In the wake of a series of devastating tornado events earlier this year, Alabama recently announced its 2-day state GIS conference would be devoted entirely to natural and man-made disaster response. The Rocket City Geospatial and Alabama GIS Conference will be held in Huntsville, AL, on November 15, 16. Event keynote will be delivered by Spencer Collier, Alabama's Director of Homeland Security.
Registration information, call for presentations, agenda and more can be found here.
Comment: Alabama has been exceptionally progressive in seeing geospatial technologies as intergral to emergency preparedness and response. Their development of Virtual Alabama following Katrina, has served as a guidepost for similar efforts by the federal government (Virtual USA) and several states, to include Minnesota.
Registration information, call for presentations, agenda and more can be found here.
Comment: Alabama has been exceptionally progressive in seeing geospatial technologies as intergral to emergency preparedness and response. Their development of Virtual Alabama following Katrina, has served as a guidepost for similar efforts by the federal government (Virtual USA) and several states, to include Minnesota.
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→Alabama Devotes Entire State GIS Conference to Emergency Response
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