Going green has saved Sutton Council £227k in 2010

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    SuttonSutton, UK, November 30, 2010: The London Borough of Sutton's drive to become more sustainable has reaped dramatic results with £227,000 saved this year. This shows what can be done with, what appears to be, small acts.

    The annual EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) report shows that energy use in the council has fallen by 15 percent since 2002 saving £164,000 a year. Water consumption at the council has also dropped – falling by 29 percent from 2001 levels, saving £63,000 a year.

    Councillor Colin Hall, Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change on Sutton Council, said: “This is a staggering amount of money to save in one year. It proves that it makes economic sense to continue to make Sutton more sustainable.”

    Most of the energy savings in council buildings have been achieved through simple measures, such as better control of heating installing thermostatic radiators and loft and pipe insulation. Other measures have included using energy efficient lighting and changing the voltage of electricity coming into council buildings to the minimum required. Around 75 per cent of the energy used now comes from green supplies.

    Water use has also been reduced substantially by installing water efficient toilets and through quicker identification and repair of leaks, particularly at allotment sites.

    Councillor Hall added: “Measures such as installing insulation and energy efficient lighting have made all the difference. These are exactly the same measures that residents can take in their own homes to save money and tackle climate change.”

    The London Borough of Sutton, in many cases, appears to be very much in the forefront when it comes to green issues in the south-west of London and in Surrey, of which, theoretically, Sutton still is a part.

    Sutton, unlike many other councils, also gives composting bins to its residents, for free, and residents can get free compost (produced by the recycling services) and other such products, including free wood chips.

    © 2010

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Going green has saved Sutton Council £227k in 2010

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Sea Shepherd's new interceptor vessel targets whalers

    Paul Watson founder of Sea Shepherd with activists

    The federal government's willingness to crack down on illegal whaling will be tested if Sea Shepherd's newest and only Australian registered vessel is rammed or attacked by Japanese whalers.
    The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society on Monday launched its new interceptor vessel Gojira, named after the widely-feared monster of Japanese film known in English as Godzilla. The non-for-profit organisation's director Jeff Hansen said the Gojira will be a game-changer in this year's fight against illegal Japanese whaling as it can out-run  harpoon vessels."This vessel can out-run any Japanese vessel, so it means we'll have the element of surprise and we can find the factory ship," Mr Hansen said. "The factory ship is the one we're after and if we can find it, we can shut down whaling.

    "We save 10 to 12 whales a day by blocking the slipway on the factory ship so really this vessel is going to play a huge part in shutting down the Japanese whaling fleet for the entire summer." The Gojira set off from Fremantle on Monday to join the Steve Irwin and Bob Barker in Hobart before leaving on December 2 to defend the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary.

    Its captain, Locky MacLean, said having the fast, new vessel combined with Japanese whalers still to leave port, it was anticipated Sea Shepherd would be able to stop all whales from being slaughtered this year. "If we can get down there before they do we can stop them straight off the bat which would be a big blow to the whaling industry down there," Mr McLean said.

    "Last year we followed them for 45 days and during the 45 days they didn't kill a single whale. If we can do that again this year and be there right when they get there, we've got a full quota on our side." The Gojira is Sea Shepherd's first Australian registered vessel, with Fremantle as designated as home port, and will have Australian citizens on board.

    In January the crew of Sea Shepherd's protest boat the Ady Gil claimed they were rammed by a Japanese whaling ship in the Southern Ocean but New Zealand authorities found both vessels were at fault. Mr Hansen said the federal government would be tested in its response if a similar incident occurred with the Gojira.

    "We hope the Australian government, if there's any issues down there, that they will step up and defend a vessel that's named and birthed as a home port in Australia and has Australian citizens on board," he said.

    "We hope the Australian government will have the guts to take on the whalers."

    The Age

    Sea Shepherd

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Sea Shepherd's new interceptor vessel targets whalers

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33 Acres of Forest Preserved by Walk Light Media’s Responsible Media Program

    NYC, New York (Nov 20, 2010) – Walk Light Media, through its Responsible Media Program (RMP) has preserved 33 acres of forest on behalf of advertisers using its online ad network.  Key Q4 contributions to the RMP include Smart USA, The Home Depot and CitiBank.

    The Responsible Media Program embeds corporate social responsibly and Cause Marketing awareness into the existing process of online media planning and buying. The program works by preserving an equal area of forest for every banner ad delivered on the Walk Light Media (WLM) ad network at no additional cost to advertisers.

    "This is a great milestone for WLM and our clients. For the first time companies have made a substantial environmental contribution through the normal course of business, online media buying." said Kirk Marsh of Walk Light Media. "By coupling solid actions to existing business processes the RMP is enabling companies to make positive environmental actions at no cost to them.  Sustainability in practice."

    RMP’s "Saving forests one banner at a time" works by calculating the area each banner advertisement occupies on a person's screen, multiplied by the millions of times an ad is displayed. This digital area is then converted to real forest floor area.  "The area of one banner in terms of forest floor does not seem like a lot but when you add up the millions of times that it is delivered it amounts to acres and acres of forest", said Kirk Marsh.

    A list of participating companies and web site publishers, along with the number of acres preserved can be found at www.walklightmedia.com/responsible-media.  The program is updated with new contributions quarterly.  

    Walk Light Media is an online ad network for sustainability, healthy lifestyle and conscientious consumerism. With 22 million monthly unique visitors and over 30 tier 1 publishers that cover a diverse spectrum including: Sustainable Business, Healthy Living & Beauty, Home, Food, Responsible Investing, Parenting and Green Employment. WLM founded the RMP as part of its core belief in social responsibility.

    Source : Walk Light Media

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33 Acres of Forest Preserved by Walk Light Media’s Responsible Media Program

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Boycott Launched to Save Imperiled Bluefin Tuna

    Consumers, Chefs, Restaurant Owners Urged To Avoid Buying or Serving Critically Endangered Species Suffering from Overfishing, Oil Spill

    SAN FRANCISCO: The Center for Biological Diversity today called on consumers, chefs and restaurateurs to boycott bluefin tuna, a staple at some sushi restaurants and one of the most imperiled fish on the planet. The boycott comes on the heels of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna’s refusal Saturday to halt overfishing and take measures to take bluefin off its current path toward extinction.

    “Bluefin tuna are teetering on the brink of extinction. If regulators won’t protect these magnificent fish, it’s up to consumers and restaurants to eliminate the market demand, and that means refusing to eat, buy or serve this species,” said Catherine Kilduff, a staff attorney for the Center, which petitioned for Endangered Species Act protection for the Atlantic bluefin tuna earlier this year.

    The boycott launched today calls on consumers in the United States and around the world to stop eating bluefin tuna sushi. The boycott covers restaurants in the United States that advertised bluefin tuna on their online menus as of last week, including Nobu in New York City, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles; Sushitaro in Washington, D.C.; and Kabuto Sushi in San Francisco.

    “The desperate plight of bluefin tuna has been well-known for years and, while some restaurants have rightly removed it from their menus, others continue to serve it. That has to stop if we’re going to keep this fish from slipping into oblivion,” Kilduff said.

    Bluefin tuna are a remarkable ocean species capable of growing up to 10 feet long, swimming at speeds up to 50 mph and crossing an entire ocean in just weeks. Unfortunately, the sushi market keeps prices for tuna high – a single bluefin tuna sold for $177,000 in 2010 – and encourages illegal and unreported fishing.

    Atlantic bluefin tuna have declined by more than 80 percent since 1970 due to overfishing. They suffered another blow in 2010 when the Gulf of Mexico oil spill fouled bluefin spawning habitat. Scientists estimate that 20 percent of juvenile bluefin in the area were killed.

    The International Union for Conservation of Nature already lists two species of bluefin, the Atlantic and the Southern, as endangered. The Pacific bluefin tuna is not yet listed but the National Marine Fisheries Service says the population is subject to overfishing. The Fisheries Service is still considering the Center’s request to protect Atlantic bluefin under the Endangered Species Act.

    Today’s boycott calls on consumers to sign a pledge not to eat bluefin or spend money at restaurants that serve it. It also urges chefs and restaurateurs to sign a pledge not to buy bluefin tuna or serve it at their establishments.

    “There’s a direct connection between consumer demand and the extinction crisis that the bluefin tuna faces today – and it’s time that connection be broken,” Kilduff said.

    To learn more, visit bluefinboycott.org.

    Source: Center for Biological Diversity

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As Climate Talks Open in Cancún, World Leaders Must Seek Steep Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Pollution

    CANCÚN, Mexico - World leaders begin meeting today in Cancún, Mexico, to address the global climate crisis against an ominous, but still hopeful, backdrop. This year will likely be the hottest on record. The rapid warming of the Arctic threatens the polar bear with extinction and the rest of the world with sea-level rise from the melting of the Greenland ice sheet; the global climate crisis puts many of the world’s other plants and animals at risk as well, including corals, birds, amphibians and mammals.

    “The United States needs to join the world in seeking a path to set the planet back on course toward a healthier, sustainable climate,” said Kassie Siegel, director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law Institute and one of several Center staffers in Cancún for the climate talks. “It’s time for the United States to heed the warning from scientists who say global greenhouse gas pollution must peak within the next five years — and decline steeply after that — if the world is to have a chance of avoiding catastrophic climate change.”

    The United States has already taken some significant steps, including the use of the Clean Air Act, one of the country’s most successful environmental laws, to curb carbon pollution. Still, much more needs to be done both domestically and abroad. First and foremost, world leaders must agree to commit to reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to 350 parts per million or less — the level scientists say is necessary to avoid the worst effect of climate change. (Current CO2 concentrations are around 387 ppm.)

    “Tens of thousands of people from across the globe are gathering in Cancún to demand action so the world can avert a climate disaster. Solutions are within our reach, and there’s still time for President Obama’s government to contribute to an agreement that will preserve a livable planet,” Siegel said. “We call on the Obama administration to join in a binding, science-based agreement among countries around the world that will immediately begin addressing this unprecedented global crisis.”

    For more information, visit the Center’s website about the Cancún climate talks.

    Source: Center for Biological Diversity

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As Climate Talks Open in Cancún, World Leaders Must Seek Steep Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Pollution

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Simple everyday answer to £50billion obesity problem

    Today’s Public Health White Paper announced by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has received a cautious welcome from UK charity Sustrans.

    Sustrans agrees with Lansley that “active travel and physical activity need to become the norm in communities” But the charity says much more commitment and detail are needed, particularly in reducing traffic speeds and volumes and in shifting transport investment to healthy ways of travelling.

    Philip Insall, Sustrans’ Heath Director, said, ‘Walking and cycling for everyday journeys are recognised as the most practical, inexpensive and accessible ways for people to include physical activity into their daily lives.

    ‘They are crucial elements in tackling the growing problem of obesity and related illnesses, and the huge costs that come with it – forecast to be £50 billion a year by 2050. The White Paper rightly recognises the importance of active travel, but it lacks detail on how the Health and Transport departments will make it happen. This is doubly disappointing given that walking and cycling measures are much cheaper, and much better value than traditional transport investment’.

    The London 2012 Olympic Games legacy aims to help at least 2 million people become more active. Sustrans has already shown how this can be done. In 2009 alone more than 2 million people were more physically active through walking and cycling on the National Cycle Network, more than half of whom were previously not active enough to benefit their health.

    Sustrans also helps 130,000 children every year to be more active by enabling them to make the school journey by foot or bike. The number of children cycling every day increased more than threefold, giving pupils a head start in healthy, active travel habits.

    Philip continues, ‘We are already demonstrating that if safe and attractive walking and cycling routes exist, people will use them. If schoolchildren are helped to overcome the barriers to travelling by foot or bike then they happily do so. Government policy needs to recognise this and respond to it with serious investment’.

    Source: Sustrans

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Elpis.com launches Double Takes photography competition

    The Art of Upcycling

    Elpis1Elpis.com, the social networking and online collaboration platform, has launched a photography competition to find the most original recycling schemes in the world and to celebrate the art of upcycling.

    Double Takes is open to any photo that shows a fun, innovative or unusual way of re-using or recycling everyday things. Submissions so far include:

    - A computer monitor converted into an aquarium.

    AquaComputer_sml1 - Old skis used to build a (cool) chair.

    - A handbag made of drinks can ring-pulls.

    The most popular image, as voted for by members of elpis.com, will win a top of the range digital SLR camera. Runners up will win prizes including OWL energy meters and Carbon Offsets.

    To enter, simply log-in to elpis.com and upload images. Vote for the best images, and share with friends. Entries close on 1st March, 2011. Full terms and conditions are available on http://www.elpis.com/think/en/contests.

    Source: Frontier Media

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Elpis.com launches Double Takes photography competition

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Snow reveals a different way of life, says Sustrans

    Snowfall across the UK has shown how our streets could be very different places to live, says UK charity Sustrans.


    With many vehicles immobile or travelling slower than usual due to the snow, children have had the chance to claim back their streets for play and more people are walking to school and work rather than relying on their cars.

    Sustrans launched its ‘Quality Streets’ campaign earlier this month, calling for 20mph speed limits in residential streets across the UK www.quality-streets.org.uk

    Malcolm Shepherd, Sustrans' CEO said: ‘Snow is a very real demonstration of how, when cars are slowed right down or taken off the roads completely, children take the opportunity to play freely outdoors, neighbours socialise, and people connect with their surroundings more. This is precisely the vision we have for Quality Streets.

    ‘The lack of opportunity for children to play safely in their own street and people to travel more safely on foot or bike is contributing to an obesity epidemic which puts the UK near the top of the world’s fat league tables.

    ‘Too many residential streets are clogged by traffic when they could be safe public spaces where children can play safely outside their front doors and travel independently.   The Government announced last week that it plans to measure UK quality of life and well-being in 2012, and having streets that are made for people to live in rather than traffic to drive through, could have a significantly positive impact on that.’

    Visit www.quality-streets.org.uk before the end of February, 2011 to lobby your local councillor for a 20mph street.

    The Sustrans website - www.sustrans.org.uk - has a free online map service to discover how to get around everyday on foot or by bike. Search for local or national routes, plot journeys, or find what the local area has to offer from schools, supermarkets and local landmarks to car clubs, bus stops and bike shops.

    Sustrans is the UK ’s leading sustainable transport charity. Its vision is a world in which people choose to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment. It is achieving this through innovative but practical solutions to the UK ’s transport challenges.

    This year Sustrans is marking the fifteenth anniversary of the National Cycle Network. On 11 September 1995, an award from the Millennium Commission enabled Sustrans to embark on the first 2,500 miles of a 6,500 mile National Cycle Network. The Network now extends to just over 12,600 miles and carries one million walking and cycling journeys every day.

    Sustrans is calling on UK governments to invest in doubling the number of journeys under five miles made by foot, bike and public transport to four out of five by 2020. Its current campaign for Quality Streets, www.quality-streets.org.uk, highlights the importance of slower speeds and encourages people to lobby their councillors for 20mph speed limits across whole villages, towns and cities.

    Wouldn’t life be great if the street outside your front door felt like your own space? Somewhere to chat with your neighbours, kick a ball with the kids, get about by foot and bike? Somewhere to give us all a better quality of life - a quality street. Sign up to our Quality Streets campaign and improve your local environment.

    Sustrans makes smarter travel choices possible, desirable and inevitable. We`re a leading UK charity enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day. It`s time we all began making smarter travel choices. Make your move and support Sustrans today.

    Source: Sustrans

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Snow reveals a different way of life, says Sustrans

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Call of the Wild underpins re-hab programme

    The freezing wind scythes across the hills and snow is starting to fall, but it's the food and the lack of cigarettes that the teenagers slumped on the sodden moss are complaining about. "Couscous!" says Ally. "What is that about? It's revolting. First thing I'm gonna do when I get back is head for a kebab. Doner." "Crisps," adds Lee. "Salt and vinegar McCoy's." The pair of them get lost in their culinary fantasies.

    It is day seven of a 10-day expedition, and none of the six participants aged from 16 to 18 has seen a shop, or a streetlight, or a shower, since they left "base camp". They are carrying everything – tents, sleeping bags and mats, aluminium pot and stove, changes of clothes and waterproofs, packets of foodstuffs – and wearing everything else: balaclavas and mittens, layers of thermal and fleece. Water comes from the ice-cold streams.The wilderness courses of the Venture Trust are pioneering work that has its roots in US boot camps. Their success with some of Scotland's toughest young offenders is winning over even the most sceptical in the criminal justice system. An Edinburgh-based charity, it works with 16- to 25-year-olds, taking them out into some of Britain's most inhospitable terrain, challenging antisocial attitudes and giving them the skills to change.

    "The idea is to be physically, emotionally and socially challenging," said Andy Ashworth, programme manager of Venture Trust. And here, several hours' walk from the nearest town, high in the mountains outside Inverness in the middle of November, there is no soft option. Five of the original 11 in the group have gone: one was medically unfit to go on, and the other four opted to go back to whatever the justice system had in store for them rather than face the challenge ahead.These teenagers come with different stories but with very similar themes: loss and tragedy, drink and drugs, parents who failed and parents who left, or died. Schools they were thrown out of and rails they came off. They have made their protests through violence and substance abuse. They've come from care homes and homeless hostels, secure units and young offenders institutions. They have been offered an alternative, often to their next custodial sentence – a chance to change.

    On the hills, the day's time keeper and navigator are appointed, the Ordnance Survey map and compass duly handed over and the huge backpacks hoisted. As they fall into step along the track, the snow clears and the mountains stretch out for miles, vast golden hills of moss and browned bracken.Noses run and Ally, 18, has a hacking cough. A good-looking boy with a ready wit, he shakes off sympathy. "It's the gunge clearing out. This is the longest without drugs in about six years. It's good, having a clear head, amazing. With drugs, it's like a tunnel you're in all the time. But out here," he says, "total wilderness, all the space in the world, it's good, you can think. Middle of nowhere, climbing mountains," he shakes his head. "I can't believe I've stuck it out. It's worth it, now I know I can change."

    According to Ashworth, these expeditions are a sharp shock for unfit city teens: "These are kids who don't know what success feels like, they recognise failure and because they know it they feel comfortable there. They can even try and sabotage themselves, right up until the end."

    Morning and afternoon, participants have intensive sessions in an outdoor classroom. Along with the therapeutic sessions aimed at changing behaviour, they have to get on with strangers and negotiate the group's survival. As darkness falls at 4pm, everyone stops to camp for the night. One of the group shouts out that they're pushing in tent pegs through an inch of marsh water: "I'm camping in a bog!""Don't worry," yells back one of the staff, "it'll be frozen over shortly."

    "I thought it would be like canoeing and mountain biking, and so you go to get the court off your back," says Lee, 17, his teeth chattering. "Then we get here… I've been locked up for most of my life so when you come here you think it's the same, like the screws in the jail, you know everything you say is being recorded somewhere. With social and probation workers, you know they're talking to you so they can show it to other people."But these guys, they're having an open conversation, it makes things less complicated. It boosts your confidence and makes you talk instead of keeping it all inside where it fucks your head. You can talk without feeling embarrassed. It's hard being here, but good," he says.

    Talk quickly dies away and the only noise is restless legs turning against tent sides and Ally's cough. The group is up before the sun. The staff knock on the snow-encrusted tents and, one by one, they tumble out of sleeping bags and straight into the freezing morning. Having agreed to a 7.30am start, there is no room for complaint.

    "I broke into a house when I was 12, ended up in the cells," Ally says over hot porridge. "After that I got arrested stealing. I got more and more jail. It didn't go slow like, it went really fast. My mum threw me out when she couldn't handle it and I was in a homeless unit. It was scary; I was just a kid. I'd sit in and take drugs, all through 13, 14, I'd wake shaking. I was hurting a lot of people, gangs. I had psychotherapy, physiotherapy, psychiatrists – they sit behind a desk and go, 'Open up'."For 19-year-old Sammy this is her second Venture Trust course. She's moved with her sister to a new town, away from old crowds. The daughter of a drug addict she was put in care aged eight, separated from her six-year-old sister. The anger stayed with her. "Now I can see ahead, I can take a step back, I'm taking charge of a new life."

    All of the participants have aspirations. Lee wants to be a chef. Duncan wants to join the forces. Gary wants to find a nice girl and settle down. Over the next 12 months they will be helped to make their way towards these goals. With the wilderness courses and the follow-on support, Venture Trust has lifted their chances from zero. Academic evaluations of the trust's work for 2008-2009 showed 83% of participants had changed behaviour and their circumstances, with 57% already in training or employment. Self-esteem had risen markedly in 98% of them.The staff are no pushover. Cheery but tough, they are there the minute there is a tantrum. They are also mountaineers and outdoor people, robust and unafraid of making relationships with these "untouchable" young people. The pay is low, and the emotional drain high, but the rewards are there.

    "You can see them change in front of you. We are constantly looking at our results, re-evaluating after every course. The key element is the relationships between staff and participants in a powerful survival setting. These people come from complex cultures, it's a long journey we are setting them on. But they don't forget this. It's tough, it's personal and they have no option but to concentrate," said Ashworth.

    "Some change a lot, some change a little, but they all change. This is the sharp end of youth work, it's not fashionable. But I know it works."As the group drop backpacks by the side of a frozen loch for a lunch break, Ally rattles out his tin and a packet of couscous. He's apparently over his aversion and is happily telling everyone that it's great with curry sauce.

    "When I go back I'm gonna say to people: 'I've walked for 10 days solid, I've carried everything I need on my back, I'd like to see you do that.' The more people help you the better you feel about yourself. Venture Trust are giving me the tools, so I can use them.

    "They make me feel like I'm a human being."
    The Guardian

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Call of the Wild underpins re-hab programme

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Masterplan: Update on play area in North Millfields

    Still awaiting an updated Masterplan map of Millfields from Hackney which takes on board the comments of the Millfields Users' Group and local residents. In the original version, which is posted on the Masterplan page of this blog, there were two natural play areas envisaged, one in North Millfields and one in South Millfields. A bit of an upper / lower Clapton divide if you ask me - you wouldn't guess it was one park. Anyway, both proposed sites attracted criticism and the funding that was earmarked for both seemed to disappear. I think, the latest plan is to have one site on South Millfields in a site which still is attracting criticism. Not sure why it can't be placed in the orchard, near the river where the mature planes are - this would seem a more appropriate setting for a 'natural' play area.

    Whilst we await a new map - I've attached below an update from Hackney on the play area in North Millfields which the Council has confirmed it has funding to improve and will be consulting residents on.

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Masterplan: Update on play area in North Millfields

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Winery promotes reusing rather than recycling used wine bottles

    No, really? Did someone read my question here on the Blog?cowhownwines

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    A southern Oregon winery is trying to reduce waste by spearheading "The Rinse Project". The idea is for winemakers to re-use bottles instead of recycling them curbside.

    Much of the carbon footprint of the wine industry comes from its bottles.

    wine bottles The “Rinse Project” – an effort to encourage winemakers to actually reuse old wine bottles, rather than simply recycling them, is being pioneered by Cowhorn Winery of southern Oregon.

    According to Barbara Steele, co-owner of Cowhorn Winery, as much as 90 percent of wine bottles end up in landfills… and, surprisingly, on roadways. That’s why Cowhorn is starting to send her winery’s used bottles to Wine Bottle Renew, a company that uses a high-tech method of cleaning glassware and providing the newly cleaned bottles for wineries to reuse. According to the Wine Bottle Renew website, “Every case of Renew wine bottles will offset the equivalent C02 emissions of 138 gallons of gasoline.”

    Steele’s behind the environmental mission of Wine Bottle Renew and as such, is not just making efforts for Cowhorn – she’s also encouraging other wineries to start considering quitting the curbside recycle habit in favor of reusing their bottles. For her, the logic is simple: “We’re going to be able to lessen our energy footprint and at the same time spend less time worrying about glassware so we can spend more time making fine wine.”

    This is absolutely great news that someone has actually taken heed of this and is tackling this issue and what can be done with wine bottles surely can also be done with glass jars and such. Why are we not, therefore, doing it?

    © 2010

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Winery promotes reusing rather than recycling used wine bottles

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Cycling – Fixing a puncture

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    remove-innertube The first thing when you own a bicycle is to learn how to fix a puncture (after learning how to ride it, obviously) and even a child can be taught how to do that already.

    Many who are taking up cycling now, as a means of keeping fit but primarily as a means of getting from A to B cheaply, often, while they may have learned how to ride a bike have never gotten to grips with the nitty gritty of doing any repairs, not even fixing a puncture. The one thing you do not want to do it to go and take the bike for repair for just a puncture; it will cost you more than a new inner tube. So DIY is called for.

    There are many, however, who do not have the faintest idea of how to actually fix a puncture and many seem to have more money than sense when they, because of a puncture, discard the bicycle and buy a new one rather than learning how to fix it.

    Maybe some also think it beneath them to work on a bicycle and get dirt, oil and grease on their fingers in this way. Something that might stain their fingers or a couple of days.

    A new inner tube for a bicycle costs you probably – in the UK – the equivalent of $8 while having someone fix it could cost you four times that much. The job is, however, so simple if you don't want to fix and just replace. Fixing is a little more time consuming but much cheaper.

    The Internet is full of instructions regarding this task and thus I am not about to reinvent the wheel by going through it step by step.

    A good idea, if you do take up cycling, is to get a small booklet, of one kind or the other, that tells you how to do the basic tasks. In some places those booklets are given away free even. Have a look at them and then practice. It is NOT difficult and could, nay will, save you lots of money.

    On the move have a spare inner tube or two with you, and a pump, obviously, so you can quickly fix a puncture by changing the tube and then, when back home, repair the actual damaged tube.

    RoSPA in the UK has put our a Bicycle Owner's Handbook which, on page 18 and 19, tells you how to fix a puncture. And that is just one of the things that it teaches you.

    Free books like those are worth their weight in gold for anyone taking up cycling and you, more than likely, can even download them from the Web.

    Like with a car, a well-maintained bicycle will be reliable and will last, and a bicycle, well-maintained and looked after, will, probably, last much, much longer than any car.

    © 2010

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Cycling – Fixing a puncture

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Cumbernauld plant leads the way on green power

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    A state-of-the-art plant at Cumbernauld which transforms food waste into renewable electricity and heat was officially declared operational on September 28, 2010 by Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead.

    The Deerdykes facility, created by Scottish Water Horizons, the public utility’s commercial and renewable energy business, is the largest organic recycling facility in Scotland and the first site in the UK to combine anaerobic digestion and in-vessel composting.

    Food waste is digested in the plant and can be converted into 8,000 megawatt hours of ‘green’ energy each year - enough electricity to power up to 2,000 homes.

    Mr Lochhead said: “In Scotland, we produce around two million tonnes of food waste each year. Preventing household food waste alone going to landfill is the equivalent of taking a staggering one in four cars off Scottish roads.

    “As part of our Zero Waste Plan, we aim to recycle 70 per cent of all waste by 2025, with just five per cent landfilled. As well as encouraging the reduction and recycling of waste, a zero waste society is about transforming it into a valuable resource. The new Deerdykes anaerobic digestion plant can process 30,000 tonnes of food waste each year, producing enough electricity to power up to 2,000 homes.

    “This is a greatly impressive facility and I congratulate Scottish Water Horizons for being at the forefront of organic recycling and renewable energy. I am confident that facilities such as Deerdykes – the largest in operation in Scotland – will make a significant contribution to a zero waste Scotland.”

    Mr Chris Banks, Scottish Water’s Commercial Director and Chairman of Horizons, said: “This new plant shows we’re leading the way not just on renewable energy but in helping Scotland towards its ambition of zero waste. As environmental and recycling targets become even tighter we expect others will follow the lead of Scottish Water Horizons.”

    30,000 tons of food waste a year

    The state-of-the art Anaerobic Digestion facility at Deerdykes, the site of a former waste-water treatment works, can handle 30,000 tonnes of food waste each year. The anaerobic digestion process breaks down the waste to produce biogas which can then be used to provide electricity to power the works itself with surplus offered to the National Grid or exported directly to local businesses.

    The plant also produces heat which could be used in district heating schemes for local homes and businesses in the Cumbernauld area.

    The process also creates nutrient rich digestate which can be used as a fertilizer to improve the Scotland's soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers whose manufacture has a significant environmental impact.

    Helping Scotland towards zero waste

    The Deerdykes Composting & Organics Recycling Facility at Cumbernauld was initially used to turn garden waste into compost, primarily converting local authority collections into environmentally friendly 'pod' compost.

    The facility benefited from a £1.7million grant from Zero Waste Scotland. Iain Gulland, Director of Zero Waste Scotland, said:

    "Anaerobic digestion has a huge role to play in creating a zero waste economy in Scotland, generating jobs and revenue from materials which we have always thought of as waste. Scottish Water Horizons should be congratulated for leading the way with this development.

    "Scotland's Zero Waste Plan is clear that organic waste, from food and other sources, should be recycled back into useful products which can, for example, help Scottish farmers grow food crops in a proper 'closed loop' approach. With anaerobic digestion there is an extra benefit of producing gas which can be used for sustainable heat or power. By supporting projects like this, Zero Waste Scotland aims to drive a huge increase in anaerobic digestion and composting."

    Scottish Water Horizons is also assessing the production of biomethane from biogas at Deerdykes. The intention is that this sustainable vehicle fuel would be used by Scottish Water's fleet.

    Reading the figure of 30,000 tons of waste food that the plant can handle a year one can but wonder how many tons in fact are wasted and dumped annually, primarily in landfill sites. The mind just boggles here.

    And, we all know, I am sure, that much of that food would not need to be wasted. Some of it is wastage in transit, we know that, but others is wastage in the form of fruit and veg with a little blemish here or there that greengrocers and supermarkets remove from their deliveries as they believe, and rightly so, often, that customers will not buy those.

    Years ago market traders and greengrocers would give away such fruit and vegetables to those that were poorer than the rest and people gladly accepted them. Today they are no longer permitted to do so, whether on markets or in shops. That is why we have so much food waste.

    I addition to that there is the fact that so many people today can no longer cook from scratch and also have no idea of how to use leftovers. Thus stuff ends up in the bin. A sad state of affairs.

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Cumbernauld plant leads the way on green power

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Non-CO2 Pollutants Are Promising Target in Cancun, Could Delay Warming by Several Decades

    Cancun, Mexico, November 28, 2010 – Led by the tiny Pacific island of the Federated States of Micronesia, a growing group of low-lying islands and other vulnerable countries are calling for fast action on the approximately 50 percent of global warming that is caused by pollutants other than carbon dioxide (CO2). The scientific case for such a strategy was laid out today, on the eve of the UN climate negotiations in Cancun, in an Op Ed in The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/28/opinion/28victor.html?_r=1&ref=opinion) by Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan, from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, and his colleague, Professor David Victor.

    Ramanathan and Victor highlight the importance of aggressively reducing CO2 emissions, but note that the road ahead will be long, difficult, and expensive, and that “in the meantime, a fast-action plan is needed.”

    The authors go on to say that reducing the non-CO2 pollutants can delay additional climate warming by several decades. Among the non-CO2 pollutants are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), methane, tropospheric ozone, and black carbon soot.  Technology is already available to reduce these climate-forcing agents, and doing so would produce strong collateral benefits. 

    For example, reducing emissions from open cooking and diesel vehicles could save many of the 1.9 million lives lost each year due to black carbon soot.  Reducing tropospheric ozone can improve public health as well as agricultural productivity. Methane is another potent climate warmer that needs to be targeted; capturing emissions from sources such as landfills and coal mines would benefit the climate system and the gas could then be used as a source of energy.

    Micronesia submitted a proposal last year to address these very climate warmers – black carbon, methane, and tropospheric ozone – under the UN climate treaty. Micronesia re-submitted their “Programme of Work on Opportunities for Near-Term Climate Mitigation” this year and it will be considered by Parties at the Cancun meetings over the next two weeks.

    “This is a critical opportunity that all of the Parties in Cancun need to be aware of now,” said Durwood Zaelke, President of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development, whose group supports action on non-CO2 and will be attending the Cancun meetings. “CO2 is the main game, but it’s pretty clear that progress on CO2 is not going to be quick or easy, and we still need to do something fast on climate to buy time – this is what reducing non-CO2 emissions can do for the world.”

    In addition to the Micronesia ’s proposal on near-term mitigation, there is another major opportunity for climate progress in Cancun : phasing down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol ozone treaty. This has been a parallel effort of Micronesia ’s for the last few years under the ozone regime, where HFCs are the current substitute for substances that deplete the ozone layer. The U.S. , Canada , and Mexico provided their support for this strategy through a separate, but similar “North American” proposal. At the treaty’s meeting earlier this month in Bangkok , 91 countries signed onto a declaration supporting the use of low-global warming potential substitutes instead of HFCs which can have hundreds to thousands the warming potential of CO2. The Parties included Micronesia and other small island nations, the Philippines , Indonesia , Bangladesh , Egypt , Congo , Nigeria , the 27 countries of the EU, as well as Japan , the U.S. , Canada , and Mexico .

    The Parties in Cancun can ensure success with this effort – and win a major climate prize of up to100 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent in mitigation – by directing the Montreal Protocol to take responsibility for production and use of HFCs (emissions are controlled by the Kyoto Protocol).

    “Fast action on HFCs and the other near-term climate warmers is essential for the survival of low-lying islands and other vulnerable States,” said Andrew Yatilman, Director of Micronesia’s Office of Environment and Emergency Management. “This is the time for action and we can do it now, right here in Cancun .”

    For more information, see:

    “To Fight Climate Change, Clear the Air” by Veerabhadran Ramanathan and David. G. Victor , New York Times (27 November 2010). http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/28/opinion/28victor.html?ref=opinion

    A Novel Tactic in Climate Fight Gains Some Traction” and “Support Grows for Expansion of Ozone Treaty”, New York Times.

    Mario Molina, Durwood Zaelke, K. Madhava Sarma, Stephen O. Andersen, Veerabhadran Ramanathan, and Donald Kaniaru, Reducing abrupt climate change risk using the Montreal Protocol and other regulatory actions to complement cuts in CO2 emissions,  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2009).

    Source: Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development

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Non-CO2 Pollutants Are Promising Target in Cancun, Could Delay Warming by Several Decades

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It's grim up north for rare Red Kites.

    Rare birds of prey reintroduced to Wharfedale over the past eleven years have continued to thrive this year, but more have fallen victim to poisoning. The Yorkshire Red Kite Project says the monitoring of breeding pairs of kites got off to a difficult start in 2010, and the hard winter may have accounting for some pairs vanishing from their old nest sites.
    More breeding pairs were spotted in West Yorkshire this year than in 2009, and at least 85 chicks were raised. Another 46 young kites were successfully raised in North Yorkshire, an increase of seven on those recorded last year.

    But the kites have continued to be poisoned, prompting those leading the project to call on people to report these incidents to the police. Six birds were poisoned in North Yorkshire this year, and a suspected of case of poisoning in West Yorkshire this month is under investigation.
    The large carrion-eating birds became extinct in England and Scotland around 150 to 200 years ago and re-introduced kites today are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
    From 1999 onwards, the Yorkshire Red Kite Project, based on the Harewood Estate, began releasing kites into the wild. The birds have since become a familiar sight in the skies over the Bramhope area, Menston and Burley-in-Wharfedale, and in the Washburn Valley.
    They are easy to recognise by their distinctive forked tail, rusty coloured plumage and habit of soaring with angled wings. 

    The project revealed earlier this year that since the kites project began, several birds killed by poison had been found in the Washburn Valley, and one in Clifton, near Otley.
    The kites projects’ latest newsletter has revealed that a total of 17 birds were found dead in Yorkshire this year. Four are thought to have died after feeding on poisoned bait, while another two are believed to have died as a result of eating dead rats or other creatures which have themselves been poisoned.

    The death toll included kite chicks in a nest in North Yorkshire.A bird released in 2003 was found dead of suspected poisoning in West Yorkshire this month. Test results are awaited.
    The Yorkshire Red Kite project said the widespread intensive use of anti-coagulent rodenticides represented the ‘greatest single threat’ to kites and other wild scavengers in the UK.
    The project team said: “It is imperative that manufacturers’ instructions are followed. Rats poisoned by rodenticides should be regularly collected up and safely disposed of to prevent them entering the food chains of kites and other scavenging species.”
    A further kite was shot in Cumbria, one of the first 30 birds released in the county in a new project.
    More birds have been found dead or injured in North and West Yorkshire in 2010, including some found dead on roads, one of their favourite places to search for carrion.

    Wharfedale & Airdale Observer 

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It's grim up north for rare Red Kites.

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Making Leaf Mold

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)Leaf Mold

    Now that the leaves, probably, have finally all come off the trees is the time to do some raking of them. But stop! Before you toss them into the green waste disposal for the council to get rid off them consider using them in your own garden.

    Make leaf mold from it which is a great product to cover your tender area with next winter, to cover your plant beds with for moisture retention and weed suppression, as well as a soil improver. Leaf mold is an excellent, free soil amendment. It is easy to make, simple to use, and has a huge impact on soil health. Leafmoldcage

    Leaf mold is a form of compost produced by the fungal breakdown of shrub and tree leaves, which are generally too dry, acidic, or low in nitrogen for bacterial decomposition. Leaf mold is the result of letting leaves sit and decompose over time. It is dark brown to black, has a pleasant earthy aroma and a crumbly texture, much like compost. In fact, leaf mold is just that: composted leaves. Instead of adding a bunch of organic matter to a pile, you just use leaves. However, unlike bacterial decomposition, as with ordinary compost, leaf mold is created, primarily, by fungal action.

    Due to the slow decaying nature of their high carbon content, dry leaves break down far more slowly than most other compost ingredients. This can be overcome either by placing the collected leaves wet in plastic bags (taking care to avoid collecting from areas that may be subject to high levels of pollution, e.g., roadsides), or in specially constructed wire bins, to encourage fungal action. To accelerate this fungal breakdown, it is useful to keep the leaves wet and avoid the drying effects of wind. The traditional wire enclosure may slow down the process by allowing the contents to dry out unless it is lined with cardboard or similar material.

    You may be wondering why you shouldn't just make compost. Why bother making a separate pile just for leaves? The answer is that while compost is wonderful for improving soil texture and fertility, leaf mold is far superior as a soil amendment. It doesn't provide much in the way of nutrition, so you will still need to add compost or other organic fertilizers to increase fertility. Leaf mold is essentially a soil conditioner. It increases the water retention of soils. According to some university studies, the addition of leaf mold increased water retention in soils by over 50%. Leaf mold also improves soil structure and provides a fantastic habitat for soil life, including earthworms and beneficial bacteria.

    Leaves alone can take between one and two years to break down into rich humic matter with a smell reminiscent of ancient woodland. While not high in nutrient content, leaf mold is an excellent humic soil conditioner. To speed up the decomposition process, fallen leaves can be shredded, for instance by using a rotary lawn mower.

    Use the lawn mower with a collection bag or box to collect the leaves. Set the mower on the highest setting in order not to get too much grass, and the machine will then, basically, vacuum up the leaves into the bag or box as you go along.

    Not only will this method collect the leaves. It will also chop them into small pieces as it goes along. This method saves many hours of leaf raking and collecting and especially the horrible job of trying to pick them up, especially as when you try doing this the wind will make itself up.

    Make a leaf bin using chicken wire and then empty the lawn mower collection bag into it. Simply hammer four wooden stakes into the ground and wrap the chicken wire around them to form a box. Adjust the size of the bin for the quantity of leaves you have.

    I am lucky this year in that I have gotten hold of a large old wire waste bin from a municipal park. It was destined to be scrapped and it is now going to be filled with as many leaves as I can get my little hands on.

    Late Fall is also the perfect time to start a new compost heap. Take a drive around your local industrial estates and look for sources of free pallets. Many businesses will be happy to give the pallets away for free, just try asking. Five pallets are enough for a basic, but sturdy compost heap.

    Another way of making leaf mold is in bags such as old fertilizer bags but make sure the bags you use are thin bags that let the light in or things will start to grow. From time to time check the contents and if the leaves are dry add a small amount of water to keep them moist.

    Leaf mold has several uses in the garden. You can dig or till it into garden beds to improve soil structure and water retention. You can use it as mulch in perennial beds or vegetable gardens. It's also fabulous in containers, due to its water retaining abilities. Leaf mold is simple, free, and effective. If you're lucky enough to have a tree or two (or ten) on your property, you've got everything you need to make great garden soil.

    Don't waste your leaves – and those of your neighbors, if they don't want them – and turn them into one of the most useful resources for growing your veggies.

    © 2010

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Making Leaf Mold

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Co-operative looks at possible BPA presence in receipt ink

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Co-opA chemical which has been linked to causing problems with foetuses and in young children may have been used in a supermarket chain's receipts.

    The head of sustainability for the Co-operative, Paul Monaghan, admitted he had been in talks with the supermarket's far eastern suppliers over the presence of Bisphenol A (BPA) in till receipts.

    Mr. Monaghan, who was speaking at the Environment Agency's annual conference in London on November 24, 2010 briefly mentioned the presence of Bisphenol A, also known as BPA during his presentation.

    Although, his mention was quick he was questioned on it by a member of the audience and further pushed by the conference chair BBC environment analyst Roger Harrabin.

    BPA, which was declared a toxic substance in Canada only in September this year, has been linked to causing development problems with unborn children, and in addition to that is being seen as the culprit in the loss of fertility on males, plus many other health problems of children and adults.

    It has, in the past, been widely used in consumer products, but scientific tests highlighted concerns about it in 2007 and since 2008 it has been mostly removed from consumer products, or at least so we are being told.

    It was not until last year that SIGG produced new bottles without BPA containing liners, Gaiam fell foul of the claim that its bottles did not contain BPA, and Nalgene had to change its polycarbonate material of the bottles as Canada made them do so.

    Responding to the questions from the floor, and Mr Harrabin, Mr Monaghan said he would demand BPA was removed.

    He said: "I say to the suppliers get rid of it, then we have a discussion. The start point is, if I can get rid of it, I will."

    © 2010

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Co-operative looks at possible BPA presence in receipt ink

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Compostable Packaging – Really?

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Time and again we read that this or that product has “compostable packaging” or that this or that product range at this or that supermarket is sold in “compostable packaging”. The question is what does “compostable packaging” really mean?

    The statement as to “compostable packaging” is very misleading indeed for while it is true that that kind of packaging, often PLA based plastics, is indeed compostable this only applies to commercial composting facilities. It will take years, if ever, to compost in a composter in your garden or on your compost heap.

    Most consumers, however, do not have that kind of knowledge and this extends as far as the compostable liners for kitchen caddy which, we are told, can be tossed onto the compost heap or into the composter with contents and will be gone within three months. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    How do I know? I have tried it. And even after two years the PLA plastic material still is not broken down completely.

    Thus, discernment is needed on the side of the consumer and stores and vendors better get their facts straight. You will be found out to do greenwashing and customers will not like you one bit for it.

    Too many stores and vendors claim to be green and ethical but engage in serious issues of greenwash on a n almost daily basis either totally unaware of the fact or simply in order to fleece the consumer. Which one is it?

    Let's call one out for starters, and this is the store where I like to do my general shopping; Sainsbury's. The claim is that the packaging on the “So Organics” range of foods is compostable but, as we have just come to see, this is only true to an extent in that the composting must happen in a commercial composting plant. The customer, however, is not told that and, I could bet my bottom dollar here, the great majority will believe that they can just toss it onto the compost heap and it will be gone in three months or such.

    Maybe Sainsbury's would be so kind as to rectify this and let customers know that this claim of compostability only applies properly if the stuff goes to the big commercial plants. The heat generated in a domestic compost heap or in a composter is just not great enough to create a proper breakdown process.

    Sainsbury's is, by no means, alone in this and others of the British supermarkets and others are equally guilty when it comes to such claims in the same way as when it comes to the milk in bags, the chopped tomatoes in cartons, etc. While it may reduce the waste, as in amount, most municipalities do not have the recycling facilities for such new items. Laminated packaging, for instance, cannot be processed and thus the claims of reducing the impact when going from tin cans to cardboard lined with tinfoil packs does not wash.

    May I suggest a serious rethink and honesty in green claims...

    © 2010

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Compostable Packaging – Really?

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Macedonia plants 7 million trees to revive its forests

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    What a brilliant idea!

    macedonian tree planting Skopje, MK, November 28, 2010: Macedonians took a day off work on Friday, November 26, to plant seven million trees as part of a project started in 2008 to revive fire-ravaged forests in the landlocked Balkan country.

    "The main goal of the 'Plant together for all of us' initiative is to protect the environment and increase ecological awareness among citizens, especially to bring together children and parents to plant the trees together," said organiser, opera singer Boris Trajanov.

    About seven million nursery plants – mostly cypresses and pine trees – were planted at around 80 sites throughout the country, he said. Trajanov and his associates, backed by the government, launched the action in March 2008 after raging fires ravaged about 35,000 hectares (86,500 acres) of greenery in Macedonia.

    Since then more than 20 million trees have been planted in planting days held twice a year, in March and in November.

    Trajanov, a prominent Macedonian opera singer and UNESCO Artist for Peace, said the initiative "has gained popularity and massiveness" in the past two years. "Now you can often see people planting trees in their yards and neighbourhoods," he said.

    Every summer wildfires destroy thousands of hectares of forests in Macedonia, especially in the southern part of the country. They are mostly caused by human error, but also high summer temperatures in summer.

    Experts said that restoring the damaged ecosystem could take up to 50 years.

    This is certainly an initiative that would not go amiss in many another country, including the UK and the USA.

    Planting forests, for amenity and commercial use, also help to absorb carbon (and other pollutants) out of the atmosphere. So why don't we all get down to planting a few trees or hundred?

    © 2010

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Macedonia plants 7 million trees to revive its forests

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Brecon Beacons rescue in 'Alaskan conditions'

    "more like Alaska than south Wales".Photo Brecon MRT

    Heavy snow prevented an RAF helicopter landing two mountain casualties at three south Wales hospitals before it finally touched down at a fourth.
    The helicopter was called to the Brecon Beacons to airlift a 70-year-old man with a leg injury and hypothermia, and a mountain rescuer with a head wound. But the weather meant it could not land in Merthyr, Cardiff or Llantrisant.The helicopter from RAF Chivenor, Devon, eventually left the patients at Morriston Hospital, Swansea.

    The drama began on Friday as heavy snow swept across Wales, and members of the Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team were called to a light aircraft crash just below Pen y Fan, south Wales' highest mountain.
    As it turned out, the team were not needed after the pilot freed himself. But shortly afterwards they and members of other rescue teams were called to another incident just below Pen y Fan, where a man had injured his leg. Huw Jones, of the Central Beacons team, said it took about five hours to reach and rescue him at about 1830 GMT. During the operation a rescuer slipped and suffered a head injury.

    The helicopter was on standby at Swansea Airport and during a small break in the weather it was called in and landed on the closed road between Storey Arms and Merthyr to brief the crew. Rescuers praised "an incredible bit of flying" by the helicopter to reach the casualties in conditions they described as "more like Alaska than south Wales".

    "In all my years in mountain rescue, I struggle to say when I remember seeing a helicopter crew flying in those conditions," said Mr Jones.But the crew was forced to abort attempts to land at the nearest hospital, Prince Charles in Merthyr, and then at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff and the Royal Glamorgan in Llantrisant, before finally managing it at Morriston.

    The 70-year-old man was treated for a broken leg and the mountain rescuer was sent home with concussion.Mr Jones said the weather forecast for coming days brought higher risks for walkers, and said they should take crampons and an ice axe.

    BBC Wales

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Brecon Beacons rescue in 'Alaskan conditions'

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Lawsuit Filed Over EPA Refusal to Address Lead Poisoning of Wildlife

    SwansLeadPoisoning WASHINGTON – Conservation and hunting groups today sued the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to regulate toxic lead that frequently poisons and kills eagles, swans, cranes, loons, endangered California condors and other wildlife throughout the country. The EPA recently denied a formal petition to ban lead in fishing tackle and hunting ammunition despite long-established science on the dangers of lead poisoning in the wild, which kills millions of birds each year and also endangers public health.

    “The EPA has the ability to protect America’s wildlife from ongoing preventable lead poisoning, but continues to shirk its responsibility,” said Jeff Miller, conservation advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity. “The EPA’s failure to act is astonishing given the mountain of scientific evidence about the dangers of lead to wildlife. There are already safe and available alternatives to lead products for hunting and fishing, and the EPA can phase in a changeover to nontoxic materials, so there’s no reason to perpetuate the epidemic of lead poisoning of wildlife.”

    In August, a coalition of groups formally petitioned the EPA to ban lead in bullets and shot for hunting and in fishing tackle under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The petition referenced nearly 500 peer-reviewed scientific papers illustrating the widespread dangers of lead poisoning to scavengers that eat lead ammunition fragments in carcasses, and to waterfowl that ingest lead in spent shot or lost fishing sinkers. The groups filing today’s lawsuit are the Center for Biological Diversity, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and Project Gutpile, a hunters’ organization. Since the original petition was filed, more than 70 organizations in 27 states have voiced support for the lead ban, including those representing veterinarians, birders, hunters, zoologists, scientists, American Indian groups, physicians and public employees.

    “Having hunted in California for 20 years I have seen firsthand lead poisoning impacts to wildlife from toxicity through lead ammunition,” said Anthony Prieto, cofounder of Project Gutpile, a hunters’ group that provides educational resources for lead-free hunters and anglers. “Although many more sportsmen are now getting the lead out, the EPA must take action to ensure we have a truly lead-free environment. It’s time to make a change to non-lead for ourselves and for future generations to enjoy hunting and fishing with a conscience.”

    “Over the past several decades Americans chose to get toxic lead out of our gasoline, paint, water pipes and other sources that were poisoning people. Now it’s time to remove unnecessary lead from hunting and fishing sports that is needlessly poisoning our fish and wildlife,” said Karen Schambach of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. “Today’s action is a step to safeguard wildlife and reduce human health risks posed by lead.”

    The EPA denied the portion of the petition dealing with regulation of lead ammunition based on an incorrect claim that the agency lacks the authority to regulate toxic lead in ammunition. The EPA asserted that shells and cartridges are excluded from the definition of “chemical substances” in the Act. That claim is contradicted by the legislative history of the Toxic Substances Control Act, which provides clear authority to regulate hazardous chemical components of ammunition such as lead. Earlier this month the EPA also issued a final determination denying the portion of the petition on fishing sinkers, even though the agency itself had proposed banning certain lead fishing weights in 1994.

    Hunters and anglers in states that have restricted or banned lead shotgun ammunition or fishing gear have already made successful transitions to nontoxic alternatives; fishing and hunting in those areas remains active. Alternatives continue to be developed, including the U.S. military’s transition toward bullets made of non-lead materials.

    For more information, read about the Center’s Get the Lead Out campaign.

    Source: Center for Biological Diversity

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187,000 Square Miles Designated as Polar Bear Critical Habitat in Alaska

    PolarBears WASHINGTON – More than 187,000 square miles (approximately 120 million acres) along the north coast of Alaska were designated today as “critical habitat” for the polar bear as a result of a partial settlement in an ongoing lawsuit brought by the Center for Biological Diversity, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Greenpeace against the Department of the Interior. This designation under the Endangered Species Act is intended to safeguard those coastal lands and waters under U.S. jurisdiction that are vital to the polar bears’ survival and recovery.

    The habitat rule comes at a critical juncture for the polar bear. The Interior Department is under court order to reconsider by Dec. 23 elements of its 2008 decision to list the polar bear as “threatened,” rather than the more protective “endangered” — a decision that could affect whether the Endangered Species Act can be used as a tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the primary threat to the species. At the same time, the Interior Department is also considering whether to allow oil companies to drill for oil in the polar bear’s newly designated critical habitat in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas off Alaska.

    “The critical habitat designation clearly identifies the areas that need to be protected if the polar bear is to survive in a rapidly melting Arctic,” said Brendan Cummings, senior counsel with the Center for Biological Diversity. “However, unless the Interior Department starts to take seriously its mandate to actually protect the polar bear’s critical habitat, we will be writing the species’ obituary rather than its recovery plan.”

    Federal agencies are prohibited from taking any actions that may harm or damage — the legal term is “adversely modify” — critical habitat.   Species that have critical habitat designated are more than twice as likely to be recovering, and less than half as likely to be declining, as those without it.

    “Polar bears are slipping away,” said Andrew Wetzler, Director of NRDC's Land and Wildlife Program. “But we know that there are crucial protections that can keep them around. Today’s designation is a start, especially in warding off ill-considered oil and gas development in America’s most important polar bear habitat.”

    In May 2008, the Interior Department listed the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. At the same time, Interior issued a special rule exempting greenhouse gas emissions from being regulated as a result of the listing. A court challenge to this regulation by the Center for Biological Diversity, NRDC and Greenpeace is ongoing.

    “Designating polar bear critical habitat is a good first step toward protecting this species,” said Melanie Duchin, a Greenpeace campaigner in Anchorage, Alaska. “However, as long as the secretary of the interior maintains that he can do nothing about greenhouse emissions and global warming, protections for the polar bear will ultimately be ineffective.”

    Scientists have made it clear that polar bears need help soon. Global warming is melting the sea ice the bears depend on to hunt, mate and raise cubs. If current greenhouse gas trends continue, scientists predict two-thirds of the world’s polar bears — including all the bears in Alaska — will probably be gone in 40 years and possibly well before then.

    Source: Center for Biological Diversity

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Show Off Your Label Fairtrade Fortnight 28 February - 13 March 2011

    Do you love the fact that you buy Fairtrade products and campaign for trade justice whenever possible to help support farmers, workers, their families and communities in developing countries. Well, then you could qualify for the Fairtrade Foundation’s competition to find the biggest Fairtrade show off’s in the UK as part of next year’s Fairtrade Fortnight (28 February – 13 March 2011) themed Show Off Your Label.

    Fairtrade Fortnight is the Fairtrade Foundation’s annual awareness raising campaign to promote the difference that Fairtrade makes to millions of people in developing countries. It is also when businesses, Fairtrade supporters and stakeholders such as NGO’s, come together to organise thousands of events around the country to get people buying and understanding the impact of Fairtrade, and, the global need for fairer trade. The Fairtrade Foundation and 100% Fairtrade companies like Café Direct, Divine and Liberation, also bring Fairtrade producers over to tour the country and meet campaign groups, schools and faith groups. Producers coming over this year include a banana farmer from the Windward Islands, a small-holder coffee farmer from Tanzania and a cotton farmer from India.

    To help kick start events, the Fairtrade Foundation has once again produced an ideas-packed Fortnight Action Guide to inspire and enthuse people. The guide and website contain ideas on everything from extreme labelling activities; Fairtrade bake-offs to show off both your culinary skills and showcase Fairtrade products; creating your own pop-up restaurant in your own home with creative sample menus; to using Fairtrade cotton bunting, available free of charge, to decorate events. In fact, the main campaign focus in 2011 will be on Fairtrade cotton which is currently celebrating its fifth anniversary, with people being asked to help break the world record for the longest length of cotton bunting.

    More than 10 million West African people rely on cotton for a living but because of unfair trade practices are still living in poverty. Even though one in four people say they have bought Fairtrade certified cotton products in the UK, still less than 1% of cotton fashion on the high street carries the FAIRTADE Mark. Fairtrade cotton guarantees a Fairtrade minimum price as well as a Fairtrade premium for investment in social development projects such as water, education and healthcare.

    With most West African cotton farmers earning less than $1 a day and subsidies paid to European and North American cotton farmers depressing world prices, it’s becoming practically impossible for small-scale farmers in West Africa to compete. Next year is a crucial opportunity for Fairtrade campaigners to make a noise about the situation at the tenth anniversary of the WTO Doha Development Round.

    The Show Off Your Label theme was inspired by Fairtrade campaigners who each year love showing off their passion for Fairtrade, with ingenious events combining fun with a serious message. Over the years, there have been all sort of exhibitionist antics – from human Fairtrade tea-bags to a Fairtrade banana world record eating events.

    “In today’s world, many people see labels as a way of defining themselves. Choosing products with the FAIRTRADE Mark too says a lot about a person’s lifestyle and values,” says Barbara Crowther, Director of Policy and Communications at the Fairtrade Foundation.

    In addition to Action Guides, a range of promotional materials such as posters and banners with catching slogans like Parade your Fairtrade peppercorns, Laud your Fairtrade lemons, Shout about their Fairtrade Socks, are available for events in canteens and offices. ‘Showing off’ will give people the opportunity to share their enthusiasm for Fairtrade and Fairtrade products and to tell the story of the people behind the products.

    The FAIRTRADE Mark is the only label which gives groups of farmers and producers the means to improve their livelihoods through the guaranteed minimum price and premium for social, environmental and business projects. Around 7.5 million people (farmers, workers, their families and communities) – across 58 developing countries in the developing world benefit from the international Fairtrade system.
    The number of Fairtrade towns now stands at 500. There is also a growing international movement of Fairtrade Towns in 18 countries; around 6,000 Fairtrade Faith groups; almost 5,000 registered schools in the Fairtrade Schools Scheme; and 127 Fairtrade universities and colleges.

    Source: Fairtrade Foundation

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

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Show Off Your Label Fairtrade Fortnight 28 February - 13 March 2011

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Faroese Whale Slaughter...the blood dimmed tide.

    "The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned....' WB Yeats

    Tradition hides a multitude of sins. In the case of the dour Faroese, inhabitants of that far flung North Atlantic group of islands between the UK and Denmark, tradition demands that pilot whales are slaughtered in seasonal whale hunts which see hundreds of these creatures driven into bays to be butchered alive. Appropriately.... by the descendants of Vikings. A race not known for their peaceful coexistence with other creatures..human or animal !
    Now the Faroese government has been accused of ignoring scientific evidence over safety of whale meat as record number of pilot whales are slaughtered.
    The Faroese government is putting the health of consumers at risk by allowing the sale and consumption of highly controversial whale meat to continue despite repeated scientific warnings over the foodstuff's high levels of contamination from mercury and other chemicals, pressure groups this week claimed.

    The allegation came as it emerged that a record 1,115 pilot whales have been slaughtered on the Faroe Islands in 2010 so far - the largest quota recorded since 1996.

    The hunt, which is carried out annually, is opposed by environmental and animal welfare campaigners who say the whale killing is cruel and unnecessary. The Faroese authorities maintain the hunt is sustainable and an important food source for the islands, a semi-autonomous region of Denmark situated 200 miles north of Scotland.

    Due to their position near the top of the marine food chain, pilot whales accumulate higher levels of mercury contaminants and organochlorines - potentially harmful to human health - than creatures lower down the chain, according to activists.

    In 2008 the Faroe Island’s chief physician, Dr. Pál Weihe, and chief medical officer, Dr. Høgni Debes Joensen, recommended that pilot whale meat should no longer be used for human consumption because of the significant threat it poses. 
    Research has suggested that consumption of contaminated whale products could have adverse effects on the development of the nervous system in foetal development, increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and hypertension, and cause immune system defects.

    The Faroese government acknowledges that pilot whale meat and blubber can have high levels of contamination, but recommends consumers be guided by advice it issued in 1998 stating that one or two pilot whale meals per month are safe to consume. It does advise that pregnant women, or those breast-feeding, should avoid pilot whale meat.

    Jennifer Lonsdale, of the Environmental Investigation Agency, this week said: 'Hunts in 2010 have produced about 550 tonnes of pilot meat and blubber for the 49,000 islanders. This equates to 11kg for every islander, including babies – almost 1kg per month per person. This is about five times 1998’s supposedly safe consumption recommendations, and it completely ignores the more recent warning not to eat pilot whale at all.'

    Because not everyone consumes pilot whale meat, the campaign group argues that some people will be consuming much larger amounts.

    Earlier this year, a coalition of environment and animal welfare organisations called on the World Health Organisation to issue guidelines on the safe consumption of whale meat.This latest clash over the health implications of pilot whale meat consumption is part of an ongoing conflict between Faroese whalers and campaigners who want to see the hunt outlawed.

    Additional reporting The Ecologist

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Faroese Whale Slaughter...the blood dimmed tide.

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