Surveillance UK

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The citizens of the United Kingdom, the always supposed mother of democracy and freedom – well, the people of America in the 1760's would think differently for sure and because they thought differently they had a revolution – are, it is said, the western world's most observed people. Government surveillance cameras are all over the place and there is something like one camera for every 14 people or something like that and each one of us, so it is said, is being observed by cameras several hundred times during the day, though it has been claimed in March 2011 by ACPO that it is only about 30-50 times. ACPO says that this is the more correct number on average as the original study did not take the rural/urban split into account.

    In urban areas we can be certain that we are monitored more often than even the number of a couple of hundred times and the police, in places such as London, and other cities and even small towns, demand that the government go further still and that CCTV cameras be all fitted with sensitive microphones so that they can record conversations in open spaces between “possible terrorist suspects”. Oh, sure, it is all in order to fight terrorism. What terrorism? The concocted terrorism? The fake terror that we are being presented with?

    “But”, say the sheeple, “those cameras make us feel safer because the police monitors them and can be on-site immediately when something happens”. Yeah, right, like in one town not far from where I live where even microphones are already on some cameras in the city center a market stall was broken into right next, well nearly, one of those cameras, with a racket made by the burglars smashing their way into the said market stall. Did the police come out? No, obviously not and did anyone see anything on the camera? While the operator heard the noise he kept the camera trained into an alleyway observing, as it appeared, a homeless man siting there drinking. Useful indeed.

    What it is all about it so that they can completely control the British people and I am convinced that the UK is being used by the Powers That Be as a stalking horse to see how those things will work in the real world before they will be, no doubt, be, to begin with, introduced throughout the European Union countries.

    But let's not think that things are better in other countries. Germany too is covered all over in the cities and towns with CCTV cameras and the government want to have more and more cameras. In fact, certain statements of the interior government make it clear that every German, man, woman and child, and every person living in the country, is considered by the authorities as a potential terrorist and lawbreaker who needs monitoring every minute of the day, ideally.

    The more I personally see of this the more I am being reminded of George Orwell's book “1984” and also of the TV series from the 1960's “The Prisoner” and other similar sci-fi (well, they were then but no longer) films and TV programs. Who could have thought then that this could once all become reality and that in fact the government would inflict that on all citizens (or better “subjects of Her Majesty”, as it still really is in the UK) who have not committed any crimes whatsoever. It would appear that everyone; man woman or child, is being regarded by the PTB as a criminal until proven otherwise and then the surveillance still will continue – just to make sure. Welcome to the Fourth Reich. In fact Hitler and Stalin are nothing in surveillance compared with the so-called free and democratic governments such as the UK and others.

    What we are seeing today in Britain, Germany and, yes, folks, also in most cities in the USA, with CCTV and other surveillance is worse than anything that the Gestapo, the NKVD, the KGB and the Stasi could have ever imagined in order to control their people.

    Police keep saying that no one who is not doing anything illegal needs to fear the cameras, etc., but that is a load of tosh. Aside from invasion of our individual privacies it also seems that there are many times when the police, mistaking some act of someone on the cameras, attack an unsuspecting and innocent member of the public.

    Mistakes can happen, they say. Like the mistake the other day when a have-a-go hero tackling a knife wielding man on the Tube was tasered by the police without a warning. And the cops and the force never even apologized for their mistake.

    Wake up, people, wake up! We are heading for a serious police state.

    © 2011

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Surveillance UK

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