Wildlife broadcaster calls for direct action against wind farms.

    Wildlife broadcaster Iolo Williams says he would be prepared to take direct action in protest aganst windfarms and associated infrastructure in Montgomeryshire.

    Mr Williams lives near Abermule, one of the proposed sites for a 20-acre substation to harvest electricity from new windfarms proposed in Mid Wales. He grew up in Llanwddyn, near to the other route being considered for high power cables from CefnCoch to the National Grid connection in Shropshire.

    He would not elaborate on what direction action he would be prepared to take but says he has opposed wind turbines in the region for 15 years.

    “People have to wake up and object to windfarns per se,” he said. “Windfarms are not green and if you put up with them you must also put up with all the associated development.

    “We have already seen all the changes to our main roads to accommodate huge lorries carrying wind turbines. Next step is to get the electricity out of Mid Wales via pylons, the hub and everything that comes with that.

    “I personally am quite willing to take direct action in protest aganst windfarms and pylons. Mid Wales is a fantastic area to live and people are not going to want to come here to live and visit if we have pylons, which ruin the landscape. These plans really are a disgrace.

    “The people who are proposing these windfarms and associated infrastructure works don’t live here and are only interested in money. They couldn’t give a damn about local people. They will choose the hub location and cable route that has the least objection.”

    Next Tuesday, May 24, thousands of protesters from Montgomeryshire, Shropshire and other parts of Wales are expected to converge on the National Assembly of Wales’ Senedd in Cardiff to demonstrate against the plans for the substation, pylons and new windfarms.

    The protesters will call for a halt to windfarms whilst the TAN 8 document is reviewed.

    News Wales

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Wildlife broadcaster calls for direct action against wind farms.

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