Santa Claus and his little helpers heartbroken this Christmas

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Santa & elves1 North Pole, Arctic, December 2010: There are only a few days left until Christmas Day and for the first time in decades Santa and his elves have been rather sad this Christmas season.

    But how could they be happy when they have to read so many sad letters from children who are clearly feeling the effects of their family troubles? Sadly, the majority of “Dear Santa Letters” received this year by both children and struggling parents nationwide are asking for less of the hottest toys and latest gadgets that would normally be on any child’s wish list.

    Instead they have been forced to read letter after letter from children asking for things such as food or clothing, or heartbreaking pleas asking Santa to help their parents pay their bills rather than the latest DS Game Pack, American Girl Doll, Xboxes, Barbie doll dream house, or new bike they really want. Or worrying about whether they’ve made the good list, and not the naughty lists this year. Some post offices have even claimed that some letters came directly from parents begging for help paying rent, mortgage, utility bills, or help finding a job so they don’t end up homeless.

    This year my mom don't have much money to spend on Christmas gifts so I’m writing to you.” Cesar, 7 writes in his letter to Santa, and as reported in USA Today.“It would make us really happy if you and your elves would bring us toys and clothes.”

    Another Santa letter from a 9-year-old girl read, “Dear Santa, Please help my mom and dad find jobs so that my family and I can be happy again. It would make us so happy.” “I have been really good this year.”

    A 5-year-old wrote, “Please bring us food, sneakers for sister and me and boots for dad.”

    It has also been reported that more letters from unemployed single parents have been sent to the post offices. One letter in particular from a single mom read, “Dear Santa, I’ve been unemployed for 7 months now, and cannot afford to purchase toys and clothes for my two boys this year. Please help me save Christmas for my family Santa!”

    It is obvious that the economy is not getting better despite the little hope we had earlier this year when more job openings seemed available and when one looks at those realities in children (and adults) writing such letters to “Santa” that things certainly are not rosy at all.

    Still, however, the powers that be are trying to tell people that everything is hunky-dory and the economy is getting better; as they try to do in Britain.

    I do not know on which planet those government people are living but it must be a parallel one to ours or, maybe, even a parallel universe altogether.

    The truth is that we are still in dire straights as far as the economy is concerned and jobs and all and still the powers that be try to tell us otherwise. Time they woke up.

    © 2010

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Santa Claus and his little helpers heartbroken this Christmas

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