British Committee for Climate Change supports nuclear

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    London, May 2011: The British Committee for Climate Change has told government that it should stop investing in offshore wind farms and rather look at nuclear as a cheaper option to reduce carbon.


    How stupid can those supposed experts be? Or, maybe, we should ask and look into who are their paymasters.

    The fact alone of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster should give us enough impetus to end nuclear fission power once and for all.

    World science bodies state openly that 80% of the entire world could be powered by 2050 with wind and solar. If we but look at the use of biogas for power generation and even for liquid gas for trucks and buses we would have more than enough renewable energy to give us more than we need.

    The problem with our system of renewable power, bar the biogas one, as that one is controllable, is that wind and solar can cause more power to be generated than can be absorbed by the grid.

    Not so long ago wind farms in Scotland were paid hundreds of thousands of pounds compensation each for being told to stop running the turbine, as the grid had too much capacity.

    In Germany this problem is being given a solution in the form of huge batteries that will store the energy produced and which will release it then “on demand”.

    If we would, however, consider the “every roof a power plant” suggestion that I made some while back and look at using 12 volts DC for most of our needs we would be able to have so much spare capacity that we all would not have to worry at all about our energy security and also not as to whether or not something may happen to the large power stations.

    We could then, and in fact should do now, retire our existing nuclear power generating plants and encase them in a secure sarcophagus each and leave them as monuments to stupidity.

    Reneawables must and can provide all our needs as far as electricity and gas are concerned if we but (1) consider our demand and (2) get the finger out and make it happen.

    © 2011

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British Committee for Climate Change supports nuclear

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