Make your own tooth powder

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    tooth-powderAt a time when even hygiene is dominated by marketing gimmicks, you will realize that there are more practical ways to keep your teeth clean than expensive toothpastes and mouthwash.

    The biggest problem that I, and many others, have with regards to commercial available toothpaste it that most of it contains fluoride, and fluoride is not as good as people make it out to be. In fact it is a poison and a neural pathway agent. Maybe that is the reason that the governments what to put the same fluoride into the drinking water.

    In addition to that have you ever tried to get all of the stuff out of a toothpaste tube at the end. You just can't and that means waste in more than one aspect.

    One of those practical ways indicated is using a tooth powder that you personally made. Using a few ingredients that can be easily available in a regular household, you can make a safe and affordable tooth powder. This tooth powder can be modified to suit your oral and dental condition.


    Salt (some people here advocate the use of sea salt and that is, probably better than ordinary table salt, but the latter is fine as well)

    Baking Soda (Bicarbonate of Soda in England)

    Clove Oil

    Tea Tree Oil

    How to make and use it:

    Put one teaspoon of salt, three teaspoons of baking soda, and a drop or two of clove oil and a drop or two of tea tree oil together into a metal or glass mixing container. Do not use a plastic bowl because the scent of the clove oil will stick to it. I use a small glass jar that once contained mustard and which has a lid. Mix everything thoroughly together using a metal spoon – a teaspoon will do fine. If you are using sea salt you may want to grind it first to a fine powder. I found that using it as it comes it not good.

    You could also add one tablespoon of vodka, or two drops each of peppermint, oregano, and wintergreen.

    I like using tea tree oil, even though it may not have the greatest of tastes, simple because of its medicinal properties. But adding other oils such as peppermint, thyme, etc., that are suitable for use in the mouth and have a beneficial effect would all be experimented with.

    When mixing the ingredients using the mixing spoon ensure that everything is thoroughly mixed together. Make sure to distribute the clove oil equally. When clumping happens, press the clumps against the side of the mixing container to break up the clumps. When the powdery parts of the baking soda get mixed into the mixture will become a semi dry paste. It is then ready.

    Place in an airtight container. Be sure that the container has no holes of any sort in it. This is because exposure of the mixture into the air will ruin it, creating molds. Molds and other kinds of bacteria will make your tooth powder unsuitable for use. Put the container in a cool and dry place. You can also put anti moisture packs inside the container to make it more protected against fungi-inducing moisture.

    A better way though still would be to make not too much tooth powder and make fresh every couple of days. It is not too much work. It is the way that I have decided to proceed and I suggest that as the best course of action. That way you do not have excess that may start growing mold or become contaminated with the bacteria. Make just enough for a couple of days and the amount given in the instructions is about for two to three days, if you brush mornings and evenings.

    To use the tooth powder, wet your brush with water and shake off excess. Put some of the tooth powder into your hand or a small container, dip the brush into the mixture, and brush until desired, but do not over-brush. Do not dip the wet brush into the tooth powder in the container. You do not want to introduce additional moisture into the mixture. It will make it cake and could cause the growth of mould and bacteria.

    Have ready a bottle of hydrogen peroxide for rinsing every time you brush and after brushing rinse off with hydrogen peroxide. Do not be alarmed if bubbles are created inside your mouth. This is only an indication that the hydrogen peroxide is killing off the bacteria left in your brushing. After this, rinse off again, this time with water. You can floss your teeth for the optimal protection, or use so-called interdental brushes.

    Homemade tooth powder is a very good and affordable alternative to the expensive dental products, including toothpastes, out there. And originally it was tooth powder and not tooth paste, well after the use of sticks, with which people cleaned their teeth. Aside from this, you can freely make your own formula that will suit your taste and needs.

    Making your own tooth powder, and other things, will save you lots of money and that's why I'd say, try making your own tooth powder now.

    If you have any specific oral problems, using the wrong chemicals may aggravate your condition. Too much salt, for instance, is reckoned not advisable for those who have mouth cankers. Therefore, consult your dentist first regarding these things. The only problem I see is that a dentist will keep telling you how important it is for you, and especially your children, to have fluoride in the toothpaste.

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Make your own tooth powder

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