Danny MacAskill ..the sky's the limit !

    Danny MacAskill

    Biker Danny MacAskill put Edinburgh on the world trials riding map last year when a video of him pulling stunts on city landmarks became a hit on YouTube. It has been viewed more than 21,500,000 times and changed his life over night.
     He was featured in the New York Times and suddenly his hobby became a job, with keen sponsors knocking at his door.

    One of his sponsors, Red Bull, got in touch with Guardian Edinburgh to ask if they would be keen to host his new film in full on the blog. They posted a teaser clip a couple of months ago and the good response confirmed the belief that there are some keen cyclists visiting the site. So the full video can be seen below.

    The film, titled Way Back Home, is again filmed by MacAskill's friend Dave Sowerby. It documents the biker on a journey north to his real home of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye. Along the way, he rides past, over, under and through some familiar Edinburgh landmarks.

    Starting with Edinburgh Castle, he also pulls tricks at the Bass Rock in the Forth, South Queensferry's promenade and the historic Inchgarvie Island. The flip off the castle walls wasn't easy, MacAskill tells us:
    "One of the hardest tricks in the film was probably the front flip off Edinburgh Castle as it was blowing a force ten hooly! It was also raining really heavily, if it wasn't for that it would have been easy.
    "My favourite spot in the riding clip is probably the bakery wall ride in my local village. I found it by walking out of the bakery with a big pasty! And then I saw the grass bank and the wall and thought I could maybe jump up there one day."

    It is hard to believe that it has been barely more than a year since the Inspired Bicycles rider posted that video on YouTube. But he remains humble about the speed of his success:
    "I still can't believe the first video reached so many people that actually liked it and passed it on. I mean, even Lance Armstrong thought it was a must see! Now I get to make another, even crazier video and basically ride my bike as a job. It doesn't get any better than this." 

    Watch the video here

    The Guardian

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Danny MacAskill ..the sky's the limit !

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