Sustrans and Specialized plan family-friendly summer

    Families across the UK will get outdoors on two-wheels this summer as part of a series of events organised by charity Sustrans and sponsored by leading bike retailer Specialized.

    Up to 100 family-friendly ‘Fresh Air Miles’ bike rides and events, planned by Sustrans volunteers and supported by Specialized, will take place across the country between April and the end of September.

    Each event will be designed so that everyone, regardless of age, ability or cycling experience, will be able to take part and discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to travel by bike. Children taking part will also have the chance to win one of two brand new ‘Hotrock’ girls and boys bikes donated by Specialized.

    Melissa Henry, Sustrans’ Communications Director, said: ’For a free and fun family activity, there is little to rival a bike ride. Sustrans and Specialized want each ride to inspire a sense of freedom, of achievement and of neighbourliness among everyone who takes part.

    ‘These are vital elements in the development of young people. Over the last thirty years children’s freedom to travel independently, to play away from their front doors and explore their neighbourhoods, has diminished significantly. These rides could be a simple step towards reversing that by enabling people to collect Fresh Air Miles rather than sit in traffic on the way to somewhere.’

    Specialized - experts in designing bikes for children and young people – are getting involved as part of their First Gear initiative to get more kids riding bikes. Anne Immelman, Specialized Marketing Manager, said:

    ‘Supporting Sustrans’ Fresh Air Miles rides is the perfect opportunity for Specialized to share our passion for riding bikes with more people, and especially children, helping them to develop healthy habits that last a lifetime.

    ‘We’re delighted to be supporting Sustrans, particularly this year as they celebrate 16 years of their work successfully enabling more children to get to school under their own steam. Together we hope to inspire many more kids and their families to get out and discover the pleasure of collecting Fresh Air Miles from the saddle’

    All are welcome to take part in Fresh Air Miles rides. Most will be completely free of charge with participants encouraged to make donations on the day towards Sustrans, supporting the charity’s work to make it possible for people in the UK to walk and cycle for more everyday journeys. To find your local event visit

    Sustrans is the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day. It’s time we all began making smarter travel choices. Make your move and support Sustrans today.

    Specialized have been active in youth cycling development since the company’s founding in 1974, by contributing to programs that positively impact young people of all ages.  First Gear is a movement to get more kids riding bikes. Set a kid riding and you set them on a winning course for life: You help defeat childhood obesity and attention deficit disorders; you give them a chance to progress and even excel in a sport; and you develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. First Gear was created to do just that - for as many kids as possible. To discover easy ways you can get involved with this important mission, head to and click the ‘Join In’ button.

    There are around 3,000 volunteers helping with Sustrans’ work. Around 2,800 of these are rangers, who help to maintain the National Cycle Network. Rangers work in 210 groups, which are each co-ordinated by a volunteer liaison ranger. Our aim is to have most rangers working together in this way so that they can benefit from each other’s experience and skills.

    Fourteen local authorities contribute funding to the Ranger Programme (Devon, Cornwall , Kent , North Tyneside, Stoke-on Trent, Northumberland, Gateshead, Pembrokeshire, Powys, Essex, Thurrock, Kirklees, Rochdale, and Dundee ,) and have formed partnerships with their local Ranger Groups to promote and support local volunteer activity

    The Ranger Programme is also supported by the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government and the National Lottery.

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

    Full Disclosure Statement: The GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW received no compensation for any component of this article.

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Sustrans and Specialized plan family-friendly summer

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