Smartphones Expedite the Fighting of a Flood

    Posted on Monday, Jul. 25, 2011

    It will never replace a wall of sandbags, but Susan Abbott’s smartphone is turning out to be a pretty good tool for fighting the flooding of the Missouri River.
    Part of Abbott’s job as a civil engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers is to spot weakening levees before they become disasters. That used to take hours: Snap a picture on a digital camera, note the location, drive back to corps offices, download the photo and file a written report.
    Now, with her smartphone and an application, she can take a picture, tap in a note, sync her phone and send all the information to a database in a matter of seconds. That can cut the time between information gathering, analysis and action by 24 to 36 hours — and that can mean the difference between saving the day and seeing a levee fail.  Read More...

    Comment: In the early 2000's, the Rock Isalnd, IL district of the Army Corps of Engineers developed the approach as described in the first paragraph above. One of the primary concerns of those geospatially referenced efforts that required a GPS, camera, field notes and data consolidation on a computer back at the office - was the damage borrowing animals were doing to the levees over time.  So its gratifing to see what was once a cumbersome process to track something mundane but important, has now been reduced to something as simple as using a smartphone.

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Smartphones Expedite the Fighting of a Flood

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