Is the State of Texas turning into a theocracy?

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Govnr Perry First we have only Creationism allowed to be taught in schools in Texcas – no mention must be made of Darwin and evolution. Now the Governor, in the face of the worst drought for a long time in the State, calls for a Day of Prayer for Rain via a Governor's Proclamation.

    This proclamation, more or less, made it compulsory for Texians to join this prayer crusade for rain, and somewhere along the line it would appear that the Governor has not noticed that there should be a separation of church and state in the USA.

    Creationism is as much a “joke” as it total Darwinism simple because evolution cannot explain many things but neither can creationism on its own.

    The chicken and the egg question could be brought into the conversation and equation here and it still remains an unanswered question.

    If we would still be running with the belief that the Bible alone gives the answers and that science, including and especially evolution has no place in our schools, we would still believe and teach that the Earth is flat. In fact I am wondering as to whether the Governor is someone who does hold that belief, maybe.

    To start running around like a headless chicken when a lake turns red from poisonous algae and to claim it as the sign of the End Times is about as far fetched as the garbage that was being spread by the man from – no, not Delmonte – Family Radio.

    A reality check is called for: The Scriptures mention water courses running red “with blood”, or “from blood”, depending on the translation, and not “like blood”. You may begin to panic once you do find rivers and lake being turned red with or from blood. Until then, however, stay calm and keep taking the tablets.

    I would suggest that people in Texas keep a very close eye on the antics of their Governor before he turns their great State into a theocracy on Christian lines in a similar vein to Iran.

    Enough religious communities and communes have gone down the tube, being led astray by their leaders, and this could also happen with a charismatic enough person at the helm of a State such as, and especially, Texas.

    When the attendance of Church on Sunday is being made compulsory (again) I would suggest that the time has then come to leave in a hurry and head for them there hills, or even the big open spaces elsewhere.

    Be vigilant people of the Lone State State.

    © 2011

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Is the State of Texas turning into a theocracy?

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