GECCo Coming to the Twin Cities

    Aurora, Colo., April 27, 2011

    Infrastructure Protection (IP) within the Department of Homeland Security’s National Protection
    and Programs Directorate to expand the association’s Geospatially Enabling Community
    Collaboration initiative. The purpose of the GECCo initiative is to facilitate an interactive
    dialogue at the local level among community infrastructure stakeholders and emergency
    responders to begin to address collaboration and information exchange issues that inhibit
    effective response and recovery in times of emergency.

    An interactive, cooperative approach is employed by the initiative to enhance existing securityrelated
    efforts and enable community stakeholders to develop a framework by which public and
    private organizations can better collaborate in order to protect critical infrastructure and respond
    more effectively to emergency situations.

    Robert M. Samborski, GITA’s Executive Director, said, “We are really looking forward to being
    able to expand and accelerate our GECCo initiative through this partnership with DHS IP. We
    now have, for the first time, a sustained commitment that will enable us to plan ahead and
    develop a coordinated series of workshops in communities across the U.S., as well as contribute
    our growing body of knowledge to the important effort of protecting our critical infrastructure
    assets.” Tammy Barbour, Acting Division Director of IP’s Infrastructure Information Collection
    Division, echoed the significance of this partnership by stating that, “GITA is working with IP to
    help bring together critical infrastructure communities to enhance risk information sharing and
    the identification of infrastructure interdependencies leading to a safer, more secure, and more
    resilient America, one city at a time.”

    The potential 2011 GECCo workshop locations include Dallas/Fort Worth, Minneapolis/St.
    Paul, and other areas, which will be determined jointly by GITA and IP.

    The next GECCo workshop will be held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area June 16 and 17, 2011. For
    more details, contact Libby Hanna at

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GECCo Coming to the Twin Cities

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