s106 funding from Latham's Yard devt

    Hackney says it has spent £150,000 upgrading the children's play facilities in Millfields.

    FOI Question
    Could you please confirm how much s106 funding was secured as part of the Taylor Wimpey / George Wimpey development of Latham’s Yard site, Clapton, E5 9RP. Could you please confirm how this funding has been allocated and spent to date and how much is still to be spent.

    There are three planning applications which match this description, so information about each one is provided below:
    a) Planning application 2001/1894 “Leeside and Middlesex Wharves, Latham's Yard A”.
    In total £1,009,000 was received in monetary Section 106 contributions with a further 'in-kind' contribution provided in the way of affordable housing. All funding has now been allocated.

    Below is an explanation of how the contributions were broken down under each 'head of term' (category) and how these contributions were allocated and spent as applicable:

    • £275,000 for Public Transportation Fund;
    • £364,000 for Bus Subsidy Fund;
    • £20,000 for Employment and Training –Jobs Brokerage;
    • £150,000 for upgrade of children’s play facilities in Millfields Recreation Ground;
    • £35,000 as an in-kind contribution for public art;
    • £200,000  for improvements to Southwold School and Harrington High School; and,
    • The in-kind affordable housing contributions provided for 214 units of affordable housing.

    b) Planning application 2006/2195 “Leeside and Middlesex Wharves, Latham's Yard A” enabled £351,967 to be negotiated in monetary contributions with a further in-kind contribution in the form of provision of a Doctor’s surgery.

    Below is an explanation of how the contributions were broken down under each 'head of term' and how these contributions were allocated and spent as applicable:.

    • £200,000  for employment and training initiatives (to be received); 
    • £151,967 for highways works  which have been implemented on Theydon Road and to the north side of Southwold Road (through s278 funding); and,
    • Provision of Doctor's Surgery (this has been provided).

    c) Planning Application 2009/0238 “Lathams Yard Blocks 5 and 10” enabled a total of £74,555.26 to be negotiated, with a further in-kind contribution in the form of affordable housing.

    Below is an explanation of how the contributions were broken down under each 'head of term' and how these contributions were allocated and spent as applicable:

    • £2,010.44 for open space;
    • £72,544.82 for libraries and education;
    • Affordable Housing – this included six four-bedroom socially rented units; and three one-bedroom and two two-bedroom intermediate units.
    Monetary contributions are yet to allocated to specific projects.

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s106 funding from Latham's Yard devt

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