Cooking with a crock pot saves energy

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Slow cooking in a crock pot saves energy (and time) and that all year round. It is, however, really is nice during those cold months when you come home from the cold and a warm meal is ready for you.

    12921I have got two slow cookers, aka crock pots. One a rather old British made one that I was given by someone who could not really get on with it and one that I reviewed for Lakeland. Although I must say that I have not used mine for a little while now it has been a very busy little person during winter. But you can also use it at any time of the year.

    If you eat meat – I do – and like it the Greek style, as in Kleftiko, which is a case of not so much of the meat falling off the bone but rather the bone falling out of the meat, then this is the way of cooking it. Instead of having the stuff for hours at a low heat in the oven – electric or gas – have it in the crock pot. It will be cheaper. The only cheaper way of doing it is if you have a wood cook stove and use the oven in that one.

    The nice thing about using a crock pot, aside from the fact that you can put your dinner on the night before and when you come hone the next day from work you can sit down to dinner without having to do any further work bar laying the table and dishing up the food, is that it takes so little energy.

    While I have not have had a way of testing it it is said that a crock pot uses about the equivalent in electricity as does a light bulb, and I believe word has it that it is a 60W light bulb they were talking about. While still a bit on electricity it is in no way the same as a couple of kilowatt, like an electric oven might use.

    Stews and the great majority of one-pot meals all do very well in the crock pot though the taste, it has to be said, it a little different to what you get when you cook the food in a different way.

    One of my favorite dishes to make in the crock pot is a sausage casserole with onions, apple, potatoes (and I often add carrots and something else to it) and, oh well, obviously, sausages.

    There are many recipes in special books for the crock pot but the majority of those recipes can nowadays be found online and they all are delicious, but I like to play with things, so to speak, and experiment with putting things together at a rather regular basis. They all, so far, have turned out great.

    I can recommend having a crock pot and using it to everyone, but it is a definite godsend for the Mom that goes out to work or the Mom that is very busy working at home and from home. Put everything in and let the thing get on with it and the result; a great meal for the family.

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Cooking with a crock pot saves energy

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Reuse before composting

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Do you know your bin is full of reusable refuse? Instead of composting fruits and vegetables immediately, there are ways that you can give them a final reuse before tossing them to be turned into great garden soil.

    For cooking:

    Use citrus or orange peels to make an infused olive oil. Add the rinds to your extra virgin olive oil to give it a new flavor, one that you, so far, cannot even buy.

    Don’t throw away vegetables leaves. Cook them up and blend them to make into soup.

    You can also use those leaves, plus many other bits of vegetables to make into vegetable stock.

    The rind from all kind fruits and vegetables give a special flavor to dishes. For example, stuff a chicken with a mixture of scraps of fruit and veggies and during the cooking a very subtle and different flavor will infuse into the meat. The plus of this is that the baking actually helps the scraps break down faster later in the compost pile.

    For skin & beauty:

    If your skin is dry, use papaya skins or pulp. Papayas are full of vitamin A and papain (an exfoliant) which helps remove all dead skin cells. Carrots, spinach and melon contain a lot of vitamin A too. You can make use of those things too by rubbing them on the dry parts of the skin.

    If you have smelly feet, rub the fruit peels on it.

    To make your hair darker, don’t use chemical products but potato peels. Boil it 30 minutes and strain out the peels. After your shampoo rinse your hair with this water. This natural hair dye will gradually and naturally darken your hair.

    For home:

    To polish metal you can make use of citrus rinds; orange, lemon, lime, etc. As they are full of citric acid they make for a great cleaning and polishing agent. To speed up the process, mix it with a little baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) or a little ketchup.

    Ketchup on its own also is great for cleaning silver and copper.

    Therefore I always drain the ketchup out of the bottles before throwing them and keep that as a cleaning agent for metals.

    If you rub a banana peel against the leaves of the plants it would give them a special shine. Banana peels can also be used as a natural fertilizer. They also can be used to shine shoes.

    This is but a small list ands there are many more things that can be used in this way. But I doubt that most people even as much as suspect that those bits of household waste I have mentioned here could be so useful.

    Reuse is also most beneficial in other quarters and not just as regards to compostable household waste. Every piece of potential waste should be put under scrutiny as to whether it cannot be reused, reworked or upcycled before every it should go on the trip to the recycling bin and the recycling center; and I mean every piece.

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Reuse before composting

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Foraging in the urban environment

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    UrbanForaging What do dandelions, mulberries, black walnuts, haws (the berries of hawthorn), nettles, and wild onion have in common? They are all edibles that can be foraged in the wilds of suburbia or around the neighborhood.

    That’s right.

    Foraging for food is not just for hikers and wannabe survivalists, and even real ones. It’s possible to go foraging for wild foods even if you’re in the middle of civilization, even in Central Park in New York.

    Some of these free wild foods are quite easy to spot and identify. Who could miss the bright yellow flowers of dandelions for example, but even when the flowers are not out you cannot, generally, mistake the leaves either?

    Sautee the young, tender leaves in olive oil or use the young flowers as a garnish. Make dandelion sandwiches using chopped dandelion leaves and use the leaves as they are in green salads in the same way as you would rocket.

    Mulberries and other berries, as well as other fruit and nut trees are also easy finds, especially if you’re looking up or down on the ground. There are wild strawberries to be had as well as well as blackberries (brambles) and they certainly cannot be missed either.

    Wild onions are pesky plants that invade lawns. Ask if you can dig them up and you’ll probably receive an enthusiastic yes from the person whose lawn they’ve invaded. The same, more likely, will also be the case as regards to dandelions.

    Other weedy plants that may require field identification, but that are commonly found in vacant lots and fields include purslane, chickweed, lamb’s quarters, wood sorrel, and in shady damp spots nettles and violets, though I doubt it that really many people need a guide to identify nettles. Alone the very fact that they sting might be a good indication. Some of the others, yes, especially for those not all that familiar with the wild edibles.

    Brew tea with violets or use them as garnishes on pastries and deserts. Nettles are known to have medicinal purposes when brewed in a tea and nettles also cook well into a dish like spinach. The Greek kitchen has a greens dish called “Hortes”, which basically equals “green” and is nothing but nettle leaves and dandelion leaves cooked together.

    Wood sorrel, aka Common sorrel, which is slightly sour in taste, thus known in German as “Sauerampfer”, is a relation to spinach and works well raw in green salads or cooked as spinach.

    Other wild herbs worthy of collecting, though not, necessarily, for food, is Ribwort, aka Narrow-leaf plantain. This is a great medicinal herb that can be used as a poultice for cuts and also is useful for other ailments. But here we are headed into the realm of the medicinal uses and we might also leave that for a separate piece.

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Foraging in the urban environment

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Lochaber no more: Salmond's mission to industrialize 'Bonnie Scotland'

    Yes Alex...abstract expressionism is all very well on canvas!

    OPPOSITION to the Scottish Government's pledge to produce 100 per cent of the country's electricity from renewable sources by 2020 grew last night as environmentalists and energy experts united to condemn the plan.
    Mountain walker and broadcaster Cameron McNeish is the latest name to be added to the growing list of experts who believe the First Minister's plans to create more green energy north of the Border are unsustainable - and could ruin Scotland's much-loved landscape.

    To meet the new target, Scotland would need to create hundreds more wind turbines and also bring wave and tidal energy technology to commercialisation - a feat which some engineers believe is impossible within the next decade.

    Mr McNeish claimed that the creation of more wind farms would "erode the bonnie aspect of Bonnie Scotland" and could devastate the tourism industry, which is heavily reliant on visitors drawn to Scotland's remote mountains and lochs.

    Scottish Engineering chief executive Peter Hughes has claimed that the target is unattainable - while conservation group the John Muir Trust has also hit out at plans for more onshore wind developments on Scottish wild land.

    Mr McNeish, president of the Backpackers Club and chairman of the Nevis Partnership, warned that the development of onshore wind farms would blight the Scottish landscape and urged voters to select MSPs focused on channelling money into wave, tidal and offshore wind developments.

    He said: "I support the quest for renewable energy. But what really concerns me is the proliferation of these giant turbines on our hills and wild places. I know the number of people who come to Scotland to enjoy these wild places and I have a great fear that they will stop coming as we lose more and more of these areas to this form of industrialisation."

    Cameron McNeish: Defender of Scotland's wild places

    He added: "The bonnie aspect of Bonnie Scotland is being eroded."

    This week, Mr Salmond set a target of generating 100 per cent of Scotland's electricity demand from renewables by 2020 in his party's manifesto.

    The target was raised from 80 per cent - already one of the highest of its kind in the world.

    But a document released by the SNP this week showed that the new aim would require an extra 1,598MW of onshore wind power to be created - five times the size of Glasgow's 140-turbine Whitelee windfarm, the biggest in Europe.

    A further 17MW of electricity would need to be produced through wave and tidal power developments, which currently are only in the development stage.

    "No matter what party people vote for we are going to get more wind farms," said Mr McNeish.

    "But I suggest that people ask their election candidates if this money is being spent wisely or would it be much better spent on other forms of renewable energy."

    Critics have comdemned the SNP's policy as unattainable.

    Mr Hughes said: "I believe that a sensible target for Scotland would be 30 per cent - with a backup from nuclear. The problem with wind power is that it sometimes just doesn't blow.

    "Alex Salmond has said that Scotland will be the Saudia Arabia of marine energy - in his dreams. Marine energy may not make a significant contribution to the national grid for 20 years or more."

    Dave Morris, director of Ramblers Scotland, backed Mr McNeish's call for action

    Earlier this year, a report from Scottish Natural Heritage blamed a growing number of wind farms, as well as pylons, for a loss of wilderness.

    It said that in the past year the amount of land not visually blighted by man-made structures had shrunk by an area 14 times the size of Glasgow.

    Conservation body the John Muir Trust branded the report "deeply worrying.

    Helen McDade, head of policy for the trust said: "Scotland's landscape is being severely impacted and that is very much ongoing. But on top of that, questions are growing over whether the policy would actually be able to deliver."

    According to industry body Scottish Renewables, 117 onshore wind projects currently operate in Scotland, using 1,367 turbines and boasting a capacity of 2,395 megawatts. Another 20 projects, totalling over 450 turbines and a capacity of 1,008M, are under construction and a further 281, totalling 4,056 turbines and with a capacity of 9,916MW, are in the planning system.

    The Scotsman

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Lochaber no more: Salmond's mission to industrialize 'Bonnie Scotland'

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Cops Grab Motorist GPS Data to Set Up Speed Camera Traps

    "Cops Grab Motorist GPS Data to Set Up Speed Camera Traps
    Data from motorist GPS units handed to Dutch police for the purpose of setting up speed traps.

    Users of TomTom GPS navigation systems unwittingly helped government officials identify locations where speed cameras would issue the maximum number of citations. The Dutch firm took immediate responsibility Wednesday for selling consumer data that was, in turn, used against its customers."

    From thenewspaper.comRead more.

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Cops Grab Motorist GPS Data to Set Up Speed Camera Traps

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Does a screen saver save energy?

    No, far from it...

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    EcoButtonWeb But you can turn the monitor off, that saves energy (if you use a desktop). You also do not need – far from it – the Eco Button. Your computer has energy saving functions; use them.

    Screen savers, on the other hand, do not save energy at all, whatever you may think, or have been led to believe. In fact they use a great deal of energy as the computer, in fact, is processing buy running the screen savers. Also, screen savers are about Noah's age and are no longer needed today.

    The Eco Button, which I have mentioned above, is a gadget that people will like to sell you with the claim that it will save you energy in your computer usage and that it, thus, is going to save CO2. To say that the marketeers for this products are a little on the economic side with the truth would be a serious understatement. The Eco Button just is another version of the sleep function that your PC or Laptop actually comes with. So why would you, therefore, need a gadget that – unless someone is giving it to you on a trade show or such (and if you can refuse it) – costs you up to $20?

    Use your computer's energy saving functions. That's what they are there for. But the screen saver function is NOT one of them.

    Every computer operating system is different and the keyboard controls that work with Microsoft Windows computers will not work, in general, with a Linux computer, for instance.

    If you use a desktop, and as far as I am concerned, despite the fact that, according to sources a laptop uses up to 90% less energy than a desktop PC, as far as sustainability goes a desktop is the better way, and a CRT monitor then turn the monitor off when you are not using the computer. A CRT monitor is a serious energy hog. If you have an FST monitor then let the computer do it for you. The time is stands idle is fine.

    Once again, don't use a screen saver to save energy; it won't work and don't use an Eco Button either.

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Does a screen saver save energy?

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Forgo and forget the grand gestures and opt for small changes

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Grand gestures can be remarkable and can act as a symbol for us all but it is much better to keep it simple and to the point. Let’s make things very easy on ourselves and see how effective small changes can be. Small changes can be more effective than grand gestures and acts because everyone can make those small changes but not everyone can do the big things. This is why so may people don't even start on the “green road” because they believe that they cannot affect any change and that the little that can do will have no effect or impact.

    If we consider that all who think thus would make their small changes instead of bemoaning the fact that they cannot afford the big acts we already might have gone a fair way down the road that we have to travel in order to make the Planet healthy again.

    REFUSE disposable plastics (and over packaging)

    Disposable plastics are built to be thrown away and they exist forever. How pointless is that? They tend to travel around, on their eternal journey of existence, and end up in our ocean, where they form huge garbage patches.

    Single-use plastic bags are but one though perfect example. While plastic bags are not particularly appealing to our appetites, turtles, on the other hand, love the shape of them. They eat them, thinking that they are jellyfish, and eventually die. To help prevent this happening to turtles use reusable bags instead.

    And don't stop there – reusable bottles are great too, whether they are metal, glass or, yes, even plastic. In the latter case ensure that they are BPA-free and don't just say so. Also watch for cheap aluminium as their liners may, more than likely, are made of resins that contain BPA.

    Plastic flatware: Don't! Instead BYO “real” cutlery. And while this may be a little like being in the military, the Boy Scouts or at a boarding school, it is the best way to go.

    REDUCE your environmental footprint: Reducing our environmental footprint, especially if it is in regards to plastic, is easy if you make it a part of your decision-making process. When you purchase a car, you don’t pick it with no regard for price, options, or style. When you adopt a pet, you don’t call up the store and ask them to send you any dog they feel like picking out for you. Making conscious decisions about important things in our lives is what we do. Make informed decisions about your purchases instead of passively allowing plastic manufacturers to make those decisions for you, and you’ll start reducing your plastic use as a result.

    But it is not just the use of plastic we must reduce. There are other materials too that, especially as regards to packaging, are not required and which are not biodegradable. And even the likes of cardboard, while biodegradable, should be reduced. Do we really have to have those expanded polystyrene “beans” with which to package things? What's wrong with shredded paper? In the old days it was so-called “wood wool” that was used for packaging which was, basically, wood shavings and shredded paper will do equally well, as does straw, for that matter.

    REUSE: Make reusing a part of your life. Surround yourself with beautiful objects that you would love to see for a long time. Nothing worth making should be thrown away. Don’t let a manufacturer determine what products you MUST use because they refuse to offer alternatives. You are the customer. They should be changing to suit your needs and not the other way around. Let them know by giving your money and support to those who do offer alternatives.

    REPURPOSE: Make repurposing a habit to such an extent that you consider each item of waste in the light of whether you can repurpose and upcycle it for your own use or for others.

    It is the small changes in our lives that will, over time, especially as we add to those small changes over time, have a great effect.

    Grand gestures often are one-off acts that won't be sustained thus the small changes and small acts are better by far.

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Forgo and forget the grand gestures and opt for small changes

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‘Green’ products lose allure as consumers cut spending

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    When Clorox introduced Green Works, its environment-friendly cleaning line, in 2008, it secured an endorsement from the Sierra Club, a nationwide introduction at Wal-Mart, and it vowed that the products would “move natural cleaning into the mainstream.” But those endorsements, I must say, never cut any ice with me and, like with so many other companies, it was just a case of the bandwagon.

    Sales that year topped $100 million, and several other major consumer products companies came out with their own “green” cleaning supplies, in order, no doubt, to not be left behind.

    However, America’s green consciousness, it turns out, seems rather fickle. As the recession has gripped the country, and it is time the government woke up to the fact that the Great Recession is still alive and well, the consumer’s love affair with green products, from recycled toilet paper to organic foods to hybrid cars, has faded like a bad infatuation. While farmers’ markets and Prius sales are humming along now, household product makers like Clorox just can’t seem to persuade mainstream customers to buy green again. And why should people buy what they, in fact, can make themselves with a few simple ingredients (more on that in another piece).

    Sales of Green Works have fallen to about $60 million a year, and those of other similar products from major brands like Arm & Hammer, Windex, Palmolive, Hefty and Scrubbing Bubbles are sputtering.

    While every consumer says that they want to help the environment and that they are looking for eco-friendly products, when push comes to shove the truth is that if it’s one or two pennies higher in price, they’re not going to buy it. There is a discrepancy between what people say and what they do.

    The very reason why, as regards to recycled, or better upcycled, products go Terracycle decided to have their goods at or below the price of the equivalent non-green product.

    For instance, a 32-oz bottle of Clorox Green Works All-Purpose cleaner is $3.29 at Stop & Shop. A 32-ounce bottle of Fantastik cleaner, by contrast, costs $2.89. In a cash strapped economy the cheaper product wins. Considering that, as I have said earlier, you can make your own effective and efficient green cleaning supplies at home for often pennies from ingredients such as lemon juice, baking soda, salt, vinegar (and not just white distilled vinegar), etc., why should the green product from a mainstream company be so much more expensive than the non-green one? I, for one, cannot understand that.

    The current state of the economy is seeing a reduction in green products sales all over the place, I think, and not just with cleaning supplies. The grow-your-own food sector, on the other hand, it would appear, is rather thriving.

    When the economy is bad people are not going to buy green gadgets and other consumer products; they buy things that come at a good price, unfortunately. On the other hand it would be good if people would realize anyway that they do not need this or that gadget in order to be green; it is all but marketing that makes us think that. Many a thing you could make yourself, from trash often, and thus be greener still than those that go on greensumption sprees.

    When it comes to green cleaning, make your own is the best advice and Full Circle provides some nice bottles and recipes for the purpose. One spray bottle should have an instruction that states “finally add the freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 a lemon” for it has a lemon reamer built into the top.

    In general, however, there is no need to buy much as far as “green” cleaning is concerned bar the ingredients, some of which you are, more than likely, going to have or want to have in your pantry anyway.

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‘Green’ products lose allure as consumers cut spending

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Erhard Loretan obituary

    Erhard Loretan, who was killed on April 28, his 52nd birthday, while climbing in Switzerland, was one of the few people to reach the summits of the world’s 14 highest mountains.

    He was only the third mountaineer in history to scale the 14 Himalayan peaks above 8,000 metres (26,240ft), which include Mount Everest, Annapurna and K2. The feat took him 14 years, and he completed his quest in 1995.

    With his fellow Swiss climber Jean Troillet, Loretan — then 27 — conquered Everest, the world’s highest mountain, in 1986, making a revolutionary single-push ascent in a record 40 hours, climbing at night and without using extra bottled oxygen.

    Equipped with neither tent nor sleeping bags, Loretan and Troillet snatched a clear-weather window towards the end of the monsoon for a lightning dash up and down the mountain. The pair took one of the most direct routes, climbing the north face, via the Japanese couloir at its foot and the Hornbein couloir at the top; as if to mock the mountain, they then slid down to their base camp on their bottoms. Their achievement stunned the climbing world, making headlines around the globe.

    “We didn’t intend to climb Everest in two days, we just set off and we were fortunate to do it in two days,” Loretan recalled. “I think that we were young, in love with climbing. When you’re in love you’ll do anything, it wasn’t sacrifice, it was all normal. We didn’t think we were doing incredible things, it just all seemed normal.”

    Since Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay first made it to the summit of Everest in 1953, nearly 2,700 climbers have followed suit; relatively inexperienced mountaineers can pay up to $70,000 to be guided to the top, using fixed lines for part of the way.

    Comparing Loretan’s achievement with that of guided climbers, Hillary’s son, Peter, used a skyscraper analogy: “Loretan climbed the outside skin of the building,” he pointed out, “following grooves in the concrete and glass; the guided climbers took the elevator.”

    Along with his Everest ascent, Loretan’s most impressive accomplishments included the traverse of the Annapurna range in 1984; the ascent of the difficult south-west face of Cho Oyu, in 27 hours, in 1990; and, a few days later, the ascent and descent of the south face of Shishapangma’s central peak in 22 hours. In the winter of 1989, with André Georges, Loretan climbed 13 north faces between the Eiger and Doldenhorn in the Bernese Oberland in only 13 days.

    In 1994 Loretan made a solo climb of the highest peak in Antarctica — hitherto unnamed, it was christened Mount Loretan in his honour by climbing enthusiasts. Loretan repeated the feat the following year.

    On his home ground, Loretan once claimed 38 peaks in the Swiss Alps in 19 days. His passion was for climbing difficult routes in extreme altitudes in Alpine style, very fast and with only a minimum of equipment and food and without oxygen or high-altitude porters.

    Erhard Loretan was born on April 28 1959 at Bulle in the Swiss canton of Fribourg, and started climbing at the age of 11. Two years later he scaled his first north face, and in subsequent years he was seen, often alone, on extremely difficult routes in the Bernese Oberland, the Valais, the Mont Blanc massif and the Dolomites.

    By 1979, when he was 20, he was earning his living as a cabinet-maker; but the mountains continued to draw him, and he made his first expedition to the Andes in 1980, qualifying as a mountain guide the following year.

    In 1982 he achieved his first 8,000-metre conquest when he reached the summit of Nanga Parbat, at 26,660ft the world’s ninth highest mountain. Over the next 13 years Loretan conquered the other 13 of the highest peaks; in the process, his famous night-time push to the summit of Everest in 1986 cemented his reputation as one of the world’s finest mountaineers . He climbed the last of them, Kanchenjunga, in 1995, becoming, at the age of 36, one of the few to have conquered all 14.

    He was only the third person, behind the Italian Reinhold Messner and the Polish mountaineer Jerry Kukuczka, to achieve this. Last year the Spanish climber Edurne Pasaban became the first woman to pull off the same feat.

    In 2003, however, Loretan received a four-month suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to the negligent manslaughter of his seven-month-old son. He told police that he had shaken the little boy for “a couple of seconds” to stop him crying; and that when he put the child to bed, the crying stopped. He had later summoned an ambulance.

    The notoriety of the Loretan case led to new research which showed that many parents are unaware that infants can die from being shaken for only a few seconds, because of weak neck muscles.

    As a climber, Loretan possessed remarkable mental strength and the skill realistically to assess critical situations. Often, in tricky or adverse circumstances, he would turn back just in time, even when within sight of the summit. He valued his personal freedom, largely ignored the media, and remained relaxed about the expectations of his sponsors.

    Last year Loretan, who cut a somewhat solitary figure, reflected on his triumphs as a mountaineer, saying that his passion had afforded him “an extraordinary life”. “I’d like to thank the mountains, for almost 40 years they have allowed me to climb,” he added.

    According to police in the Swiss canton of Valais, Loretan died when he was leading a client up the summit ridge of the Grünhorn, in the Bernese Alps. The pair had made part of the climb on skis, then roped up for the final ascent.

    For reasons that are not yet clear, they fell at 3,800 metres (12,500ft) up the 4,043-metre (13,264ft) mountain. Loretan died at the scene. His 38-year-old Swiss companion was flown to a hospital in a serious condition.

    Erhard Loretan was awarded the King Albert Medal of Merit in 1996 for his distinguished contribution to mountaineering.
    The Telegraph

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Exotic birds make a beeline for Wales

    A Bee Eater

    They’re normally spotted in the more exotic climes of Africa, South America and the Mediterranean. But changing global climates are bringing some unusual avian visitors to Wales.

    From the African plains to the mountains of the Himalayas, from the wilderness of Alaska to the South American jungle, it seems the world’s most exotic birds are increasingly visiting our Welsh shores.

    A number of exotic species are now appearing in our gardens and could soon change the landscape of the countryside forever.

    Bird watching is changing and the scale of rare, colourful and plain alien species in Wales has been revealed by the Welsh Ornithological Society (WOS).

    According to their records, in the past 12 months African bee-eaters and purple herons have been seen in Anglesey, North American great white egrets in parts of the former Gwent and a stunning South American bobolink in St Davids, Pembrokeshire.

    The RSPB says that the growing trend has been partly caused by the deep winter freeze across northern Europe and Russia, which drove many exotic and unusual birds into Britain’s back gardens, combined with the fact that the warm springs of the last couple of years have seen migrating Mediterranean birds being attracted further north than usual.

    Daniel Jenkins-Jones, head of public affairs at RSPB Cymru, said: “With the warmer climate there has certainly been an increase in numbers of little egret, Dartford warbler, and Cetti’s warbler across the UK.

    “With temperatures warming up, soon we could very well see more exotic visitors, such as the purple heron, grace the Welsh shores.”

    So far this year, twitchers have been lucky enough to see a North American lesser scaup duck in Cardiff Bay. The birds typically migrate south, as far as the West Indies and Bermuda.

    In Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, two months ago, an ivory gull which breeds high in the Arctic was spotted by twitchers.

    A Siberian chiffchaff which usually winters in the Himalayas turned up in Sudbrook, Monmouthshire, during January.

    And a month later, a great white egret, typically found in the South American rainforests, was seen in the same county.

    Richard Dobbins, from Pembrokeshire Birds, said: “We see rare migrants particularly when the weather is warm at this time of year, as migrating Mediterranean birds drift further north than usual because of the rising temperatures.

    “The trend depends on the weather, but certainly if we see more warm springs we will see more rare migrants.”

    He added: “As far as the winter goes, it isn’t so much cold temperatures that cause birds to wander further from their natural habitat, it’s the conditions.

    “Large winds can blow birds off course and into unfamiliar territories. Of course what we also see is British birds being spotted in warmer parts of Europe because of the freezing temperatures here.”

    Other notable recorded sightings include the stunning purple heron, which breeds in Africa and Asia, turning up in Dwyran on Anglesey, and a black kite, common in tropical parts of Australasia, flying over Marloes Mere in Pembrokeshire.

    A glossy ibis which loves warmer regions like the Caribbean was also seen at Dunraven Bay in the Vale of Glamorgan in recent months.

    Scientists have previously stated that with temperatures set to rise even further in years to come because of global warming, new species from France and central Europe will migrate to the UK, putting native birds under strain as they compete for food sources.

    Those species expected to come across the channel in the next few decades include the hoopoe and bee-eater, colourful birds currently only found in southern Europe, Africa and parts of Asia.

    Grahame Madge, an RSPB conservation spokesman, said: "Wales is known for its birdlife, especially its magnificent seabirds, such as colonies of puffins and kittiwakes. We are fearful that these birds are predicted to decline as Britain warms. Climate scientists suggest that Britain may become home to new colonists, such as the hoopoe and bee-eater. But whether these birds can find a home in Britain remains to be seen.

    "We recognise that climate change will have a huge impact on the natural world and while some species will benefit, many others will lose out. We could face a future where the bird populations of Wales could change enormously. The excitement of new visitors won’t compensate for the loss of traditionally Welsh birds."
    Wales Online

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Exotic birds make a beeline for Wales

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The National Terrorism Advisory System Q&A's

    The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). This new system will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector.
    It recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation's security, and should always be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do.
    Q1 – What will happen to the color-coded advisory system?
    A - The new National Terrorism Advisory System replaces the Homeland Security Advisory System that has been in place since 2002. The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, will include information specific to the particular credible threat, and will not use a color-coded scale.
    Q2 – How does the new system work?
    A – When there is credible information about a threat, an NTAS Alert will be shared with the American public. It may include specific information, if available, about the nature of the threat, including the geographic region, mode of transportation, or critical infrastructure potentially affected by the threat, as well as steps that individuals and communities can take to protect themselves and help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat. The advisory will clearly indicate whether the threat is Elevated, if we have no specific information about the timing or location, or Imminent, if we believe the threat is impending or very soon.
    Q3 – As a citizen, how will I find out that an NTAS Alert has been announced?
    A – The Secretary of Homeland Security will announce the alerts publically. Alerts will simultaneously be posted at and released to the news media for distribution. The Department of Homeland Security will also distribute alerts across its social media channels, including the Department’s blog, Twitter stream, Facebook page, and RSS feed.
    Q4 - What should Americans do when an NTAS Alert is announced?
    A – The NTAS Alert informs the American public about credible terrorism threats, and encourages citizens to report suspicious activity. Where possible and applicable, NTAS Alerts will include steps that individuals and communities can take to protect themselves to help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat. Individuals should review the information contained in the alert, and based upon the circumstances, take the recommended precautionary or preparedness measures for themselves and their families.
    Q5 – How should I report suspicious activity?
    A – Citizens should report suspicious activity to their local law enforcement authorities. The "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign across the United States encourages all citizens to be vigilant for indicators of potential terrorist activity, and to follows NTAS Alert for information about threats in specific places or for individuals exhibiting certain types of suspicious activity.
    Q6 - I get my news online, so how will I find out about an NTAS Alert?
    A – Americans can go to to see the most recent advisories. Additionally, advisories will be sent out widely through social and mainstream media.
    Q7 - How will NTAS Alerts be cancelled or updated?
    A – The NTAS Alerts carry an expiration date and will be automatically cancelled on that date. If the threat information changes for an alert, the Secretary of Homeland Security may announce an updated NTAS Alert. All changes, including the announcement that cancels an NTAS Alert, will be distributed the same way as the original alert.
    Q8 - Do these alerts apply to Americans in other countries?
    A –  NTAS Alerts  apply only to threats in the United  States and its possessions.  The Department of State issues security  advisory information for U.S.  citizens overseas or traveling in foreign countries.

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Peasticks and Beanpoles

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Peasticks-Plantsupport Now is the time that you must think about getting peasticks and beanpoles organized as you will be requiring them soon, if they not already do. Peas and runner beans will need their support and other plants need supports too, such as French beans, for instance.

    It is true that you can go to the garden center and buy some bamboo canes that will do the job – and do the job well – but they have been imported from abroad, China and other parts of Asia mostly, and thus are not really all that environmentally friendly. Especially not when you can get all the stuff you need from local coppice operations in the woods.

    Hazel sticks are the best stuff for beanpoles and for peas – unless they need real long poles too like the beans – you stick branches that are off cuts into the ground surrounding the area in which they grow.

    In Britain National Beanpole Week runs in about the last week in April and is interned to encourage people to think local woodland products when they are looking for their beanpoles and peasticks.

    Locally produced, from coppiced hazel bushes, beanpoles and peasticks beat anything else on offer. It is a sustainable way of supporting you legumes and some local coppice workers.

    © 2011

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Peasticks and Beanpoles

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Alliance for Natural Health Europe scaremongering

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The Alliance for Natural Health Europe (  is seriously engaged in scaremongering as regards to the new laws regarding herbal remedies being sold in the EU.

    On their website the advert states:

    Herbs to be outlawed ad This is a misrepresentation of the statute that the EU put into force recently. No one is outlawing herbs, the growing and possession and even medicinal use of same, as long as you do not sell them.

    From what I have seen – and I have read the statutes that came into force in the beginning of 2011 – the EU has decided to bring herbal remedies into the realm of pharmaceuticals as far as licensing is concerned and I can well imagine that this is due to pressure by lobbying groups on behalf of the pharma industry. They are one of the largest lobbying sector in the European Parliament and are permanently running after the members there.

    But, as far as I am concerned, I do not have to go to the stores to buy my herbal remedies; I can make them myself and that is not being touched in any way, shape or form. Let no one even as much as suggest that.

    It would appear from their little advert that the Alliance for Natural Health Europe has a nice little agenda in scaring people and on the back of that making money. A bit like certain people and organizations in the USA who keep scaring people as to FEMA concentrations camps (load of BS obviously), or Chemtrails (which are but condensation trails of aircraft and not chemicals being sprayed), the number of the Beast (bar codes it was first and not we are talking about a microchip implant), etc. And while there are some sinister things going on, no doubt, certain people and groups are using this to earn a tidy little sum on the back of the fears of innocent people.

    Grow your own drugs

    Grow Your Own Drugs is a book of that title as well and in it ethno-botanist James Wong (see my book review) tell you all you need to know about growing your own herbs for medicinal purposes and how to make up the relevant concoctions. It is a book that I would certainly recommend to all those that wish to retain an ability to use herbs in a medicinal way when the remedies made from them may no longer be able to be had over the counter in a heath food store or a pharmacy, or only for horrendous sums.

    Mother Nature has a store full of medicinal plants and all that is required is the knowledge of how to use them and how to extract the oils from them or whatever.

    James Wong does explain all that in his book, which accompanied the BBC TV series by the same name, and his book is only one of many. Obtain those books and documents and then see that you are prepared to make your own potions, lotions, tinctures and whatever else. That way you will be prepared should the law become a little more than what it is at present.

    © 2011

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Alliance for Natural Health Europe scaremongering

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Portable glass water bottle by Love Bottle

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    About two to three years ago we heard of the reusable “portable” glass water bottle made fro and marketed by “Love Bottle”. Talk about reinventing the wheel.

    This was them followed by yet another company whose name has escaped me with a reusable recycled glass (100% recycled glass in comparison top the 20% of Love Bottle) which was a cross between a SnappleTM bottle and a ketchup one.

    Love Bottle, according to their material, was created by a nutrition consultant in San Francisco who wanted a healthier (and cuter) way to carry her water. Its her hope that these Love Bottle recycled bottles will not only spread clean water to everyone, but also spread a little love in the process. By putting the word love on the bottle, its hoped that it will change the energy of the water and thus bring love to you when you drink it. Yeah, right...

    Glass bottles are good if for no other reason that they keep plastic water bottles with their chemical-leaching properties out of our hands and out of landfills. The only drawback is that they are breakable, but...

    Now why would I, or anyone else in their right mind, even consider spending between $12-18 for a Love Bottle and $20-25 for the other bottle the makers of which have escaped me, when all I do need to do is to upcycle, by simple reuse, a Snapple or similar bottle. I have done just that and have made a number of “Tap” bottles so far that way. Much cheaper and equally as good (if not better as free and keeping the bottles out of the waste stream).

    In fact I have a number of different sizes this way also, from 250ml to just under a liter, and all for absolutely nothing bar the effort of cleaning them thoroughly and removing the labels. And one of them has a lovely quilted jacket as well, to protect it from knocks.

    Let's face it, man has done without plastic bottles for how long? Well, a very long time indeed, and they were taken to the field by farm laborers even and to war by soldiers and in the latter case especially, and not please excuse the pun, they were encased in leather.

    Glass is the only bottle that is taste neutral and earthenware bottles, such as in which cider once came and ale are next in line and it is time that we got back to some sense in our lives and in the world. But not at the cost of $12 to $20.

    © 2011

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Portable glass water bottle by Love Bottle

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    Leo takes us to a processing facility where we learn how we feed our Fast Food Nation.

    This one is not for the faint of heart and you might consider giving up meat where you are not 100% sure of where it comes from and where it was processed.


    Have fun... it's only a short piece.

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Rare fish take the Llama trail to Sprinkling Tarn.

    Sprinkling Tarn

    AN ENDANGERED species of fish has been moved to higher ground in an unusual way to protect it from the warming climate.
    Llamas moved around 25,000 vendace, the UK’s rarest freshwater fish, 500 metres up a mountain from Derwentwater.
    The sure-footed llamas were used to safely transport the fish up the mountain to a new home at Sprinkling Tarn, which will provide a refuge for vendace in the Lake District.

    “Last December, we collected eggs from Derwentwater and took them to a hatchery near Dumfries where they were held until hatching,” said Andy Gowans, fisheries technical specialist for the Environment Agency.
    “By introducing these fish into the tarn, where water temperatures will be lower, it will provide an additional element of safeguarding for this endangered species.
    The fish will be monitored, in the hope that a self-sustaining population will be established.”
    The Environment Agency is also keeping a close eye on species such as salmon and trout, which are vulnerable to increasing temperatures. Ideas include planting more trees on riverbanks to increase shade and help keep the water cool.

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Rare fish take the Llama trail to Sprinkling Tarn.

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Ex Dividend portfolio holdings: Centrica and Tesco:

    A couple of ex dividends to note today as they affect holdings in the portfolio:

    Centrica @ 321.4p, -11.6p (- 3.48%), 10.46p dividend payable 15 June.
    Tesco @ 402.9p, -3.8p (-0.93%), 10.09p dividend payable 8 July.

    Disappointing that Centrica seems to have fallen by more than the dividend despite a small rally running up to lunchtime.
    But, I can't see anything else affecting it directly so just disappointing really.

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Ex Dividend portfolio holdings: Centrica and Tesco:

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Cyclist hurt by Surrey path wire 'prank'

    Hello! Are we mad???

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    A cyclist suffered minor neck injuries when he hit a wire which had been tied across a pathway in Surrey.

    Police said the man in his 50s was knocked off his bike when his neck hit the wire as he cycled along the path in Earlswood, near Redhill.

    The incident happened between Asylum Arch Road and Horley Road during the early hours of Wednesday.

    The thick cord, believed to be black speaker cable, had to be removed using wire cutters.

    Det Sergeant Karl Humphrey said: "To some this may seem like a practical joke and perhaps the offenders intended it to be a funny prank, but what they did had potentially life-threatening consequences.

    "This appears to be an isolated incident and it is extremely fortunate the victim was not more seriously injured. We are taking this incident very seriously and I would urge anyone who can provide me with the names of those behind this irresponsible act to come forward."

    Something similar has been happening in Nonsuch Park a while back when a wire had been stretched across an area frequented by youngsters on BMX bikes and where they had made [illegal] jumps.

    The wire in that incident would have been capable of doing damage to a child coming down the hill at speed as it would have hit him directly at neck height. Luckily it was found by an adult riding his mountain bike and taking the wire across the chest, causing bruising.

    At a later stage a ranger was made aware of the fact that in the same area a section of barbed wire had been put across the path, once again in order to injure a young person riding his BMX bike.

    Those are no pranks but, to all intents and purposes, must be seen and treated as what it is, namely “attempted murder” and the charge should state that as well.

    © 2011

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Cyclist hurt by Surrey path wire 'prank'

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Japan reacts with censorship to critical reporting

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    fukushima---meltdown-by-bakterje-d3bq4o4 Free journalists from abroad are being denied access to the press conferences. Representatives of Japanese media get briefed twice daily while the foreign correspondents only be given briefings once a week.

    At the same time have telephone companies and ISPs been asked to ensure that no “false” informations get into the public domain. After all, says the Japanese government, public order and morale have to be maintained.

    The government of Japan has now developed its own strategy in order to deal with the nuclear catastrophe. A speaker announced that the free journalists of the foreign media were only putting out false information and lies and were sneaking about illegally in the exclusions zone around the reactors. It seems obvious that not every journalists wants to remain dependent on the spin-doctored PR releases of the representatives of the power company which is responsible for the reactor.

    As a reaction to this all online journalists and all members of the foreign press are now being locked out of the majority of press conferences. Handpicked reporters are permitted to every press conference twice daily, the rest is only permitted access once a week. Foreign journalists are briefed by government representatives only. They ask probing questions at the TEPCO events where the representatives of the mainstream media simply write down what the spokespeople tell them to write.

    GOVERNMENT-CENSORSHIP-by-luvataciousskull The current state of information in Japan is about like it was in the war with the attitude that Japan is going to win World War II and journalists are told to keep stumm.

    As if this was not enough the Japanese government will now act aggressively against the independent reporting. In order to keep up public order and morale all unpopular “rumors” are going to be attacked. The ministry of the interior, the police and other government agencies are now to decide what can be said openly and what not. The critical reporting by journalists, say government officials, has multiplied the damage that has been caused by the natural catastrophe many times. It is, obviously, the fault of journalists for asking questions and reporting the truth.

    Internet service provider, telephone companies, cable companies and others have been warned in writing to put adequate and appropriate measures in place to suppress the illegal information. Companies are directly being requested, nay ordered, to delete information or to block them, in order so that the information will not get into the Internet and be circulated by the media and wire agencies.

    Everything, the government has said, that will serve to uphold the morale and public order is permitted and encouraged. In clear language what this means is that every telecommunications provider in Japan has been ordered to block all independent and thus critical information and to stop journalists from transmitting this information to the outside and from reaching the eyes and ears of the rest of the world' and also the Japanese people.

    The government of Japan tries everything to keep the truth from reaching the world and its own people and it wants to keep its people from rising up against the falsehoods and lies of the government and TEPCO, the company who owns the reactor, and keep its citizenry obedient like slaves. Spartacus, do you hear me?

    © 2011

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Japan reacts with censorship to critical reporting

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Muslims against Crusades continue with demo despite police orders not to

    Muslims against Crusades are set to go ahead with the anti-Royal Wedding demo despite police orders not to and on their website they make statements such as the ones below:


    With less than 7 days remaining until the highly publicised matrimony of genocide advocate prince William and Kate Middleton, Muslims Against Crusades would like to announce the second phase of the planned disruption of the royal wedding.

    Drawing from recent events in occupied Libya, it has become apparent that the evils of the apostate Muammar Gaddafi bare a strong semblance to the atrocities sanctioned by the royal family, principally Queen Elizabeth II, as illustrated below:

    In light of these striking similarities, we call out to Muslims in Britain to add a new dimension to the upcoming (Islamic) protest, by enacting one last similarity: as Muslims have risen in Libya against the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, we call upon Muslims to mirror this revolution in the heart of Central London and rise to overthrow the tyranny of Queen Elizabeth II.

    Inshaa'allah (God willing), on 29th April 2011, the world will witness Muslims from all directions, above and underground, overwhelm this historic day and become a haunting reminder of the crimes of the Royal family and their wicked establishment.”

    And they continue with statements such as this one:


    On 29th April 2011, what is probably one of the most anticipated events in recent years will be due to take place at Westminster Abbey; Prince William and Kate Middleton, will soon exchange matrimonial vows, in the presence of a global audience.

    Unfortunately, Britain's continued interference in Muslim lands is showing no signs of abating; the plundering of resources, the murdering of innocent (Muslim) men, women and children and the forced indoctrination of the satanic democratic creed have become hallmarks of a brutal regime led by a very brutal dictator.

    In the backdrop of all this, we find that one of the biggest advocates of British imperialism, Flight Lieutenant Prince William, wishes to enjoy an extravagant wedding ceremony, ironically at the expense of the tax-payer.

    His direct involvement with the murderous British military and eagerness to inherit the reigns of a kingdom built on blood and colonialism clearly demonstrate what type of legacy he wishes to leave.

    In light of this, sincere Muslims have decided to organise a forceful demonstration, to once again highlight that as long Britain continues in its quest to occupy Muslim land and wage war against the religion of God (Allah) that we too shall continue in our efforts to undermine their regime and condemn all of their representatives, military or otherwise.

    We strongly advise Prince William and his Nazi sympathiser, to withdraw from the crusader British military and give up all affiliation to the tyrannical British Empire.

    We promise that should they refuse, then the day which the nation has been dreaming of for so long will become a nightmare and that it will inshaa'allah (God willing) eclipse the protests in Barking, Downing Street and the events of November 11.”

    No one, I would like to say, is forcing any of those Muslims to live in Britain. They are welcome to go elsewhere. Most British people have no problem with Her Majesty The Queen and support the monarchy and do not see it as a wicked regime.

    Those that make speeches like that commit an act, under the law, of High Treason, and are welcome to leave the country. I am sure we could all get a fund going to help them move to Saudi Arabia or such places.

    The former Prime Minister of Australia said to very truly as to Muslims in Australia that no one asked them to come to the country but that they chose to live there and were accorded the benefits of the political system of the country and the same is true in Britain.

    No one asked them to come here and no one, absolutely no one, is forcing them to stay here. And while no one is forcing them to stay here no one has interfered with their freedom to worship – they even could build their own centers of worship – and no one interfered, from the side of the government, at least, with their freedoms.

    However, they demand that the rest of the country live by their rules and that Sharia Law be implemented in Britain and that Muslim ways to be observed by all.

    Excuse me for a moment! In the words of Prime Minster John Howard, slightly paraphrased: “No one is asking you to live under a system that you do not like. You are most welcome to move to a country that has the laws of which you speak. No one is holding you here. Move if you want to live under Islamic Law; that is your right. But do not try to enforce it on the rest of the population of Britain which is, theoretically, a Christian nation, while in reality it may be, more or less, a secular state.”

    Make your choice. Either you live in the UK and you live by the country's laws or you move... It is up to you.

    © 2011

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Muslims against Crusades continue with demo despite police orders not to

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Gardeners urged to support woodlands by buying British beanpoles

    Organisers of National Beanpole Week 2011, which takes place between 23 April and 1 May, have called on the nation’s gardeners to support Britain’s woodlands, and their beans, by switching to British coppiced beanpoles.

    Britain lost around 90% of its coppiced woodland during the 20th century - over 500,000 acres. Gardeners can help reverse this decline, say campaigners, by choosing British coppiced beanpoles.

    Coppicing is the craft of carefully cutting trees to ground level and managing the young new shoots to a usable size before cutting again. Most deciduous British native trees and shrubs can be coppiced, says the Small Woods Association, which supports Britain’s managed coppiced woodlands and is the organisation behind National Beanpole Week.

    The group promotes traditional long-rotation coppicing methods, which greatly improve a wood’s ability to support a wide range of species, it says. Coppice workers avoid the use of synthetic sprays and fertilizers, and coppiced products are usually produced and sold locally, whereas the alternatives often need to be imported over large distances.

    Coppiced beanpoles are harvested in rotation, ensuring a continual supply of eco-friendly wood and creating a rich patchwork habitat for all kinds of animals and plants, from dormice to orchids. The time between cutting varies, depending on the tree species and the intended use of the wood. For example, willow is usually cut every 1-3 years, hazel every 6-8 years, and chestnut and oak every 20-40 years. This growing and harvesting cycle is ongoing and can continue on the same trees for many hundreds of years. Coppicing usually extends the life of trees, with the oldest woodland trees often being those that have been coppiced.

    “I use British coppiced beanpoles and pea sticks because they provide excellent support for beans, dahlias and other plants, and also because they look really good in the garden,” said gardening expert and broadcaster Toby Buckland, who is backing National Beanpole Week’s campaign.

    “When you choose British grown coppiced beanpoles, you make the right choice for our native woodlands, local jobs, wildlife and the environment,” Toby continued. “You also make the right choice for your garden because coppiced beanpoles are so easy and pleasurable to work with, and provide plants with all the grip and support they need.”

    This year’s National Beanpole Week includes events around the country, from coppice wood gardening workshops to a beanpole fayre.

    “National Beanpole Week offers something for everyone, so we look forward to seeing a great turnout of people who want to find out about coppicing, and support our native woodlands and their beans,” said event director Richard Thomason. “And in this age of economic crisis, it shouldn’t be forgotten that you’ll also be supporting rural jobs when you switch to British coppiced beanpoles. Our coppiced woodlands provide employment for over 500 coppice workers.”

    A bundle of 11 coppiced beanpoles typically costs between £5 and £7.50 say National Beanpole Week organisers. Information about where to buy them is available via the event website.

    More information:

    National Beanpole Week

    Small Woods Association

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Gardeners urged to support woodlands by buying British beanpoles

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GECCo Coming to the Twin Cities

    Aurora, Colo., April 27, 2011

    Infrastructure Protection (IP) within the Department of Homeland Security’s National Protection
    and Programs Directorate to expand the association’s Geospatially Enabling Community
    Collaboration initiative. The purpose of the GECCo initiative is to facilitate an interactive
    dialogue at the local level among community infrastructure stakeholders and emergency
    responders to begin to address collaboration and information exchange issues that inhibit
    effective response and recovery in times of emergency.

    An interactive, cooperative approach is employed by the initiative to enhance existing securityrelated
    efforts and enable community stakeholders to develop a framework by which public and
    private organizations can better collaborate in order to protect critical infrastructure and respond
    more effectively to emergency situations.

    Robert M. Samborski, GITA’s Executive Director, said, “We are really looking forward to being
    able to expand and accelerate our GECCo initiative through this partnership with DHS IP. We
    now have, for the first time, a sustained commitment that will enable us to plan ahead and
    develop a coordinated series of workshops in communities across the U.S., as well as contribute
    our growing body of knowledge to the important effort of protecting our critical infrastructure
    assets.” Tammy Barbour, Acting Division Director of IP’s Infrastructure Information Collection
    Division, echoed the significance of this partnership by stating that, “GITA is working with IP to
    help bring together critical infrastructure communities to enhance risk information sharing and
    the identification of infrastructure interdependencies leading to a safer, more secure, and more
    resilient America, one city at a time.”

    The potential 2011 GECCo workshop locations include Dallas/Fort Worth, Minneapolis/St.
    Paul, and other areas, which will be determined jointly by GITA and IP.

    The next GECCo workshop will be held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area June 16 and 17, 2011. For
    more details, contact Libby Hanna at

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GECCo Coming to the Twin Cities

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Dave MacLeod shakes out some big numbers

    Dave MacLeod cuts loose on Seven of Nine: Photo Dave MacLeod blogspot

    Scotland's Mr Perpetual Motion, Dave MacLeod, took on the steely overhanging ramparts of Glen Nevis's Sky Pilot crag and plucked another desperado from the pack. In this case, an eye watering (V14) line in the vicinity of an old Cubby Cuthbertson E5 which went down as 'seven of nine'.

    Dave claims it's his personal best with regards to the hardest technical thing he's ever done- describing it as 'a funny climb.....something between a highball and a solo'.
    Not that the route fell like a ripe plum into Dave's lap. Ever the rock zealot, Dave trained relentlessly with a structured rest and diet programme. After working on the project since there was snow on the ground,the route was finally bagged yesterday, resulting in a hyper Dave being totally wired up until 5am before snatching a couple of hours of sleep before baby daughter Frieda brought him back to life at 7am.
    The full account with a video of the ascent can be found on Dave's blogspot. 

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Dave MacLeod shakes out some big numbers

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Sin City v The Bubble: Climbing in Vegas and Boulder

    Las Vegas climber Heather Robinson climbing Power Windows (5.13d) at Mount Potosi by day.

    I've been climbing and working in Las Vegas for the last 10 weeks, and I have one more to go before returning home to Boulder. As one of few Colorado climbers hunkered down here for the winter, I've been the minority (read: the target) during countless quibbles over whether Boulder or Las Vegas is the superior city for a climber.

    When it comes to climbing, Las Vegas and Boulder are very similar. Both locales are well suited to climbers of all experience levels, with routes of every grade close to town. Both sunny cities also boast an extraordinary percentage of very strong climbers, which is due in part to the lack of an off-season.

    I've paraphrased a few of the arguments I've heard from Boulder and Vegas locals, but you be the judge in this town vs. town showdown.

    This is what a Boulder climber might say, and the typical Vegas climber's response:

    B: We have the best variety of year-round climbing in America. Thousands of killer boulder problems and routes -- on granite, gneiss and several types of sandstone -- are within half an hour of town.

    LV: Boulder Canyon sucks. Eldo has crappy rock, and it's scary as hell. You have to walk forever in the Flatirons. Clear Creek is an over-bolted choss pile.

    B: We have the most diverse indoor climbing in America: Movement, The Spot, the Boulder Rock Club, CATS.

    LV: Climbing plastic? We climb hard outside all day, then drink beer and cosmos. We wake up early and do it again the next day.

    B: Pearl Street is the perfect setting après-climb. It's not The Strip, but that's the point.

    LV: Pearl Street sucks. The bars close at 2 a.m.

    B: Outdoor cross-training is accessible anywhere in Boulder: trail running, road and mountain biking, hiking, etc.

    LV: Indoor cross-training is better, and accessible
    And a few hours later, about to party 'til sunrise on The Strip.
    anywhere in Vegas: dancing to world-class DJs, sport drinking at the Yard House, getting lap dances at the Spearmint Rhino, etc.

    B: Residential break-ins are as common in Las Vegas as random acts of kindness are in Boulder.

    LV: Whatever. At least life is real in Las Vegas. Boulder is just a Bubble full of self-righteous trustafarians.

    This is what a Las Vegas climber might say about the city, and the typical Boulder climber's response:

    LV: We have the best year-round sport climbing in America, including some of the hardest routes in the country.

    B: Sport climbing is passé. Bouldering is way radder. The best boulderers in the world travel to Rocky Mountain National Park and Mount Evans. The hardest boulder problem on the planet -- The Game (V15/16) -- is in Boulder Canyon, five minutes from downtown.

    LV: We have a super-motivated crew of friendly, local climbers.

    B: We have a super-motivated crew of friendly, local climbers as well. It's about 50 times larger than your crew.

    LV: On non-climbing days, we party 'til sunrise on The Strip.

    B: Partying that hard disturbs my chi.

    LV: Vegas has better weather than Boulder.

    B: Whatever. We've got plenty of sun, and I don't need SPF 200 and air-conditioned underwear to step
    outside half the year.

    LV: Boulder is such a scene!

    B: Seriously, Vegas?

    After two and a half months of intense and technical research in Las Vegas (usually over a dark Belgian beer or two), I've realized that whatever it is -- an all-night dance party, a "scene" or the best rock climbs -- it doesn't matter whether you're in Sin City, Boulder's Bubble or somewhere else.

    People tend to find exactly what they're looking for.

    Chris Weidner: Boulder Daily Camera

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Sin City v The Bubble: Climbing in Vegas and Boulder

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The Meatrix® II

    Moopheus is at it again...

    Here we are with another episode of the Meatrix. This time our heroes Moopheus, Leo and Chickity expose the dark side of the dairy industry.



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The Meatrix® II

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Research Reveals Increased Consumer Demand for Fair Trade Certified-Labeled Products

    Researchers from Harvard, the London School of Economics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Release Study on the Value of Ethical Labeling

    Print OAKLAND, CA, April 2011 - Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States, reports new findings which confirm that the prominent appearance of the Fair Trade Certified™ label increases sales among coffee-buying consumers.

    To investigate the topic of consumer demand for Fair Trade products, researchers Jens Hainmueller of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael J. Hiscox of Harvard University, and Sandra Sequeira of the London School of Economics, conducted a six-month research study in partnership with a prominent national grocery retailer. As reported this weekend in the Wall Street Journal, the team examined purchasing behavior among actual consumers at 26 stores and key findings show that:

    • The Fair Trade Certified label alone has a large positive impact on sales.
    • Sales of the two most popular bulk coffees sold in each of the 26 test stores increased by up to 13 percent when labeled as Fair Trade Certified.
    • The study also revealed that a substantial segment of consumers are willing to pay up to eight percent more for a product bearing the Fair Trade Certified label.

    The findings are consistent with a Globescan study conducted in 2010, which revealed that 75 percent of consumers said Fair Trade certification makes them feel "very positive or positive" about products; 30 percent said Fair Trade is "likely to increase their purchase interest;" and over half said "independent third-party certification is the best way to verify" a product's social and environmental claims.

    "Overall the findings suggest that there is substantial consumer support for Fair Trade," said Michael J. Hiscox of Harvard University. "The Fair Trade label by itself had a large positive effect on sales, indicating that a substantial number of coffee buyers place a positive value on Fair Trade certification. In addition, a sizeable segment of coffee buyers were willing to pay a premium for coffee if the premium was directly associated with support for Fair Trade. The tests suggest that there are plenty of consumers ready to vote with their shopping dollars to support Fair Trade when it is offered as an option by retailers."

    The study can be referenced online at

    Fair Trade USA (previously TransFair USA), a nonprofit organization, is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. Fair Trade USA audits and certifies transactions between U.S. companies and their international suppliers to guarantee that the farmers and workers producing Fair Trade Certified goods were paid fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment, and receive community development funds to empower and uplift their communities. Fair Trade USA educates consumers, brings new manufacturers and retailers into the Fair Trade system, and provides farming communities with tools, training and resources to thrive as international businesspeople. Visit for more information.

    The Research team consists of Michael J. Hiscox, the Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs at Harvard University; Sandra Sequeira, Lecturer in Development Economics at the London School of Economics; and Jens Hainmueller, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

    Full Disclosure Statement: The GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW received no compensation for any component of this article.

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Research Reveals Increased Consumer Demand for Fair Trade Certified-Labeled Products

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Greening Hip-Hop

    Greening Hip-Hop: Legendary Innovators Star & Buc Wild Join Forces with Socially Responsible Start Up, Bennu, to Launch the First Eco-Friendly Hip-Hop Merchandise

    New York, NY, April 2011 – Always known for staying ahead of the curve, Star & Buc Wild are again leading the way by merging hip-hop culture and the amplifying Green Wave. The visionary media personalities are partnering with Bennu, a socially responsible marketing company focused on recycling, to offer the first hip-hop merchandise with a green twist.

    Star & Buc Wild and Bennu are releasing limited edition co-branded backpacks (“Greenpacks”) composed of fabric made 100% from recycled plastic bottles. Each bag keeps 20 16-oz bottles out of landfills and uses up to 70% less energy to make than material for conventional backpacks. Alarmingly, more than 30 billion plastic bottles are dumped into U.S. landfills every year.

    “The goal of Star & Buc Wild is to create a diversified brand,” commented Star. “We respect the green movement and believe it’s important to incorporate a mission into our work. The Bennu team is fresh and understands why people are going green, and we support that effort.”

    Ashok Kamal, Co-Founder & CEO of Bennu, added, “Star & Buc Wild have always exemplified innovation. The world is changing and demanding that we approach business in a way that considers the planet along with profit. It’s time for hip-hop culture and the green culture to evolve together.”

    Along with the launch of Star & Buc Wild backpacks, which are available for sale exclusively online, plans are in place to produce Star & Buc Wild T-shirts made from recycled fabrics.

    Bennu was officially launched in September 2010 by 3 recent business school graduates who come from diverse personal and professional backgrounds. The company began by selling customized backpacks to schools. In November 2010, Bennu announced that it was donating $5,000 worth of backpacks to low-income NYC students through its “Greenpacks for Great Kids” campaign.

    Troi Torain and Timothy Joseph pka Star & Buc Wild have pioneered some of today’s most successful multimedia platforms. They can be heard daily as the top-rated morning show on Philadelphia’s 100.3 The Beat along with their current Internet broadcast which generates over 650,000 viewers daily on

    Bennu is a socially responsible product development and marketing company that completes the recycling loop. Please visit to learn more.

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

    Full Disclosure Statement: The GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW received no compensation for any component of this article.

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Greening Hip-Hop

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