God created You in His image

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    earth_cross_web God created You, in the image and likeness of God and You have created the rest, through the power that God has given you.

    And God put you in charge of Creation, His Creation, as a steward, a husbandman, and not as its destroyer.

    This is, however, something that modern man seems to be forgetting and he seems to think that science is everything and thus he can go about doing as he pleases without impunity.

    The riches and resources of the Earth are plundered, God's Creation being ransacked, be that the fish in the seas or whatever else. Areas the size of countries are being devastated and polluted in the pursuit of the black gold, of oil, in which ever form it comes.

    People are relocated by force, losing their ancestral lands, and if they do not want to move they are being shot like wild animals. Wars are being fought over the “rights” and the access to this or that mineral or to oil.

    The way we farm too destroys the very soil that our growing of food depends upon but that is being done regardless. Obviously, so the belief of modern man, science will come up with something to make the land fertile again. Do we not have all those great fertilizers? Well they do not, in fact, fertilize the soil. They but feed the plant and leach the soil, thereby destroying it.

    We have abandoned the Maker's Manual at our peril, all of us, in the belief that we are greater than Creation and the Creator and can do everything without impunity.

    You and I and the rest of humankind has to come to understand that we cannot continue on this road for it but will lead us to destruction. And not just to the destruction of this or that ecosystem but to the very end of life on Earth.

    Earth itself, probably, will not die and, in a few thousand to a million years it will be inhabitable again. We, on the other hand, will die as will most of not all life.

    It is not just climate change that we have to worry about. The pollution that is all around us might end us all before a changing climate ever has the chance to do so.

    The air in many places is so deadly that people really should be wearing respirators at all times, and it is only better nowadays in the cities of the developed world because we have – ever so nicely – exported such polluting industries to developing countries, with China in the forefront here.

    Land and water is being poisoned at such a rate that here too time is running out for us, as humans, for without healthy clean land and clean water we cannot live.

    It is time we rethought things, and especially in the Christian churches and the so-called Christian countries for the attitude of those countries is the causal agent to much of the suffering of the Planet today.

    God created You, in the image and likeness of God and He, God, put you in charge of Creation, His Creation, as a steward, as a caretaker. So, let's do some caretaking.

    © 2011

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God created You in His image

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