Blogger outage

    Due to an outage at Blogger on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, the posts of Thursday May 12, 2011, that were on the Blog have been (temporarily) lost. Blogger is, supposedly, restoring those and in messages states that this has been done in all but a few instances.

    As you can see, however, this has not happened here as yet and, because I am definitely uncomfortable to commit anything to Blogger at present until such a time that I am certain everything back to normal there will be no posts here.

    If the posts of Thursday have not returned by tomorrow, Sunday, May 15, 2011, I shall try to re-post them and hope they then stay on. Whether other posts follow thereafter as per usual is a question that is very much down to whether things at Blogger are solved to my satisfaction.

    Because of such problems but not just because of them the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW more than likely will be coming out as a quarterly magazine (again). Keep tuned for more information.

    Michael Smith (Veshengro) - Editor

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Blogger outage

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