We have met the enemy... and he is us!

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    PlanetWithDent When it comes to the Planet, Mother Nature, then the enemy certainly is us and we are on the best way of destroying ourselves because we are in the process of destroying the Planet upon which we depend.

    There is only one Earth but we are behaving as if there were thousands of those planets about and as if we could just use and abuse at will without any consequences.

    The Native American, and that also though some bad experiences, has learned much earlier than have we that we must create a symbiosis with Mother Earth in order for us to be able to thrive on this Planet.

    The original philosophy of the Romani, the Gypsy people, also has been to take only as much as we need for whatever, whether food or craft, so that there is something there for others coming after us.

    The “White Man”, however, does not seem to understand this profound truth and by purposely mistranslating and misinterpreting his “Holy Scriptures” he tries top justify his actions.

    Christianity especially likes to use the phrase “and G-d gave man dominion over all Creation” to claim a G-d-given right to use, as he pleases and wants, all of Creation in a way as if there is no tomorrow. In fact, if we continue on this path there will be no tomorrow, for the future looks very bleak indeed.

    We are the enemy for sure... and now that we have realized that it is up to us to do something about it.

    © 2011

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We have met the enemy... and he is us!

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