We have met the enemy... and he is us!

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    PlanetWithDent When it comes to the Planet, Mother Nature, then the enemy certainly is us and we are on the best way of destroying ourselves because we are in the process of destroying the Planet upon which we depend.

    There is only one Earth but we are behaving as if there were thousands of those planets about and as if we could just use and abuse at will without any consequences.

    The Native American, and that also though some bad experiences, has learned much earlier than have we that we must create a symbiosis with Mother Earth in order for us to be able to thrive on this Planet.

    The original philosophy of the Romani, the Gypsy people, also has been to take only as much as we need for whatever, whether food or craft, so that there is something there for others coming after us.

    The “White Man”, however, does not seem to understand this profound truth and by purposely mistranslating and misinterpreting his “Holy Scriptures” he tries top justify his actions.

    Christianity especially likes to use the phrase “and G-d gave man dominion over all Creation” to claim a G-d-given right to use, as he pleases and wants, all of Creation in a way as if there is no tomorrow. In fact, if we continue on this path there will be no tomorrow, for the future looks very bleak indeed.

    We are the enemy for sure... and now that we have realized that it is up to us to do something about it.

    © 2011

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We have met the enemy... and he is us!

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Gypsies targeted in west German arson attack

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    An apartment block housing Sinti and Roma families was the target of an apparent racial arson attack in the west German city of Leverkusen in the last week of July 2011 and prosecutors have, in fact, put a 5,000 Euro bounty on any information leading to apprehension and conviction of perpetrator(s).

    Unknown assailants threw several Molotov cocktails into the ground floor apartment of the building, where a well-known Gypsy family of Leverkusen had their home. Luckily the occupants managed to escape unharmed.

    Witnesses have spoken of four perpetrators who drove off in a car and minibus.

    Police do 'not rule out a radical right-wing background' in the fire-bombing of the four-storey building.

    Read more here

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Gypsies targeted in west German arson attack

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Sustainable picnics

    Sustainable picnics in parks, open spaces and forests

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    We all – well most of us – love a picnic in the open, in a park, open space or forest land and those that work in the parks and forestry services really do want you to have a good time, but that does not mean that everything has to be left behind.

    Far too many people, however, do not consider what happens after they leave and how their rubbish is going to be disposed off or before anyone gets to it how it affects wildlife.

    Time and again the next day after picnics staff at parks and forestry encounter the disaster that are the leftovers from such events, with ripped black bin liners and content spilled over, at times, literally miles.

    You rubbish from a picnic can have a serious impact on wildlife and the countryside.

    Until everything is picked up it all looks very untidy and this could be for some time depending where this picnic has happened and, in addition to that, any remains attract wildlife which could also be harmed by what may be left in the bags or just strewn around.

    Large scale organized picnics at open air concerts and other events also present a challenge when participants are on the inconsiderate side and assume that the rubbish can just be left by the side of overflowing bins or even simply left, even though maybe tied up in bin liners of what have you, in the location where the event took place.

    We must look at sustainability in everything that we do, whether at home or in the outdoors and a couple of considerations will go a long way towards sustainable picnics and events.

    1. Do not use disposables. No paper plates, cups or napkins. Bring real stuff and take it home again with you. The same goes for cutlery (flatware to you American cousins). Bring real metal cutlery or wood or bamboo. The latter will happily decay in the great outdoors or the compost heap. Best advise for sustainability: bring stuff you take home again, that is to say picnic plates of plastic or metal and real cutlery.

    1. Don't leave your rubbish behind. You carried it all to the location therefore you should be able to take it home with you as well. At least dispose of it properly in the proper locations. Don't just leave it behind.

    It is amazing though even with people who bring real plates (plastic, metal, china) and real flatware how many of them still throw everything into the rubbish bins (or leave it besides the bins because their bags are too big to fit) including the flatware and plates they brought.

    Not very sustainable and we must rethink our ways in the case of picnics like in so many other issues.

    It is not sustainable to waste food and neither is it sustainable to waste cutlery and plates, etc.

    Plastic cutlery is not sustainable and neither are polystyrene plates and cups. Nor, however, is using real cutlery and real plates and glasses and leaving them behind after a day in the parks or forests.

    We really need to rethink how things are being done.

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Sustainable picnics

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Man Questions 911 Dispatch Error

    From UpNorthLive.com
    by Lauren Amstutz
    Posted: 06.08.2011 at 9:46 PM

    "BENZIE CO. -- A Benzie County man is looking for answers tonight after an error by 911 dispatch.  His wife died of an asthma attack and he says the ambulance didn't get there fast enough. The mistake was made when the dispatcher relayed the wrong address to EMS. Now family members are left wondering if their loved one would still be alive had crews arrived sooner."   Read more.

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Man Questions 911 Dispatch Error

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US Debt ceiling - still no decision.

    Still deadlocked in Congress as the "widely assumed" 2nd August deadline fast approaches. 
    Seems like temporary insanity amongst the elected officials despite my appreciating the drivers to manage budgets and manage debt.
    However, they long since opted in to "spending their way out of the credit crunch" so it seems woefully late and inadequate to now play with the livelihoods of the voters and global markets.
    Sometimes seems that they must feel so left out of all the excitement and focus on the Euro's problems with sovereign debt that they have gone out of their way to create their own drama.

    It still seems unimaginable particularly when it seems to be in their control. 
    The knock-on to that being that it is unimaginable what the impact might be.

    Picked an interesting point out of the following article: www.citywire.co.uk: US Debt: why the deadlock may not turn to disaster which hints at a potentially moderate response to a US default/downgrade as fund managers sell out of US bonds in order to maintain a AAA criteria to their portfolios. I seem to recall similar fears of a sell-off by Japanese investors in US bonds (possibly 90's) but can't recall the exact reasoning other than to raise and repatriate funds as the heavily inflated property market in Japan imploded.

    As it stands today, China then Japan are the 2 largest holders of US Dollar reserves with both countries holding almost $600bn each. I guess this is due to the dollars position as the "world's  second currency" and the size of the US as a consumer market.
    Any significant sell-off would obviously add to and accelerate any devaluation of the dollar (could this be something that a section of Congress want?).

    I sort of expect markets to jump (with relief), if it is resolved and obviously fall if the unimaginable occurs. But, the scale of fall is hard to fathom. Its not like Greece, or any other previous default where bankruptcy more or less occurred but might just change perceptions of the dollar forever.
    Either way it will help to resolve the uncertainty that markets dislike.

    Related articles:

    Earlier posts:
    Public reaction to Congress debt ceiling impasse.

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US Debt ceiling - still no decision.

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Tim DeChristopher jailed:What next for the Green Movement ?

    Environmentalist Tim DeChristopher was sentenced to two years in prison for using non-violent civil disobedience to disrupt a sham oil and gas auction. He had been found guilty on two felony counts for making fake bids in the auction, costing corporations hundreds of thousands of dollars, and faced up to ten years.

    He increased the bids on 22,000 acres of land in Utah national parks. A federal judge later ruled the auction was illegal.

    DeChristopher’s case has attracted international attention, and he has become a spokesperson for the environmental movement. This case is much bigger than DeChristopher, though (as he has often said himself). We all need to be thinking: what’s next? How do we move forward?

    Even if you do not consider yourself an environmentalist, or don’t agree with DeChristopher’s tactics, this case should raise serious questions about the misplaced priorities of our government and our entire culture. DeChristopher’s two-year sentence is comparable to what members of underground groups have received for property destruction. The court has sent the message that public, aboveground activists, who use non-violent civil disobedience, will be treated on par with underground activists who use economic sabotage.

    More importantly, though, the government has sent the message that the people who step forward to stop ecological destruction will be met with harsh punishments, while those who responsible for this destruction, such as the oil and gas corporations bidding for public lands, will go about business as usual.

    As the judge said during sentencing: “Civil disobedience can’t be the order of the day,” or it will lead to “chaos.”

    But chaos for who? For the people? For the planet? Or for corporations?

    This case, and the larger crackdown on the environmental movement, makes strikingly clear that the government is more concerned about the latter. As defense attorney Ron Yengich said: “We never impose the rule of law on people who steal from poor people, destroy the banking systems or destroy the earth.”

    Moving forward, we need to remember one thing above all else: this is happening because DeChristopher was effective.

    DeChristopher’s actions exposed what goes on inside sham corporate auctions, it cost corporations hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it galvanized the movement.

    At sentencing, U.S. District Judge Dee Benson said that DeChristopher’s leadership in the environmental movement, his “continuing trail of statements” for civil disobedience, and his speech outside the courthouse were the reasons he faced prison time.

    The judge went so far as to take the unusual step of having DeChristopher taken into custody of the U.S. Marshalls until his prison sentence begins. In many other cases I have covered, including those of convicted arsonists, the prisoners were allowed to self-surrender. People are generally only taken directly into custody if they are a violent threat or a flight risk. Why was this different?

    Because DeChristopher is inspirational, and he would clearly use his time before prison to organize.

    “You have authority over my life, but not my principles. Those are mine,” DeChristopher said to the judge. “I’ll continue to confront the system that threatens our future.”

    Others have vowed to do the same. Thousands will be in Washington, D.C. in August to protest the Keystone XL pipeline to the Tar Sands. They are planning mass non-violent civil disobedience.

    Will Potter: Green is the new Red

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Tim DeChristopher jailed:What next for the Green Movement ?

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Record-breaking green spaces

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    logo-greenflag On July 25, 2011, a record-breaking 1,288 parks and green spaces throughout the UK have been receiving the Green Flag Award or Community Award. This is a certain sign that even in these challenging times, the value of green space is widely acknowledged as vital to our communities.

    The record number of sites that have been receiving an award this year ensures that even more of us now have access to well-managed, high-quality green spaces. Many of those award-winning sites will have been raising their flags throughout Love Parks Week, which ran from the 23rd to the 31st July.

    In recent years, research has proved that quality parks and green spaces play a vital role within local communities. They are assets contributing to the local environment, the local economy, individual’s health and well-being, and in bringing the community together.

    This year alone has seen even more value placed on our green spaces. A major new study by The UK National Ecosystems Assessment (NEA) shows that the health benefits of living with a view of green space are worth up to £300 per person per year, though as a parks professional I would actually consider the price to be higher still.

    The Natural Environment White Paper published by the government in 2011, highlights further the importance of our green spaces and the benefits our natural environment has to us all – strengthening the significance of the part we all have to play in developing and protecting it.

    Investment in parks and green spaces has the potential to impact on many aspects of the local environment. The increase in the number of Green Flag Award and Community Award sites this year is testament to the value and significance local authorities and the community as a whole are placing on their green spaces.

    Communities and Local Government Minister, Andrew Stunell said: “This year, a record of number of parks and green spaces across the country have been awarded a Green Flag – a testament to all the hard work that local authorities and communities put in to maintaining them. The announcement of this year’s winners also acts as a timely reminder to communities everywhere that there are hundreds of top-quality parks out there to enjoy.

    “Given the important role parks and green spaces play in all our lives, I would like to thank all this year’s volunteer judges for their efforts. I share the joy of communities that, through the scheme, see their local areas flourish.”

    Green Flag Plus Partnership chairman Phil Barton said: “The importance of good-quality green spaces cannot be overestimated. They are central to the growth of our communities, both socially and economically.

    “The Green Flag Award Scheme, and its growth, is essential in driving up the standards of our parks and green spaces. Access to quality green space is something we all desire and the scheme plays a key role in providing it.

    “In these challenging financial times it is heartening that the number of Green Flag and Community Awards continues to grow. As the value of green space and the role it plays in our communities strengthens, we must ensure these high standards remain.”

    But, many parks and open spaces do face serious problems due to government cutbacks that seriously affect service delivery on a local level. Park staff everywhere, and the management teams, will do their very best do keep the standards up as far as possible with the every dwindling resources.

    Looking after your local parks and open spaces may be something where the Big Society could come into its own as well with volunteer groups assisting the park keepers and grounds maintenance teams everywhere.

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Record-breaking green spaces

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Canada clamps down on criticism of Israel

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Canada, in an affront to free speech, government committee declares that criticism of Israel should be considered anti-Semitic.

    090211-canada-israel Thus Canada is taking it further even than the way things are done in the USA when it comes to criticism of the Zionist State in Palestine, called Israel, where, basically, any such criticism is suppressed, unless it is published in Blogs and such. In the land of the maple leaf the mere criticism of the Zionist State might be regarded soon as anti-Semitic hate crime.

    It seems that in both North American countries, Canada and the USA, nowadays one may not say anything at all against the Zionist entity that occupies Palestine if one does not wish to be hauled before a judge.

    Nearly two years after the first hearings were held in Ottawa, the Canadian Parliamentary Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA) released a detailed report on July 7, 2011 that found that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Canada, especially on university campuses.

    While the CPCCA's final report does contain some cases of real anti-Semitism, the committee has provided little evidence that anti-Semitism has actually increased in Canada in recent years. Instead, it has focused a disproportionate amount of effort and resources on what it calls a so-called "new anti-Semitism": criticism of Israel.

    It would appear, indeed, to all intents and purposes, that the real purpose of the CPCCA committee is to be to stifle critiques of Israeli policy and disrupt pro-Palestinian solidarity organizing in Canada, including, most notably, Israeli Apartheid Week events. Many of the CPCCA's findings, therefore, must be rejected as both an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of protest, and as recklessly undermining the fight against real instances of anti-Semitism.

    Simple being critical of Israel and it actions in the country and the occupied territories already is being considered as anti-Semitic by especially the B'nai Brith, the Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies and similar entities.

    Being anti-Semitic once meant being against the Jewish Religion and ethnic group called Jews – Jews are NOT a Race to be precise – it now seems to be translated to mean that someone is anti-Semitic if he or she does not agree with the that Zionist entity – called Israel – in Palestine. I have problems with Israel for sure but none with individual Jews or Jews per se. But I do have problems with them when they make claims on their ethnicity and claims to rights as Jews to simply steel the land of another People.

    It is entirely stupid and against all traditions of freedom of speech – and it is not just thus in Canada and the USA – to make criticism of the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine, called Israel, into Anti-Semitism.

    Criticism on Israel has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism in the same way as criticism on, say , an African country, has nothing to do with racism. It is criticism on the action of a country, a state, and in the case of Israel one that was born out of terrorism and the dispossession of other people.

    So, let's get real and not drift into the realm of absolute stupidity.

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Canada clamps down on criticism of Israel

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Is email dead?

    Personally I do not think so in the same way as the letter has not died as yet and hopefully never will

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    emailIconRIP The announcement of the death of email, I think, is very premature indeed for who, in their right mind, wants to use the likes of LinkedIn, Ning, etc., as sole means of communication.

    Recently the Net was awash with claims that email – direct proper email – was about to meet its demise and was going to be replaced entirely by communications via social media and social networking sites. I must say that I very much doubt it.

    Email could do with improvement and the style should be brought back of a proper letter for a great many emails. The way some people clobber together emails and reply to them just is very much without style and it would be very sad if we lose the style of letter through email.

    An email is an electronic letter and, in my view, should be laid out and styled in the same way as would be a letter, and the style, obviously, differs from whether it is a private or a business electronic letter (email) but both should keep to the style that a letter would also be, unless it is just an SMS kind of quick message being sent for this or that reason.

    Communicating via social media in any serious way I cannot imagine ever to really take off and that very simply for the fact that you do not have a way of keeping such messages for “posterity”, so to speak, in the same way as you can emails.

    While I do like a proper letter and proper letter style for sure email, in the proper form, as far as I am concerned, has become, as far as possible, my favorite choice of communication, and that simply for its speed.

    Sending a letter of even three of four pages with attached pictures and documents, half way across the world in seconds beats the postal service for sure and with an exchange of read receipt you also know, almost instantly, that your letter has been received on the other end.

    While I do use Twitter and Facebook (and also forums) as for discussions with friends and acquaintances, etc., I cannot see such forums and applications replacing emails (and proper letters), and that simply for the fact that you don't have a way of keeping a record properly of the conversations.

    Social media has its place and it will go forward, of that I am sure, by leaps and bounds and while there is hardly going to be anything new coming up as far as email is concerned email is here to stay and may even become more important in time to come.

    For business and private use social media just does not have the security of the email either and thus, I am sure, very much like the desktop PC, it is here to stay and rumors of its death have been greatly exaggerated.

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Is email dead?

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De Lorme Announces Fall Release of InReach

    De Lorme recently announced the up coming fall release of InReach.  As described by the company, InReach will be the, "first-ever personal communicator with 2-way messaging, iridium global satellite coverage, and an Android interface".  The product can be paired with either Delorme's PN-60 GPS (a USNG enabled device) or an Android smart phone, and has a buttton to request a SAR response.  Conversely, SAR teams can use the satellite connectivity to communicate between search parties in areas without other frequency coverage.  Learn more.

    Comment: This product will be competing with the SPOT satellite messenging system of France.

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De Lorme Announces Fall Release of InReach

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US cutting military aid to Pakistan

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    pakistan_map Ever since the US military action that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden and which was done without the knowledge of the country of Pakistan in that country relations between the USA and Pakistan are more than strained.

    The United States have accused the Pakistani secret service to have been in the know as to where Bin Laden was hiding and, in fact, protecting him. This may not be all that far fetched for it is somewhat unbelievable that he was living so plainly in Pakistan without the knowledge of someone high up in the Secret Intelligence Service of Pakistan.

    In addition to that Pakistan recently threw out US military and is, as far as the USA are concerned, a little on the recalcitrant side at present.

    If this act of cutting military aid, though most likely very much welcomed by the ordinary American, could make relations between the USA and Pakistan worse what then? Take out Pakistan?

    This may not be all that far fetched, dear readers.

    The way some American officials seems to be talking that is exactly what they consider to do. The Af-Pak war and an occupation of Pakistan would have Iran fully in a pincer. Is that the aim? It would appear so.

    We must note that the Afghan conflict became, in the last year or so, the Af-Pak war, or conflict. However, since when is there anything happening in Pakistan, other than the Taliban having bases there and the US attacking them, illegally, with drones.

    However, and I am sticking my neck out here somewhat and playing the devil's advocate and some might say that I have been reading too many wrong books.

    Looking at the area of the former Ariania – of which Iran retains part of the name – then the only thing needed in order to get Iran (Persia) into a pincer proper, as we already have the -stans above, is full and unhindered access and operational permission in Pakistan, especially in the province(s) that border Iran.

    If that can be achieved then Iran is surrounded by American and “allied” forces and can then put pressure on Iran to change its political structure so as for the US and others to get their hands on the oil.

    And oil is the only reason any and all of those “wars” are being fought, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan – bugger “Enduring Freedom” and human rights, etc. – and latest Libya. If it would really be the rights of the people we would be interested in, our governments that is, then we would be in Syria right now and would have been in Rhodesia a long time ago.

    Far from bringing any enduring freedom to Afghanistan, or to Iraq, or to Libya, the aim is to “liberate” the oil supplies of Iraq, Libya, and via a pincer attack from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the -stans of the former USSR, Iran.

    That black sticky stuff makes people do awful things and often under the guise of humanitarian action.

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US cutting military aid to Pakistan

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Japanese Prime Minister calls for nuclear-free future

    Naoto Kan says Fukushima crisis has convinced him to aim for a society not dependent on nuclear power

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    0607-Fukushima-nuclear-terror.JPG_full_380Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan said on Wednesday, July 13, 2011, that the Fukushima nuclear crisis had convinced him that Japan should aim at a society that does not depend on nuclear energy and eventually has no atomic plants.

    The unpopular leader denied he was considering calling a snap election over energy policy and sidestepped a question on when he would keep a promise to step down, saying he wanted to do his best to work on nuclear policy and rebuild the country from the devastating 11 March earthquake and tsunami that triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years.

    “Given the enormity of the risks associated with nuclear power generation, I have realised nuclear technology is not something that can be managed by conventional safety measures alone,” Kan told a news conference.

    “I believe”, he said, “we should aim for a society that is not dependent on nuclear power generation."

    Though he did say that it was premature to set a time frame for achieving that goal.

    Kan also said Japan would be able to avoid summer and winter power shortages because of energy conservation efforts and companies' in-house power supplies, despite the large number of reactors now off-line for inspections or other work.

    The unpopular Prime Minister has become increasingly sensitive to growing public concern about nuclear power, but whether he oversees an overhaul of energy policy is in doubt since he has promised to resign, although he has not said when.

    Nuclear energy accounted for about 30% of Japan's power supply before the 11 March disasters crippled Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima plant 240km (150 miles) north of the capital and that ratio slipped to 18% in June.

    Although he is being referred to again and again as an unpopular Prime Minister, which he, n o doubt, is, he seems to be one of the few leaders in the developed world who has understood the dangers of nuclear power and the fact that we cannot afford the stuff.

    I am old enough to remember – I was a child back then – when in Britain the claim as to nuclear power was made that it would produce energy too cheap to meter and that is also the very reason that in the 1960s homes, whether houses or flats, were built all electric and were then, later, refitted with gas heating, and gas for cooking, as electric turned out to be too expensive.

    The “too cheap to meter” never materialized. In fact nuclear power is the most expensive form of energy in Britain today. Still the government is going to be building (or more precise “bringing on stream”) some eight new atomic power plants with all the risks and problems associated with them.

    The British government seem to be very firmly, regardless of which party, in the pockets of the nuclear power industry. Time the people reacted and told the powers-that-be where to get off.

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Japanese Prime Minister calls for nuclear-free future

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Grow Your Own at RHS Flower Shows

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Grow Your Own is more and more in evidence at the various RHS shows and not just this year.

    While Grow You Own (GYO), in “speed mode”, has been around for some time now, it is getting more and more main stage at the shows now. This was certainly not the case some years back

    That GYO is reaching the main stage of the shows could very much be seen by the RHS Edible Garden at the 2011 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show as well as by a similar RHS show garden at the show last year.

    GYO is, we all know, not new at all but the interest and the phenomenon os how it is taking off nowadays certainly is.

    Allotment gardens have been around for now some time and the Diggers were the first who were trying to archive the GYO already centuries ago.

    Seed merchants, gardening equipment manufacturers and supplies, etc., all are gearing up more and more to this market, including the many books on the subject now being produced. Even gardening suppliers, such as Haxnicks and seed companies such as Marchalls have brought out “grow your own vegetables” guide books.

    As said, the grow your own vegetable “movement” is not a new one. During the two world wars there were the “Dig for Victory” campaigns and many of those images are being used by seed companies and others to promote the growing of your own vegetables. The Mr. DIGWELL Seeds are but one example of using this kind of retro as regards of grow your own veg. It must be welcomed, however, as this is the way things should be, in order to also ensure some kind of food security for the nation as a whole.

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UN News Centre: UN Economic and Social Council Sets Up Committee on Global Geospatial Information

    UN News Centre
    July 27, 2011
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    "The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) today voted to establish a committee of experts on global geospatial information management to coordinate international dialogue on spatial data infrastructures and enhance cooperation in that field.

    According to the latest report of the Secretary-General on global geospatial information management, the rapid technological advances in geospatial information and related technologies have made this kind of information readily available.

    Geospatial information has application in many fields including humanitarian, peace and security, environmental and development challenges facing the world, such as climate change, natural disasters, pandemics, famines, population displacement and food and economic crises, according to the report.

    Building the infrastructure for the gathering, validation, compilation and dissemination of geospatial information is therefore as important for countries as the building of roads and telecommunications networks.

    However, there is currently no global multilateral or intergovernmental mechanism that can play the important leadership role of setting the agenda for the development of global geospatial information and promote its use to address key global challenges.
    The Secretary-General proposed that the UN take the lead role and serve as the coordinating entity of the global geospatial information community, hence the decision to create the committee.

    The committee is mandated, among other tasks, with providing a platform for the development of effective strategies on how to build and strengthen national capacity on geospatial information, especially in developing countries.

    It will also compile and disseminate best practices and experiences of national, regional and international bodies on geospatial information related to legal instruments, management models and technical standards, thus contributing to the establishment of spatial data infrastructures.
    The committee will comprise experts from all Member States, as well as from and international organizations, who will serve as observers."

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UN News Centre: UN Economic and Social Council Sets Up Committee on Global Geospatial Information

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Erhard Loretan obituary

    When Erhard Loretan and his fellow Swiss climber Jean Triollet reached their advance base camp at 5,850m on the Rongbuk glacier, Tibet, late on 30 August 1986 they had set a new standard in extreme alpinism – to the summit of Everest (8,850m) and back in less than two days, no sherpas, no rope, no bottled oxygen; for the last 1000m they did not even take a rucksack. The pair climbed mainly at night, so as not to overheat in their down suits, and rested during the day. Meticulous in its planning and stylish in its execution, their ascent of the mountain's North Face via the Japanese and Hornbein couloirs was described by the Polish mountaineer Voytek Kurtyka as "night-naked climbing".

    With his ascent of Kangchenjunga (8,586m, Nepal), in 1995, Loretan became only the third person to climb all 14 of the world's 8000m peaks, following on from Reinhold Messner and Jerzy Kukuczka. To date, 25 climbers have achieved this feat, but few with the verve of Loretan.

    Born in Bulle, in the canton of Fribourg, Loretan began climbing at the age of 11 and four years later climbed the east face of the Doldenhorn (3643m) in the Bernese Alps – the Swiss range where he fell to his death on his 52nd birthday – while guiding on the Gross Grünhorn (4,043m). He found his true métier as a mountain guide after working as a cabinet maker.

    The precise circumstances of Loretan's death are unknown. Reportedly, he and a client had left the Finsteraarhorn hut (3,048m) at 6am, ascended to a col where they deposited their skis, and had reached about 3,800m when they fell 200m down the north-west face. Loretan was found to be dead but the client was still alive.

    In 1980 Loretan made his first trip to the greater ranges, climbing new routes in the Peruvian Andes, and two years later ticked the first of his 8000ers with an ascent of Nanga Parbat (8,126m) in the Karakoram. The blueprint to his reputation-making Everest climb came in 1985 when he and Triollet made a super-lightweight ascent of Dhaulaghiri (8,167m), climbing fast, mainly at night, and carrying no ropes or bivouac gear.

    The audacity of the pair's Everest ascent was matched by the literal cheek of their descent – a four-hour sitting glissade of the entire North Face, or to put it in less technical terms, perhaps the longest and highest bum slide in the world. Triollet described it thus: "It was crazy... we were sitting side by side, looking at each other, laughing, digging our ice-axes into the snow, flying along." And in their oxygen-starved hallucinations they were accompanied by marching bands. Years later, Loretan insisted the feat wasn't incredible at all: "We just set off and we were fortunate to do it in two days. We were young and in love with climbing. When you're in love, you'll do anything. It wasn't sacrifice, it was normal."

    In 1987 Loretan had his first serious accident in the Alps but returned with an appetite as voracious as ever: a new route with Voytek Kurtyka on the Nameless Tower (6,239m), Trango Towers, Pakistan, in 1988; 13 north faces in the Swiss Alps and an attempt on K2 (8,611m) in 1989; then in 1990 the highest peak in North America, Denali (6,194m), Cho Oyu (8,201m) by its difficult south-west face in 27 hours, and up and down the south face of Shisha Pangma (8,046) in 22 hours – a truly remarkable year.

    Climbing for Loretan meant fulfilment. "I have taken the decision to live intensely, flirting with risk," he said. But his recent years were clouded by tragedy. In 2003 Loretan received a four-month suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to the negligent manslaughter of his seven-month old son. Loretan admitted to the police that he had shaken the baby boy "for a couple of seconds" to stop him crying. The case led to research showing many parents were unaware that infants, because of weak neck muscles, could die from being shaken for a few seconds.

    But among mountaineers, Loretan's achievements were never likely to be forgotten and last year he accepted honorary membership of the Alpine Club. He also came to London to take part in "First on Everest" at the Royal Geographical Society. With Everest today more associated with stunts, it was a chance to celebrate the boldest and best of climbing on the world's highest peak. Erhard Loretan, was back in the fold – albeit all too briefly.
    Stephen Goodwin: The Independent

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Erhard Loretan obituary

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Street View Cars Grabbed Locations of Phones and PCs

    CNET News
    July 25, 2011 12:14 AM PDT
    by Declan McCullagh

    According to CNET News, Google's Street View cars collected the locations of millions of laptops, cell phones, printers, and other wireless devices around the world.  Read more.

    Comment: Google was already in hot water after it was discovered earlier this year that its Street View mapping effort had collected the location of unencrypted wi-fi networks during its world-wide development.  Indeed, several countries have either commenced legal action or are contemplating same, with a BBC News article about the situation: "Google Accused of Criminal Intent Over StreetView Data", being typical.  

    While this latest disclosure about cell phones and wireless devices is only certain to add to the controversy, privacy concerns as described above are only one edge of the "geolocation sword".  The other edge is emergency response systems like Next Generation 911 will not work without the ability to determine the geospatial location of Voice Over IP systems (i.e. Vontage, Magic Jack) and cell phones.  

    For further insights into the complexities of this issue, go here

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Street View Cars Grabbed Locations of Phones and PCs

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Is kerbside recycling of glass just for show?

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    <Samsung L74, Samsung VLUU L74> Time and again kerbside recycling vehicles, and those collecting glass from bottle banks, can be observed dumping mixed bottles and jars – white, brown, green, etc. – into the same bays on the vehicle without any separation of colors.

    How can this then be recycled into new glass?

    Such mixed glass cannot be recycled into new bottles and such like and thus, I would suggest, this glass is then just being ground up to be turned into aggregate or for products where the coloring does not matter.

    Instead of kerbside recycling of glass we need to get back to deposits and returns on glass bottles and, ideally, also include glass jars in the same schemes and systems. It can be done; it was done before and is still being done in other countries.

    It can be guaranteed that if one would put, say, 10pence deposit on a small glass bottle and small glass jars and maybe 20pence on large bottles and jars, none of those would be wasted but would all be brought back. If not by the original owner and user by children and other people who will pick them up to claim the deposit. This is not rocket science so, maybe, government could stop behaving as if it is.

    While it may be true that recycling glass into new only takes a fraction of the energy to making bottles from scratch, a lot more energy and resources would be saved if we simply reused bottles and jars by cleaning and refilling them. As said, it used to be done with bottles and also can work with jars.

    © 2011

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Is kerbside recycling of glass just for show?

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Baby KeepCup has been born

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    smlKeepCup Thursday July 21 2011 saw the celebration of the birth – that is to say the official launch – of the newest member of the KeepCup family, the 4oz baby one, known as the Extra Small, or XS for short.

    This is the KeepCup for lovers of the brief version of a coffee, and especially a proper lovely Espresso shot.

    The birth celebration, the launch, took place at Prufrock Cofee, at 23-25 Leather Lane, London, EC1 and it was a really good evening despite the initial torrential downpour when some of us arrived at the location.

    Food and drink were brilliant and company was great, as was the music by the band.

    This little cup, in my opinion, is also an ideal cup for baby, and especially for toddlers and children. Aside from the fact it can come in a lovely combination of colors, in the same way as, obviously, its bigger brothers and sisters.

    The little device that closes the sipping port has seen some improvement since I last reviewed one of the KeepCup family and it is a lot more positive as to preventing the contents from spilling.

    © 2011

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Baby KeepCup has been born

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Nuclear power loses its luster in a sustainable energy future

    Fukushima incident has sustainability experts rethink place nuclear in the low-carbon energy future

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    No More Nukes_sml In the wake and aftermath of the Fukushima incident and fallout, in more than one sense of the word, a majority of sustainability experts around the world now say that nuclear power is not at all essential to a low-carbon energy future.

    However, the British government keeps telling the British public that we need nuclear to be able to have energy, as, as they claim, renewables cannot do it. Which is bullshit and they know it.

    Early indications are that the market may well share such sentiments:

    Prime Minister Naoto Kan has announced that Japan is rethinking its stance on nuclear power and that renewable energy will become a cornerstone for his country's energy policy.

    Japan's international credit rating was downgraded by Fitch last week in view of the risk the disaster poses to the country's economic growth and the anticipated costs of cleanup.

    Only recently German Chancellor Angela Merkel, once a nuclear advocate, said all 17 of country's nuclear plants will close by 2022 and that there will be no new ones being built.

    Italy's Prime Minister Berlusconi, who wanted to reinstate nuclear in Italy after the shutdown following Fukushima has been defeated in a national referendum in which in well over 90 percent of all Italians eligible to vote told the government “no more nukes” and the government of the country will have to listen to this. The peoiple have spoken.

    The sustainability experts who made their views known on nuclear power were surveyed by research firm GlobeScan Incorporated and SustainAbility Ltd., a think tank and strategy consultancy. The two firms periodically query a pool of sustainability professionals in business, government, nongovernmental organizations, academia, research and consulting and other service fields on issues affecting their work. The findings released today represent the opinions of 551 people from 67 countries; 58 percent of the respondents have worked in sustainability for more than 10 years, 32 percent have five to 10 years of experience, and the remainder have spent three to just under five years in the business.

    Fifty-four percent of those surveyed on "The Future of Energy" contend that "society can achieve a sustainable, low-carbon energy future without nuclear power." In contrast, 33 percent said nuclear power is "an essential component" to a low-carbon energy future, as the chart to the right shows:

    "It was a bit of a surprise to me that only a third of experts think nuclear power is an essential component ... I didn't expect such low numbers," said Jeff Erikson, a senior vice president for SustainAbility in Washington, D.C. "If the survey were taken a year ago, before Fukushima, the numbers would have been a lot higher."

    The survey, part of ongoing research by SustainAbility and GlobeScan, was conducted online May 6 through 20, roughly two months after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that knocked out the cooling systems at the Fukushima plant -- and almost two weeks before the Fitch's rating and Merkel's decision made headlines.

    Perhaps not surprisingly, sustainability experts from the corporate sector were nearly five times as likely as those from NGOs to say that a sustainable energy future must include nuclear power.

    Yet, the survey also found that among corporate respondents:

    * Less than half, 47 percent, believe nuclear power is essential for sustainable energy scenario.

    * 38 percent believe the opposite.

    * 15 percent don't subscribe to either view.

    At the other end of the spectrum:

    * 10 percent of NGO respondents feel nuclear power is essential.

    * 75 percent disagree.

    * 15 percent say neither sentiment reflects their views.

    Should government subsidize renewables, nukes, oil and coal?

    The survey also asked sustainability experts whether they think government should subsidize energy options ranging from renewables to oil and coal -- and what they think will actually happen.

    Although continued subsidies and incentives for renewables are at issue in the U.S. and abroad, the group is somewhat optimistic that government will still subsidize solar and wind power with slightly more than half saying so, as shown in the chart below:

    Click on image to view full-size chart.

    Less than a third said they believe government will subsidize hydro power, nuclear energy, natural gas, oil or coal in the future.

    And a majority said they think government will let the market decide what should be done with coal and oil.

    The survey found a big gap between what experts believe will happen and what they think government should do:

    * 83 percent of the respondents said the government should continue to subsidize energy efficiency initiatives and solar power.

    * 74 believe the same should be done for wind power.

    * About a third said government should phase out use of nuclear power.

    * Almost half said the same about coal, as the chart to the right shows:

    Finally, the experts were asked to rank five things that businesses and institutional users can do to advance toward a sustainable energy future. The actions named were: investing in energy efficient technology, developing products and services that are less energy intensive, increasing renewable power purchases, lobbying for public policy and increasing employee engagement in energy efficiency and conservation measures.

    Given a choice of designating the actions as a major focus, a secondary focus, not a focus at all or not applicable, a majority said each tactic would fall in the "major focus" category, as the chart below indicates:

    The responses show "the experts strongly recommend that companies follow a diverse, strategic energy plan," said Erikson of SustainAbility.

    That preference for a multifaceted course of action echoes findings from a SustainAbility / GlobeScan survey in April in which experts gave Unilever the top spot in a list of global corporate sustainability leaders. The respondents had named "commitment to sustainability values" as the key differentiator among high-performing companies, and the choice of Unilever illustrated the importance experts place on integrating those values throughout business operations, GlobeScan Senior Vice President Chris Coulter said at the time.

    More information about the latest joint survey by SustainAbility and GlobeScan is available at www.GlobeScan.com. SustainAbility posts the survey results on its online library at www.sustainability.com/library/the-future-of-energy.

    Renewables can very well supply all energy needs as long and especially if we change the way that we use and waste electricity and also and especially through changing the voltage and the current type of the power used.

    It will take some time still, I should think, before the message will finally sink in, especially at business level, that the high-voltage alternate current electricity that we are using at present, regardless of what voltage is not one that can be sustained, and that alone for the loss in power transmission.

    We need to come to the point where every roof, every pylon, every bridge, etc., is a power plant generating electricity for use in the house and to feed into a local low-voltage direct current grid.

    © 2011

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Nuclear power loses its luster in a sustainable energy future

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Public reaction to Congress debt ceiling impasse.

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Public reaction to Congress debt ceiling impasse.

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Eco activist Tim DeChrisopher gets two years for 'creative act of resistance'

    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense. It only needs more defenders." --Ed Abbey

    "The Eyes of the Future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time." --Terry Tempest Williams

    There's something about the redrock canyons that seems to inspire great writing -- I was lucky enough to know Ed Abbey and to count Terry Tempest Williams as a great friend. Both wrote -- and both fought. They fulfilled the duty they owed that great landscape. They fought to protect great chunks of land
    And they're joined by Tim DeChristopher, sentenced today to 24 months in prison for a creative act of resistance straight out of the Monkey Wrench Gang. He didn't damage anything except the pride of the Bureau of Land Management, when he posed as a bidder and won 14 parcels of land at an oil-and-gas lease auction. They were gorgeous pieces of land that he protected -- but far more, he was acting on behalf of every landscape left on the planet.
    Because the oil and gas under that ground needs to stay there. The carbon it contains is, we now know, ruinous -- it's what is heating the atmosphere, setting new temperature records every day. If you sweated through last week's record heat, if your crops are withering in the southwest's epic drought, if you watched the Mississippi swallow your town -- then Tim DeChristopher acted for you.
    And it's time for you to take the same kind of responsibility. In a few weeks, those of us at tarsandsaction.org will be gathering in Washington DC for two weeks of civil disobedience against the proposed Keystone Pipeline, that will carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta down to the Gulf of Mexico. Jim Hansen, the NASA climatologist, says that if those tar sands are fully exploited it's "essentially game over for the climate." If those words don't inspire you to act, nothing will -- and so far more than a thousand have signed on, meaning this will be the largest civil disobedience action in the history of the country's climate movement.
    This action won't be as risky as Tim's. People are signing up to come to DC for three days. On the first they'll attend nonviolence training, and on the second they'll sit down in front of the White House. No one knows for sure how the police will react, but the legal experts say jail time will likely be measured in hours, not years. Still, it's a very real way to say to President Obama (who will make the Keystone decision all by himself) that this is the great moral issue of our time.
    DeChristopher acted before he wrote. But he's a writer too -- in court he read an essay before his sentencing, which ended with these words about civil disobedience:
    "At this point of unimaginable threats on the horizon, this is what hope looks like. In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like. With countless lives on the line, this is what love looks like, and it will only grow."
    I think he's right.

    Bill McKibben: Michael Moore website

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Eco activist Tim DeChrisopher gets two years for 'creative act of resistance'

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Featured Speakers for URISA/NENA Addressing Conference Announced

    From the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA):

    "URISA and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) are pleased to announce the feature speakers at the 2011 URISA/NENA Addressing Conference taking place next month in New Orleans (August 15-18, 2011 at the Marriott New Orleans). Michelle Thompson, PhD from the University of New Orleans will open the conference and Steven Johnson, representing OpenStreetMap US, will close the conference."

    To learn more about the conference, go here.

    Comment: Two members of the EPC are on the Conference Committee:

  • Gordon Chinander, GISP, Metropolitan Emergency Services Board, St Paul, MN, and

  • 2010 Chair - Kathy Liljequist, GISP, GeoComm, St Cloud, MN

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Featured Speakers for URISA/NENA Addressing Conference Announced

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Conservationists express concern over French wolf cull.

    The wolf, pursuing its lightning reconquest of France, has reached the Vosges Mountains on the Alsace-Lorraine border for the first time in 80 years.

    After two decades of pro- and anti-wolf battles between nature-lovers, shepherds and politicians, even some supporters of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) are growing alarmed by the rapid progress of the world largest wild canine through the French countryside.

    A mystery animal which has been attacking sheep in the Vosges since April has been identified by a remote-control camera as a wolf.

    A handful of Italian wolves, which recolonised the French Alps around 1993, are thought to have multiplied to about 200 animals in 20 packs, reaching as far west as Cantal in Auvergne and as far north as Franche-Comté on the Franco-Swiss border, and now the Vosges. Within a decade, one expert predicted yesterday, the wolf could have ranged as far as the large forests just south of Paris.

    A delegation of Alpine shepherds' leaders and local politicians will petition the environment minister, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, this week for the right to hunt wolves at will. Under the present rules, the wolf – protected under European law – can be shot legally only by government marksmen or by shepherds trained and licensed to defend their flocks from an actual wolf attack.

    In practice, since the "anti-loup" code was agreed in 2004, only four wolves have been killed in France. Shepherds' leaders want the rules changed to allow them to organise hunting parties.

    Daniel Spagnou, the mayor of Sisteron in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, wrote a blistering open letter to Ms Kosciusko-Morizet earlier this month, accusing her of "blindly following" the advice of environmentalists and allowing sheep flocks in high alpine summer pastures to be "plundered" by wolves.

    The French government authorised the official hunting and shooting of a wolf in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence last weekend after 62 ewes fell into a ravine while fleeing an attack.

    There have been 66 confirmed wolf attacks in France so far this year, compared with 86 in the whole of last year.

    Pro-wolf groups say there is no evidence that attacks are "out of control", although some accept that the rapid spread proves tougher action is needed. Jean-Marc Moriceau, a wolf expert and the author of Men Versus Wolves, The 2,000 Years War, said: "We should organise a wolf parliament, bringing together shepherds, ecologists and government... We need a way of protecting flocks and managing the wolf population."

    At the present rate of progress, Mr Moriceau said, wolves would reach the forests 50 miles south of Paris in 10 to 15 years.

    Until the late 18th century, long after the last wolf was shot in Britain, wolves lived just across the Channel in the Pas de Calais. However, Canis lupus is not expected to knock on Britain's door any time soon. Western and northern France is no longer wooded or wild enough to sustain them.

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Conservationists express concern over French wolf cull.

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"London open: SSE leads the fallers in early trading" (Sharecast).

    Note: I see that the market commentary has been changed since I published this and now better reflect the situation 

    Just reading the early morning commentary and headline: 
    "London open: SSE leads the fallers in early trading" (Sharecast).

    Basically, Scottish and Southern are down 72p in the first half hour of trading and the "journalist" has linked this to the fine imposed on Centrica:
    "Energy supplier Scottish & Southern Energy was the heavy faller, tumbling 4.85%, on the same day that utilities firm British Gas (owned by Centrica) received a £2.5m fine for mishandling customer complaints. Centrica also fell lower, albeit by a lesser extent (-1.2%)."(Sharecast).

    I guess the assumption is that SSE will be similarly hit?
    However, what the writer has clearly failed to research and note, or ignore for the headline, is the fact that SSE also went ex. dividend today to the tune of 52.6p.
    The mechanics of ex.dividend being that this is now 52.6p of "returned capital" that is not available to anybody buying the shares from today hence it generally coming straight off the top of the share price at opening.

    So, starting with yesterdays closing price of 1401p. 
    - Lets take the 52.6p dividend off which gives a new base price of 1348.4p.
    - Using the articles 4.85% fall gives us 67.95p. 
    Less the dividend of 52.6p gives us 15.35p due to the "market" (67.95p-52.6p). 
    - 15.35p divided by 1348.4p gives us a 1.14% fall (excl. dividend).

    So thats a 1.14% fall v 1.2% experienced by Centrica.

    An oversight on behalf of the writer perhaps?

    Still all eyes on the US stand off though.

    Note: I see that the market commentary has been changed since I published this and now better reflects the situation. As such the paragraph shown in italics above has been replaced with: 
    "Energy supplier Scottish & Southern Energy was the heavy faller, tumbling 4.85% after going ex dividend." (Sharecast).

    Related article:
    www.sharecast.com: London open: SSE leads the fallers in early trading

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"London open: SSE leads the fallers in early trading" (Sharecast).

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Consumerism: the scourge and disease of today

    Consumerism must truly be the scourge and disease of modern times

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    reduced “We've all got this weird mental illness called consumerism” declares a new movie called 'Consumed: Inside the belly of the beast'.

    And is it not true? We are constantly being told that our happiness depends on what we own and how much we spend and whether we have the newest and latests and best model.

    But that is just not the case because for all our consuming we are no better off in terms of happiness and we are a lot worse off in terms of negative physical and psychological impacts. And also in financial terms more often than not.

    The sub-prime lending issue is a prime example here in that people believed that they have to own a home rather than rent and even though they hardly could afford to they, nevertheless, followed the addiction and now many of those have lost their homes.

    And a great majority falls prey to this illness of wanting more and more and new and new all the time. It is a disease that is killing the Earth.

    Studies have shown that lottery winners are no happier than the rest of us, which really does makes you think, doesn't it. You would have thought that all that money would make them happy.

    When our minds are in a constant state of want they will never be satisfied and marketing and government sees to that that our mind is constantly in that state.

    Marketing and advertising is a big business aimed to subtly convince us that what we want is what we need and advertising is destroying society.

    This movie questions how we operate in our age of high mass consumption and how it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be and we must ask ourselves those questions too.

    From just the trailer it promises to be a thought provoking narrative of our gluttonous purchasing lifestyle and how it is leading us down the path of destruction, not just for the planet but also for society.

    The problem, a little like with “Age of Stupid”, is going to be, no doubt, that the majority of those that go and watch this movie will be members of the choir and the bible study groups. The main congregation will not watch this in the same way as they did not watch “Age of Stupid” and other such thought provoking movies that they need to watch to understand as to what is going on.

    We have gotten to a point now where the world, as a whole, though predominately in the developed countries and in places such as India and China, is now consuming as if we had the resources of three planets to extract from. This is quite ludicrous because, as I am sure you have noticed as well, we in fact have just the one lovely Planet to care for. And its resources are limited.

    Oil is already well on the way out, as are coal, as are metals and other materials. This will mean that we need to reevaluate our ways and reconsider our demand for always new and better.

    Products must be made again to last and to be repairable, and they will have to. That will mean keeping things for as long as possible for goods will also be more expensive.

    Buying green has become yet another version of consumerism and I have termed it “greensumption”. This green version of consumerism is equally dangerous as is consumption and consumerism in general.

    We must get away from this “I want”, perceived as “I need”, and look at our lives and our needs from an entirely new perspective. Buying a green product instead of a non-green one, if you don't have to buy new, is no less consumption. If you really have to buy something than try, if possible, to buy secondhand, old. That is more green than a new green product, often Made in China.

    So take a step back from consuming and I promise you will not regret it and instead of buying think about how you can get by without or how you can repair what you have already got. We will have to do this anyway, I am sure, in the not so distant future. So, we best transition over to it now.

    © 2011

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Consumerism: the scourge and disease of today

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Britons catch cycling bug from Tour de France, says Halfords

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    I would suggest it has more to do with the gasoline prices in the UK than with the Tour

    Bicycle2 Bicycles are equalling the number of cars on the road in rush hour in major cities around the UK, as commuters switch from four wheels to two, and in some parts of London, such as in the financial district, it would appear that they outnumber cars.

    Trips made by bikes in the capital shot up by 15% last year, according to Transport for London, a 150% increase since 2000, and this is indeed good news, for the cycle trades as well as the Planet.

    In parts of Bristol, which was designated a “cycling city” by the Government in 2008, more than one in four people cycle to work and in York the number of cyclists has grown by 20% while in Cambridge a fifth of the population regularly travel by bike.

    Official figures show that the number of commuter journeys taken by cyclists on the UK Cycle Network, which includes long distance and tourist routes, has risen by 16m to 73m trips a year.

    The latest statistics showing the rise in the popularity of cycling come as the Tour de France gives cycling another boost in popularity, with sales of premium models set to soar.

    Halfords, the UK’s leading seller of cycles, said the three week event, which features 190 riders covering 3600km, always lead to a rise in demand from customers keen to emulate their heroes.

    Last year its limited edition Carrera TDF bike, featuring a lightweight compact aluminum frame and 16 gears, sold out during the Tour De France tournament.

    This year sales of premium bikes are already up. Halfords recently launched a brand new range of Carrera road bikes, in line with the start of the TDF. And earlier this year it unveiled the new 2011 Boardman range.

    Audiences for the ITV 4 coverage, which is sponsored by Boardman, the company run by former Tour de France and Olympic hero Chris Boardman, are nightly topping 1m as Britons tune in.

    Hopes are high for British success with Mark Cavendish pressing for the coveted green jersey and Geraint Thomas and David Millar in the top teams. Unfortunately Bradley Wiggins crashed out with a broken collarbone.

    The London figures for cycling show that on key bridges across the Thames, bicycles make up 27.7% of traffic crossing into the centre of the City between 7am and 10am, compared with 28.2% of private cars. Four years ago cars outnumbered bikes by two to one. In parts of the City of London bikes are outnumbering cars.

    The surge in cycling in cities has been encouraged by the Government’s cycle2work scheme, which gives generous tax breaks for commuters buying bikes through their employer.

    Halfords said its cycle sales in London are rising and it had opened two new stores in Wimbledon and Kilburn to cater for the urban cyclist.

    Halfords Cycling Expert Paul Tomlinson said: “Britain is becoming a far more cycling friendly country and initiatives such as the cycle to work schemes, which offer tax incentives to buy a bike, are helping people to afford the type of bicycle they want and encouraging them to use it regularly.

    ”At this time of the year the Tour de France means a lot more people catch the cycling bug and we’re helping increasing numbers who want to get on a bike to commute, for sport or leisure.”

    As I have, however, said already, I believe that the new uptake in cycling, and we are here talking more of commuting and other journeys, is more down to the increase in the cost of running a car, especially as regards to fuel costs, than to the fact that we have a few Brits in good positions in the Tour de France.

    If it would be sports cycling on a serious increase I would concur with the Tour de France suggestion but as it is business travel and leisure travel that has moved from the car to the bicycle I would suggest that other factors play a much bigger role.

    In all honesty we do not have much of a choice as oil is going up and up and in the long run will become unaffordable to the ordinary mortal. Thus the bicycle will become, once again, the mode of transportation of choice for many, including, I should think or local deliveries of the greengrocer, the butcher, the baker, etc. and, as far as I cam concerned a good thing that is going to be too.

    © 2011

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Britons catch cycling bug from Tour de France, says Halfords

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Do we need a postman?

    With Canada Post on strike residents are asking themselves if they really need a postman

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    mailbox Like postal services around the world, Canada Post has seen a rapid decline in first-class mail. It tried to adjust by cutting wages, prompting a strike that's lasted more than three weeks so far.

    When Canadian letter carriers went on strike they hoped to force the national postal service, Canada Post, to back down from a cost-cutting proposal to dramatically reduce wages.

    Three weeks later, lawmakers are preparing to legislate them back to work, but Canadians are asking just how much a modern cyber-connected society needs the post office anyway.

    “If I get my mail, I get my mail, but if I really have to do something I go on the Internet,” is the attitude of a great many of people, especially those that have taken to the Internet well and that are connected.

    True, some businesses say they have had to scramble to try to fill orders and receive payments that would usually be sent by mail, and some charities say that they are missing out on donations. Observers, however, say that by going on strike, Canadian postal workers have likely sealed their own fate by proving it's possible to function without daily mail delivery.

    “Many find mail in paper form to be quaint; it no longer plays a central role in society,” an editorial in The Globe and Mail daily newspaper concluded. “The strike will only accelerate that trend by making online converts of those who have hitherto been reluctant.”

    A worldwide trend toward e-mail, online banking, electronic bill payments, and communication through social media is causing a dramatic drop in revenue for the postal services around the world.

    Canada Post has seen a rapid decline in first-class mail. It says the organization delivered 17 percent fewer letters last year than five years ago – the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) says it has dropped by just 6 percent – and anticipates a further 30 percent drop over the next five years. At the same time, it has to deliver to more homes as Canada’s population grows.

    The volume of first-class mail has also dropped dramatically in the United States. The US Postal Service is set up to deliver 300 billion pieces of mail a year, but currently handles just 170 billion pieces and predicts that will fall to 150 billion by 2020. The USPS is looking to make reforms such as cutting back to five-day-a-week delivery and closing some of its post offices.

    In Britain the cutbacks were made already years ago from a twice daily delivery, one guaranteed before 8am, and the second by 11am, to one delivery a day with not guarantee as to when the mail gets to you, if ever. The latter is especially true if you happen to live in a strange locations, as do I, and a new postman (they seem to change far too often) has no idea where the house is. Quite frequently mail goes missing and no one can explain why it either does not get here at all or seems to take a week or two when it should be here next day.

    Personally, I must say, I have not sent a letter by mail for ages now, though I have sent the occasional package and card, as in greetings card. My written communications are, predominately, emails.

    Affordability of the postal service is another thing also, with the postage in Britain rising far too often and now an ordinary first class letter costing the best part of 70cents US and for that they won't even guarantee – as they used to – that the letter will be at its destination the next day. Sending a letter to the US, for instance, is more than US$2 for an ordinary very light airmail letter. Is it a wonder that people switch to email?

    Struggling to adapt in a new online environment

    Canada Post has been struggling for several years to adapt to the new online environment, and Canada Post, I am sure, is not alone in this. While the letter carrying may be, slowly, becoming a thing of the past for postal services all over, they should improve their parcel delivery services, especially to rural areas, have post office counters open outside business hours and have decent post office banking services that could appeal to people who still do not trust the Internet enough to do their banking online.

    Instead they keep putting up rates and their workers go on strike and thus give the customer no other choice but to look for alternatives. And then the postal service stands wondering why the amount of letters and parcels they handle have gone down and have gone to the competition, the private carriers.

    When faced with the challenge of the Internet and email instead of finding ways of enticing people to send real letters – I still love to receive a real letter and so do many people, I am sure – they increase the postage with the comments that due to the fact that the usage has gone done they need to recoup losses.

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Do we need a postman?

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