Ramblers slam worthless eco pact with energy industry.

    Critics of the government and devolved administrations' energy policies have long lamented the almost parasitic relationship groups like the RSPB and Friends of the Earth have with the state and the multi national corporations. Pointing out that the protection of the wilderness areas from industrialisation and the low priority placed on landscape preservation when it comes up against multi million pound power plant investment, places such organisations as virtually in the pocket of the state and it's corporate chums !

    One organisation which can claim to be above criticism in this area and very much to the fore in fighting for the the protection of our wild places is The Ramblers Association which has to its great credit, seen through 'the great green con' from the very beginning. Not surprisingly,when the Scottish energy industries' lobbying organisation- Scottish Renewables- invited so called 'environmental' groups to work with it  to bestow credibility on its long term objective of finally exploiting the nation's fragile peat bogs as sites for power plant construction,The Ramblers Association were not invited on board !
    Peatlands take up more than a third of Scotland’s landmass and are some of the most bio-diverse habitats in the country. Around 15% of the peatland is protected under national or international wildlife conservation legislation, and an estimated three billion tonnes of carbon is trapped in Scottish soil.
    RSPB Scotland, WWF Scotland, Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Scottish Wildlife Trust have all worked with industry body Scottish Renewables to draw up guidelines for the building of turbines on peatlands. However,all these groups have consistently supported the state/energy corporations policies on massive wind farm construction. The RSPB Scotland's director, Stuart Housden, parroting the industry mantra stated....“Wind farms will be a key part of the battle by allowing us to significantly reduce our carbon emissions.'. Meanwhile conservationists are still smarting at how Friends of the Earth recently celebrated the granting of planning permission for a 100 mile super highway of giant power lines through the Cairngorm National Park !

    Ramblers Association Scotland remained angry at being left out of the agreement.Spokesman Dave Morris said “This grouping has not included anyone from a landscape perspective so it will lack a lot of credibility. Our general view on wind farm development is that it is a disaster.”

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Ramblers slam worthless eco pact with energy industry.

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