The greenest government ever, Cameron said

    What happened to it now?

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    David-Cameron2 Every step we take the Con-Dem coalition – with the Tories in the very lead – is cutting about every green law that there is and was. Now yet another one is falling to the axe. We cannot carry on like this. We need more green laws rather than less in Britain. This definitely is not the greenest British government ever.

    While it is true that the Con-Dem coalition government has inherited the biggest deficit in government finance ever, nigh on, from the previous Labor (and all the old Labor men and women are rotating in their graves) administration that ran Britain for well over ten years and ran everything into the ground.

    However, the fact that there is no money in the coffers does not mean that the green laws should be abandoned. On the contrary rather and we should be pushing for eco-laws more and more. It does not seem to work any other way. But those laws also must be sensible ones and not the kind of trying to penalize householders for not recycling enough by putting cameras into wheelie bins.

    We need positive green laws that will – properly – encourage people to go green and do the right thing but we do not need to spy in them and penalize them.

    But there must also be green laws that put it on businesses to clean up their act and that also means that we need a law that will stop, finally, the export of waste to Third World countries such as West Africa where our E-waste ends up for recycling.

    One green law after the other, especially the ones that would sort our businesses of all kinds and bring them in line to do the green thing, is being abandoned by this “greenest ever” government.

    Instead of doing the right thing and green thing this “greenest ever” government is giving businesses permits to pollute; a blank check actually, permitting them to pollute often without the slightest bit of danger of being hit on the head for it.

    In the same way the British Con-Dem coalition government under David Cameron is going down the nuclear route, a route that is fraught with many dangers and serious implications for future generations, instead of even considering – properly – the alternative renewable sources and especially a change in the way we produce and use electricity.

    The greenest government ever certainly is doing little to nothing to live up to its name and claim and as long as certain vested interest lobby groups hold sway nothing will ever change, period.

    © 2011

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The greenest government ever, Cameron said

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