Energy Infrastructure Tops Bill at European Future Energy Forum this October

    World-class business leaders will be gathering for three days of intense discussions on the future of energy at the European Future Energy Forum in London, October 19-21, 2010. Top of the agenda will be European energy infrastructure and the changes we are going to see in the future to drastically cut emissions.

    Leading the discussion will be Philip Lowe, Director-General Energy, European Commission, Nick Winser, Executive Director, National Grid, Dr Chuan Zhang, Programme Manager, The Crown Estate and Fintan Slye, Operations Director, EirGrid all of whom are planning to deliver expert insight on infrastructure developments now and for the future. Ulrik Stridbæk, Manager of Regulatory Affairs, DONG Energy and Guy Nicholson, Head of Grid and Regulation, renewableUK are also expected to give their views on policy decisions that are needed to effect change in how we consume energy in Europe.

    A dedicated energy infrastructure conference stream will run on both day 2 and day 3 of the forum, October 20 and 21. The stream will look at smart grids, super grids, the challenges of integrating renewables in the grid, carbon capture storage and energy storage. Exciting speakers who will be presenting showcases include Kasper Lou, Senior Manager, Analysis and Regulatory Affairs, DONG Energy, Simon Bennett, CCS Project Network Manager, European Commission and Stephen Clarke, CEO, Applied Intellectual Capital.

    When asked about the smart grid, another high-anticipated speaker, Philippe Delorme, Strategy & Innovation Executive VP, Schneider Electric said: "The deployment of the smart grid and intelligent electrical distribution network should be done quickly, not only to respond to the demands of the new technology for network managers and operators but above all to take into account the expectations of the consumer as well as the new uses for energy that they are developing."

    Carbon Capture and Storage is viewed as an essential technology in the drive to reduce global carbon emissions, whilst maintaining the security of energy supply. This session brings together leading speakers to discuss the status of CCS as well as the progress on various industrial scale projects, while highlighting the current challenges and drivers for the industry.

    The CCS session will be chaired by Ed Crooks, Energy Editor, Financial Times and will include contributions from Prof Jim Skea OBE, Research Director, UK Energy Research Centre, Jeff Chapman, Chief Executive, UK Carbon Capture and Storage Association and Sam Nader, Director, Masdar Carbon.

    A session on the challenge of integrating renewables into the grid will offer expert insight into one of the leading issues facing renewable energy deployment. The session will look at the energy supply chain, the issue of intermittency and smart grids and interconnectors. Colin Henry, Business Development Manager – Smart Grid, Siemens Energy says: “The world is facing one of the biggest challenges it has ever faced with escalating climate change and the need to develop new low carbon energy supplies to replace fossil fuels. Smart Grid offers a long term sustainable solution to this challenge by creating the infrastructure to integrate and optimise our energy resources from distributed sources. It will enable us to meet the pressures placed on our rapidly expanding cities and ensure that we have reliable and sustainable sources of energy.”

    Energy storage will wind up the infrastructure stream of the European Future Energy Forum, looking at batteries, large-scale storage and super capacitors for heat, electricity and vehicles. Speakers include Andrew Haslett, Director Strategy Development, Energy Technologies Institute and Phil Barker, Chief Engineer, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Lotus Engineering and Garry Staunton, Technology Director, Carbon Trust Innovations.

    The European Future Energy Forum will cover all elements of future energy solutions including the highest level of decision making and investment and funding solutions to really make a difference. Other conference streams include renewable energy, eco-transport, future energy finance, green buildings and green cities. Plenary sessions on October 19 involve a world future energy leaders panel discussion on ‘Bridging the gap between developed and developing nations’ and a future energy movers and shakers panel discussion on ‘Where is the money coming from to fund the new energy revolution?’

    Alongside the conference, EFEF 2010 will feature a prestigious exhibition that will accommodate thousands of visitors and offer up to 200 of the region’s leading renewable energy suppliers, space to demonstrate solutions and business opportunities for the environmental technology market.

    The exhibition hall is also the meeting place for round table sessions, networking lunches, refreshment breaks and private business meetings. There are limited stands still available. See for further details and the full conference programme or contact the team on

    The European Future Energy Forum is an initiative developed with Masdar (Abu Dhabi’s multi-faceted, multi-billion dollar investment in the development and commercialisation of innovative technologies in renewable, alternative and sustainable energies) and part of the Future Energy Event series of events that includes the World Future Energy Summit held annually in Abu Dhabi.

    The first European Future Energy Forum was launched with great success in 2009 in Bilbao, Spain and saw 3,638 attendees from 43 countries worldwide attend. The format of the event is based on creating a vibrant environment where high-level debate can take place on through a large conference platform, as well as knowledge exchanging workshops, small round table discussions and international networking and business meetings.

    The content of EFEF2010 will cover:

    • European Policy

    • Investment and funding

    • Green buildings

    • Clean transport

    • Solar photovoltaic

    • Solar thermal

    • Wind

    • Biofuels

    • Ocean power

    • Geothermal

    • Waste to energy

    • Fuel cells

    • Carbon management

    • Environment strategy

    • Nuclear

    • Hydroelectric Power

    This event brings together businesses and organisations that have solutions and opportunities for the global renewable energy and environmental technology market with large international investors and government decision makers. For further information see

    UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the government organisation that helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy. We also help overseas companies bring their high quality investment to the UK’s economy – acknowledged as Europe’s best place from which to succeed in global business. UKTI offers expertise and contacts through its extensive network of specialists in the UK, and in British embassies and other diplomatic offices around the world. We provide companies with the tools they require to be competitive on the world stage.

    For more information visit:

    The Masdar Initiative is Abu Dhabi’s multi-faceted, multi-billion dollar investment in the development and commercialisation of innovative technologies in renewable, alternative and sustainable energies as well as sustainable design.

    Masdar is driven by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC), a wholly owned company of the government of Abu Dhabi through the Mubadala Development Company. In January 2008, Abu Dhabi announced it will invest $15 billion in Masdar, the largest single government investment of its kind.

    For more information about the Masdar Initiative, please visit

    The European Future Energy Forum is a joint venture between Turret Middle East and Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Turret Middle East a leading organiser of events and foundation partner of the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, launched the World Future Energy Summit and series of events with Masdar in 2007, before selling a share of the portfolio to Reed Exhibitions. For more information see

    Bilbao Exhibition Centre was host to the first European Future Energy Forum and continues to be a major stakeholder in the organisation of the event. As well as being one of the most modern trade fair and congress venues in Europe, they also organise a number of leading events of international profile in various sectors. For more information see

    Source: European Future Energy Forum

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Energy Infrastructure Tops Bill at European Future Energy Forum this October

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