New Barclays Cycle Superhighways herald safer and easier cycling across the city

    Welcome funding for boroughs as work starts on new Cycle Superhighway

    Responding to the announcement of funding for cycling improvements in five London Boroughs along the new Cycle Superhighway, Eleanor Besley, Policy Advisor at Sustrans says:

    'We know that creating routes for cycling doesn't work in isolation.  People need to be actively encouraged onto their bikes and onto the cycle routes.  With this in mind, it's great to see Transport for London announcing that boroughs along the new superhighway will have new funding available for things like cycle training, cycle parking and bike safety checks. 

    'The Outer London  Boroughs have significant congestion, air quality and obesity problems and analysis shows that more than half of the potentially cyclable trips in the capital are in these boroughs. The Mayor recently announced £4million funding for ‘biking boroughs’, which was a welcome pot of money, but split between 13 Outer London Boroughs it will not be enough to maximise the potential.'

    New Barclays Cycle Superhighways herald safer and easier cycling across the city

    Work has begun on two new Barclays Cycle Superhighway routes, which will open in July 2011 making it easier and safer for cyclists to commute into central London on direct and continuous cycle routes.

    As work takes place on the new routes, which will run from Bow to Aldgate (CS2) and Wandsworth to Westminster (CS8), the Mayor of London and TfL have also announced funding to help boroughs along the route develop cycling improvements. Five boroughs; City, Tower Hamlets, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster and Wandsworth, can bid for a share in funds in order to provide:

    · Cycle parking along the two new routes. This will be a mixture of on-street and residential parking which will be installed within 1.5km of the routes

    · Cycle training for residents to help to improve their cycle commuter skills and safety awareness.

    · Cycle checks available from the launch of the new highways until autumn 2011 to make sure people’s bicycles are safe to ride.

    Since the launch of the first two Barclays Cycle Superhighways last summer (July 2010) Transport for London have provided funding for a total of 4,113 new cycle spaces along the routes, and have also provided 4,206 hours of training and checked the safety of 4,143 bikes.

    The two new routes run from Merton to the City (CS7) and Barking to Tower Gateway (CS3), to make it easier and safer for cyclists to commute between outer and inner London on direct and continuous cycle routes. They are just one part of the Mayor's cycle revolution, which aims to make travelling around on two wheels safer and easier for Londoners and visitors. Along the first two Barclays Cycle Superhighway routes cycling has increased by up to 70 per cent.

    Kulveer Ranger, the Mayor of London’s transport advisor said: “The striking blue paint is now being laid down for another two of the 12 Barclays Cycle Superhighways the Mayor has committed to delivering. Thousands of Londoners have been using the first two highways and by the end of this summer we will have four direct cycle routes into the centre of the capital. But these are more than just cycle lanes – there is also increased cycle parking and more training, and we are working with businesses along the routes to ensure everyone who wants to can take to the cleanest, greenest form of commuter transport.”

    With more cyclists on the road TfL and the Mayor of London are working hard to make sure cycling in London continues to get safer. It is important that cyclists are aware of key cycle safety tips such as wearing bright clothing and never going up the left-hand side of lorries at junctions. TfL offer free cycle training which we would encourage new and experienced cyclists to take full advantage of, for further information visit:

    Drivers are also reminded that cyclists are ‘vehicles’ on the road and just like any other vehicle they require space, consideration and awareness.

    Ben Plowden, TfL Director of Better Routes and Places said: “We are working hard to ensure cycling in London is safe, easy and most importantly fun for everyone. I would encourage everyone to take advantage of our free cycle training, whether you are experienced and in need of a ‘refresh ‘or a new London cyclist who would like to improve their confidence skills, our cycle training caters for everyone. Once you start to cycle you will wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner – the health benefits are also instantly noticeable.”

    Source: Sustrans

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New Barclays Cycle Superhighways herald safer and easier cycling across the city

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