'Mindless vandalism' in the Llanberis Slate Quarries

    The Caban with the quarrymen's coats and clogs in the background:Photo-Ben Cooper

    Outdoor activists in North Wales are incensed at the mindless vandalism perpetrated on industrial artifacts in the long abandoned Dinorwic Slate Quarry above Llanberis.
    Scattered amongst the old cutting sheds,
    wheel houses and inclines is a well preserved 'caban' -a workers hut- which was used by the quarrymen as a rest room and canteen. Ever since the quarry closed in 1969, the Caban has been left just as it was the day it was abandoned with quarrymen's coats and clogs left hanging on pegs and set out on benches.
    However, it has been reported that these iconic fragments of North Wales' industrial heritage have been used to make a bonfire by person's unknown. Walkers and climbers who frequent the impressive ramparts above Llanberis have made their feelings known through various outdoor community forums.
    The slate quarries have become one of North Wales' most important sites for cutting edge rock climbs. An activity which exploded into life in the early 1990's although legendary local climber Joe Brown put up routes in the huge 700' pit of Twll Mawr....literally 'Big Hole'..as early as the 1960's.

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'Mindless vandalism' in the Llanberis Slate Quarries

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