Lockheed Martin and the English census

    What is an American defense contractor doing running the English census?

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Do you think that paying an arms manufacturer, and a foreign one at that, 150 million British Pounds to run a census is a good idea? Personally I think it is a very bad idea and why is an arms manufacturer even being invited to do this.

    Do you feel happy about being legally obliged to give your personal data to international arms dealers? I am not but I already filled in the form before I became aware of this fact. The other problem is that, legally, you have no choice but to fill in the questionnaire and the entire one applicable to you. Unlike in the United States where the legal requirement for the census goes no further than the question about name, address, date of birth, etc., in the UK you have to tell them what your ethnicity is, what religious affiliation you have, etc. and you cannot opt out of those questions. You are obliged by law, under threat of punishment, to comply and reply.

    The census in England and Wales is now in full swing but very few will be aware of the fact that it is being run by part of American weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin. They make Trident missiles, warplanes, bombs, and own a major part of AWE, the UK atomic weapons facility.

    There hasn't been a lot of mainstream publicity about Lockheed Martin's involvement in the census.

    While one website states that it is up to individuals to decide whether they wish to take part in the census, but they should be aware of who they are supplying the information to, this is in fact incorrect. Not the fact about being aware to who they supply the information to but as to the fact that individuals have a right to decide whether or not. In fact people cannot – legally – opt out. The form has to be filled in and it has to be filled in accurately. They even want your telephone number to call you back in case questions have not been answered correctly. Well, there they ran into a problem with me and got a N/A in the box. They can like or hate it; they are not getting my phone number.

    Those that think that they can put in “Jedi Knight” under religion also better reconsider for rumor has it that they'll come after you if you do for it is not a recognized religion. Well, mine is neither but I am of that faith, namely the old faith of the Romani People.

    Claims are made that the census is necessary to forward planning, for family search in the future, etc. bus all those claims are claptrap and there are other ways in which the authority and the Office of National Statistics can put together the needed information.

    The census is nothing but another government intrusion into the privacy of the residents of the United Kingdom and here not just subjects of Her Britannic Majesty. Every person who resides in England and Wales for more than a certain time from the time of the census must fill in this form, and the stress is on must.

    Maybe it is time that we ask our Members of Parliament as to why it was an American's weapons manufacturer that won the bid to operate the 2011 census for England and Wales? I doubt though that we will get a satisfactory answer.

    © 2011

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Lockheed Martin and the English census

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