other, even more dangerous, substances.

    Aspartame is also goes by the name of NutraSweet in Europe, as well as a number of other ones, and like in the USA it is not being regulated against in the EU. Then neither do they consider it necessary in the EU to legislate against BPA. One can but ask as to why and who benefits.

    While we are on the subject of poisons that have been approved to be used on humans sodium fluoride is one that also springs to mind.

    Yes, the very stuff that is in most – unless you chose one that does not contain it – toothpaste and that many governments have ordered, or are intending to order, to be placed into the drinking water. Fluoride is on the poison list and is also a neural pathway agent. Makes you think as to what is going on, doesn't it?

    © 2010

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Aspartame has got a new name but, do not be fooled, it is still the same

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