Millfields Park mugger jailed for four years

    Back in December we posted a warning that we'd received from someone whose partner had been mugged crossing Millfields north one evening mugging-on-north-millfields. Hackney Hive also reported it had been told about muggings. Councillor Rathbone issued a statement through the Millfields User Group dismissing the report saying it was a "hearsay episode" and " I think it is important that this correction goes out as the previous statement tends to blight the area and panic people unnecessarily”. Local police also denied the reports.It's extremely disappointing, therefore, to find out that muggings have been taking place in and around the park and that neither Cllr Rathbone or the Police Neighbourhood Team thought it might be a good idea to advise local people.

    Millfields Park mugger jailed for four years - News - Hackney Gazette

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Millfields Park mugger jailed for four years

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