by Owen Newman

    Science confirms the fact that the moon's gravitational force affects the oceans tides. Since we are 90 percent water, it affects our bodies also.

    A Doctor at a large university told me that more babies are born when the moon is full, than in the dark of the moon. I’ve seen proof of that myself.

    The pioneer homesteader knew that, plus a lot more about the moon. He used that knowledge every day. In fact, the moon influenced just about every facet of his

    When the moon is going from dark to full, it's said to be waxing. From half to full, it's gibbous waxing.

    Waning is going from full to dark. Full to half is; you guessed it, gibbous waning.

    From gibbous waxing to the same waning phase there is a lot of light. Two hundred years ago people used to travel at night during this time. Also, a lot of work
    was done at night during this phase to escape the heat of the day.

    The full moon that falls nearest the autumnal equinox (on or about Sep.21) is in that part of its orbit where it makes the smallest angle with the horizon. For several nights in succession the moon rises at nearly the same hour, giving an unusual proportion of moon light nights. Since it rises slower, the "huge" effect of the moon is exaggerated, and the harvest moon is therefore supposed to appear larger and redder than the moon of any other season. Many a harvest has been worked in the open field only by the light of a full September moon. The full moon of October was known as the hunter's moon.

    When there is a halo around the moon it forecasts rain. Some old timers say that it will rain a day for every star in the halo. When the moon has a fuzzy appearance, it also forecasts rain.

    When the horns of a crescent moon are very sharp, there will be a wind.

    Yesteryear’s farmer knew all about planting by the phases of the moon. Many people scoff at this, yet there is some scientific proof that it works. Above ground crops were planted in the waxing moon, while root crops where planted in the waning moon. Sapwood for hoops and poles was cut during a waxing moon, while timber, firewood, laying floors and roof shingles was done during the waning moon.

    I know from experience that fence posts put in during a waxing moon are always loose, and you will have dirt left over. Whereas posts put in during a waning moon will be solid, but you will have to use extra dirt to tamp the post in because you will not have enough.

    I used to do a lot of dehorning and castrating of cattle. I would always do it during the waning moon because there was very little bleeding as opposed to a waxing moon.

    Weeding and pruning are more effective during the waning moon.

    A frost will occur during a full moon. Many times weather will change on a full moon.

    The moon was considered a feminine sign, hence the crescent moon on the outhouse door. It meant that it was for ladies. Men were expected to use a handy bush.

    Studying how the moon effects the earth can be interesting and rewarding for the homesteader.

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