FEMA Region V Regional Interagency Steering Committee (RISC) Meeting

    I know out of state travel money is pretty much not going to happen right now, but sooner or later that will change and when it does, I highly recommend attending at least one quarterly FEMA V Regional Interagency Steering Committee (RISC) meeting sometime in your career.  Primarily focused on developing understanding and cooperation between state and federal agencies during disasters, quarterly RISC meetings provide a unique opportunity to build engagement with a wide spectrum of contacts - before bad things happen.  Click here for the agenda, and note GIS with a 45 minute presentation block.  The invite from FEMA Regional Administrator, Andrew Velasquez III, follows:

    I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the FEMA Region V, 3rd Quarter, 2011, RISC meeting.  As usual, we will use our half day, half day format to facilitate out of town travelers during the dates of August 16 and 17, 2011 at FEMA Region V Headquarters, 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago, IL.

    As we approach the 10th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on our Nation, we thought it appropriate that our meeting focus should reflect the man-made threats confronting us.  To that end, some of the agenda (draft attached) items include a retrospective look by Associate Administrator for Response and Recovery, William Carwile, at where we’ve come since that fateful day a decade ago, a current threat briefing, a presentation from Northern Command on Homeland Defense, and a review of our ongoing catastrophic planning efforts regarding an Improvised Nuclear Device detonation.   

    We will send out a list of nearby hotels, restaurants, and parking information in mid to late July to assist you in making your travel arrangements.  The point of contact for this event is Victoria Boccolucci, she can be reached at Victoria.boccolucci@dhs.gov, 312-408-4418 office, or 312-925-1147 cell.  Please do not hesitate to contact her with any questions or concerns.

    I look forward to your participation in what I believe will be an informative and collaborative planning session benefiting our region.      


    Andrew Velasquez III
    Regional Administrator
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    FEMA Region V
    536 S. Clark Street, 6th Floor
    Chicago, Illinois 60605
    312/408-5504 Office
    312/408-5384 Secure
    312/408-5234 Fax"

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FEMA Region V Regional Interagency Steering Committee (RISC) Meeting

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Critical Public Safety Functions To Continue During MN Shutdown

    Critical Public Safety Functions To Continue During MN Shutdown

    By KBJR News 1
    June 30, 2011 Updated Jun 30, 2011 at 12:22 PM CDT Posted by Melissa Burlaga

    St. Paul, MN (Northland's NewsCenter) Judge Kathleen R. Gearin ruled Wednesday that in the case of a government shutdown on July 1, some critical services must continue to be provided in order to protect the lives and safety of Minnesotans.  The ruling means the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) will continue some services deemed “critical” to Minnesotans and discontinue others in the event of a state government shutdown.   Read more.

    Additional details are available by sending a note to mngeoepc01@gmail.com.

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Critical Public Safety Functions To Continue During MN Shutdown

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London gardens turn greyer

    Londoners are paving over a quarter more of their gardens than a decade ago, according to a survey of changing land use in the capital.

    The report, “London: Garden City?”, blamed recent trends in garden design for the sharp increase in the amount of hard surfaces such as paving or decking over the ten years to 2008.

    Researchers from the London Wildlife Trust, in partnership with the Greater London Authority and Greenspace Information for Greater London, used aerial photographs to record the amounts of different types of ground cover in London, from plants to hard surfaces. It's the first study of its kind, and it's hoped it will generate a baseline to track future trends.

    They found that London's gardens cover 37,900 hectares (146 square miles) – nearly a quarter of all the capital's land area, and including about 3.8 million individual gardens. But the amount of that land devoted to vegetation fell by 12% to 22,000 ha (85 sq m) in the decade to 2008, leaving just over half London's garden area given over to growing plants. Meanwhile the amount of hard landscaping increased by 26%, or 2,600 ha (10 sq m).

    Building development remains a threat, and the report found 500 gardens were completely or partially lost each year in the capital. However it said the loss of green space due to development is relatively small in comparison to that caused by trends in garden design and management.

    'It's never been more important that Londoners understand the value of our capital's gardens,' said Mathew Frith of the London Wildlife Trust. 'A well-managed network of the city's 3.8 million gardens supports essential wildlife habitat and offer important environmental benefits in response to climate change, including sustainable urban drainage.'

    The report found that changes in planning regulations to slow down the paving over of front gardens in 2008, partly as a result of an RHS campaign, had helped, but said loss of permeability as a consequence of hard surfacing may have become an issue for back gardens too.

    Source: RHS

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London gardens turn greyer

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New HQs for the EU in Brussels and Luxembourg

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    At the same time when the European Union and the Commission are telling everyone to make deep cuts in government spending, etc., they are going to spend £ 850 million on a new HQ in Luxembourg.

    In addition to that on the very time they were holding an “austerity” summit in Brussels recently EU chiefs were also drooling over the plans for a new luxury £280million HQ in Brussels.

    So, we are talking about two buildings that will cost, together well over one thousand million pounds Sterling, which equals the best bar of two thousand million Euro. Sorry, but are they mad?

    Countries are forced to instigate austerity measures while, at the same time, the European Union bodies want new headquarter buildings in both Brussels and Luxembourg, to which all member states will be forced to contribute. I just hope that David Cameron will have the mental and political strength to say no to any request for money for that folly.

    The European Union and its controlling bodies, the Council of Europe and the European Commission, are eating funds by the ton and no one seems prepared to put a stop to that. At the same time it is them that tell the countries of the EU to tighten their belts and to instigate austerity measures. The only one who do no reign in their spending are those EU bodies; they carry on regardless. This must be stopped.

    © 2011

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New HQs for the EU in Brussels and Luxembourg

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Clapton Heritage Vandalism Update

    We have received a response from Hackney Planning to the concerns raised about the damage caused to the former Ship Aground. We have sought advice on this and will be responding to Hackney within the next couple of days. Hackney were due to send a structural engineer to inspect the building yesterday. There are some other developments which we are seeking to clarify and will update you on these shortly.

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Clapton Heritage Vandalism Update

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White House Unveils National Strategy for Counterterrorism

    President Obama’s National Strategy for Counterterrorism, which was presented today by John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. The strategy articulates the United States’ broad, sustained and integrated campaign against al-Qa’ida, its affiliates and its adherents, consistent with the President’s enduring commitment to protect the American people.

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White House Unveils National Strategy for Counterterrorism

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UK opposes EU ban on Tar Sands fuel

    Why? Vested interests, of course.

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The EU wants to pass a law to keep the dirtiest transport fuel out of Europe, but shockingly the UK is blocking it.

    EU law makers – not that anyone really elected them – are introducing – and this is a good move – an important bill which would impose strict pollution standards on car and lorry fuels and would effectively ban tar sands fuel, the world's most filthy and environmentally destructive transport oil. But shockingly,Britain and its government is opposing it.

    The British government is bending under pressure from the oil industry and the Canadian government, who stand to make billions if they can get an ally to water down the law and remove the clause that bans tar sands. Neither of this is surprising for, while it was said about the US government that it was in bed with the oil industry, and under the two Bush presidents was the oil industry, the British government is very much undfer the thumb of the oil industry and other vested interest groups.

    Who, after all, is involved in exploiting the Athabasca Tar Sands and in destroying the countryside... the likes of BP and other UK-based (and owned) oil and engineering companies. And as far as Canada is concerned, Britain still has a colonial commonwealth legacy there and will support its (former) dominion.

    Tar sands fuel is nasty stuff. Oil companies destroy and degrade millions of acres of pristine Canadian forest and displace indigenous communities just to reach the unrefined bitumen. Refining it spreads cancerous heavy metals and sulphur through the air and leaves a barren, toxic landscape. The US Environmental Protection Agency says refining tar sands causes at least 82% more carbon pollution than refining conventional oil. But for Canada and the oil companies, the returns are lucrative – oil giants recently announced a $379 billion investment in them.

    The EU wants to help stop this catastrophe, but the UK is standing in the way. The EU’s proposed Fuel Quality Directive would set a binding 6% climate pollution reduction target for Europe’s transport fuels by 2020. We need to make sure that our government - which likes to parade green credentials - doesn’t cave to tar sands oil interests.

    Our political leaders should be securing a cleaner energy future for us and our children, not caving in to polluters that bring oil spills and climate change.

    Diesel is a highly polluting fuel as it is, with its nano-particles which are responsible, according to studies, for much of the cases of asthma in adults and children that is sweeping the UK (and other countries) like an epidemic and the fuel derived from the tar sands will be worse even.

    In a world with a safe and stable climate, using energy will not come at the expense of our natural environment. Canada’s tar sands are an out-dated approach to energy, where profit outweighs pollution. We have a chance to make a change now. We must make it clear to our leaders that we, as the people, will not stand for this and that we will not stand for profit before people attitudes.

    UK undermining EU tar sands ban
    Pollution fears as UK blocks European ban on fuel from tar sands
    Why Europe could decide the fate of Canada’s tar sands
    Canada tries to hide tar sands carbon emissions http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2011/jun/01/canada-tar-sands-carbon-emissions
    US Environmental Protection Agency review of tar sands impact http://yosemite.epa.gov/oeca/webeis.nsf/(PDFView)/20100126/$file/20100126.PDF?OpenElement (pdf)

    © 2011

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UK opposes EU ban on Tar Sands fuel

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Pest Predicament

    The late summer can be a time when certain insects become more pests of humans than of plants! This can happen at the time we are using our gardens most for socialising and outdoor living. Harrod Horticultural provides you with safe and natural solutions for keeping these nuisance pests under control.


    Ants are not really pests of plants but can ruin the garden environment if present in high numbers. Their nests or ant mounds in lawns make lawn mowing difficult and make an unpleasant area for children, especially if they are in bare feet. Ants will also choose patio areas as nest sites and can appear in high numbers under and on them. There are several safe ways of treating ants without the use of persistent and long lasting poisons. For lawn areas; try using nematodes against ants. These tiny microscopic worms can be used safely on lawns without damaging the grass or harming anyone using the lawn. Simply water the Ant nematodes (GPC-010 medium treats 16 colonies £9.75) directly into ant mounds or nests. The nematodes drive the ants out of the nests.

    If ants are a nuisance on a patio or are coming into the house, try Agrothrin Ant dust (GPC-113 2 x 100g puffer packs £9.95/GPC-114 1 kg Agrothrin £14.95). This natural insecticide powder, derived from chrysanthemum leaves, can be placed under patios or can be blown through the edges of slabs with a special puffer pack. It can also be applied under fridges and stoves to prevent ants and other crawling insects building up in these places.

    Lawn pests

    Chafer grubs and Leatherjackets can reap terrible damage on lawns, not only with their feeding on grass roots, which turns lawns yellow but also the secondary damage they attract in the forms of animals and birds! Badgers, foxes and birds will all rip up lawns looking for these tasty grubs. Applying chemicals to lawns is not desirable at this time of year and there are not many to choose from, so the use of nematodes can come to the rescue again! Chafer grubs are the larvae of Chafer beetles, often known as May beetles. A new generation of chafer grubs will generally appear in lawns from early August, if left un-treated they will feed on grass roots until the winter comes and then start again the following spring. The grubs are white-grey in colour, as opposed to leatherjacket larvae, which are brown-grey in colour. Chafer grub killing nematodes (GPC-290 treats up to 100 sq m of lawn £29.95) should be applied before October. The nematodes are watered into the lawn and kill the grubs feeding on the roots.

    Leatherjackets are the larvae of crane flies or Daddy-long-legs. The adults emerge from the lawn in great numbers from late August-early September and quickly lay new eggs in the lawn, which develop into new leatherjackets. This is the best time to treat them with Leatherjacket killing nematodes (GPC-285 treats up to 100 sqm £16.95/GPC-287- 500 treats up to 500sqm £74.95)). Apply from early September until the end of October.

    Source: Harrod Horticultural

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Pest Predicament

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Minnesota HAZUS-MH Users Group is Forming

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Minnesota HAZUS-MH Users Group is Forming

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Free Presentation on International Applications of Hazus-MH - July 5th, 1:30 CDT

    From Kevin Mickey, GISP, CTT+, Director, Professional Education and Outreach, The Polis Center, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis:

    The Central Hazus Users Group is sponsoring a virtual presentation by Giedrius Kaveckis on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm CDT.   The dial-in for the audio portion of the presentation is 1-570-720-0113   Passcode: 1351813.  You can watch the video portion of the presentation by opening a web browser to http://breeze.iu.edu/hazusaustria/. 

    Giedrius Kaveckis is a graduate student from Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Austria. He is the recipient of a Marshall Plan Scholarship and is currently working on his Master’s thesis at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis at The Polis Center. The title of his thesis is “Potential Contributions of Hazus-MH to Flood Risk Assessment in the Context of the European Flood Directive.” His research focuses on the ability to integrate non-US datasets into the Hazus-MH Flood Model for the purpose of performing flood damage assessments and contributing to flood risk and hazard mapping in Europe.

    In the presentation Giedrius will describe the implementation strategy that he has developed which enables the Hazus user to assess flood related losses anywhere in the world.  He will introduce the audience to the European Flood Directive and how Hazus-MH can support the goals of that directive.  He will also discuss the requirements for the inventory and hazard data as well as how those requirements can be met with free open source tools.  Giedrius will conclude with a discussion of the steps and challenges associated with fully implementing Hazus-MH in an international context.   He will also present opportunities for potential future research that can inform those working to address these issues.

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Free Presentation on International Applications of Hazus-MH - July 5th, 1:30 CDT

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Setting Boundaries on the Use of Your Geotracking Data

    An interesting editorial from the Denver Post:

    "A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced a bill in Congress to set boundaries on the use of GPS information, including requirements that police establish probable cause and get warrants before obtaining geolocation data from private companies. It's a strong and useful piece of legislation that would bring laws into line with technological advances and set clear standards for private companies and law enforcement."   Read More

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Setting Boundaries on the Use of Your Geotracking Data

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Why the Cola Wars on the Better Plant-Based Bottle are Going Nowhere

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Why the Cola Wars on the Better Plant-Based Bottle are Going Nowhere

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Sprouting seeds by Kings Seeds & Suffolk Herbs

    June 2011: Kings Seeds would like to make the following known, in light of the current health scare about E-coli in now two places in Europe:

    All sprouting seeds supplied by Kings Seeds and Suffolk Herbs, whether for the amateur or professional use, are sourced from food grade sprouting seed suppliers. Therefore they are of high quality and suitable for all uses.

    Thank you!

    Source: Kings Seeds and Suffolk Herbs

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Sprouting seeds by Kings Seeds & Suffolk Herbs

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Tapping into plants is the key to combat climate change, says scientist

    Photosynthesis mechanics is the answer to solar energy

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Understanding the way plants use and store light to produce energy could be the key ingredient in the fight against climate change, a scientist at Queen Mary, University of London says.

    Professor Alexander Ruban from Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences has been studying the mechanisms behind photosynthesis, a process where plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide to produce food and release oxygen, for 30 years.

    In a recent article published in Energy and Environmental Science, he analyses the complex mechanism by which higher plants absorb and store sunlight, the antenna of photosystem II. Higher plants, otherwise known as vascular plants, transport water and other minerals through the roots, stems and leaves. They make up most of the plants on earth today.

    "The photosynthetic antenna absorbs the sunlight used in the process of photosynthesis. It is an incredibly efficient mechanism, enabling not only the absorption and storage of sunlight, but also acting as a protective shield to ensure the plant absorbs just the right amount needed," he explains.

    "If we can somehow harness the capabilities of this magnificent mechanism and adapt these findings for the benefit of solar energy, our fight against climate change could become a whole lot easier."

    Professor Ruban, along with colleagues Dr Matthew Johnson and Dr Christopher, took a closer look at the mechanics behind the scenes which enable plants to absorb sunlight.

    "Plants have a remarkable ability to adapt to environmental changes around them. The antenna structure in vascular plants are able to act as a regulator – they are extremely intelligent," Professor Ruban said.

    "The carotinoids, which are a group of pigments within the antenna structure, enable the antenna to regulate its absorption and shield capabilities. If we can channel this regulation and intelligence into the production of solar energy, then the future of the earth could be a whole lot brighter."

    When the professor talks about photosynthetic antenna the uninitiated should read here, predominately, the word “leaf” or “leaves”, in plural, for it is the leaves, the green parts of a plant (or at times other colors but still the leaves) that do the photosynthesis, converting sunlight and CO2 into food, into energy, for the plant to grow.

    It would be very nice indeed if we could replicate that natural process technologically but, to be perfectly honest, and I speak here only as a forester, I cannot see that happening. So we may be stuck with the photo-voltaic cells for many, many decades to come.

    It is true, however, that plants can teach us a great deal and we would do well to take a much closer look at them, especially here trees. But then again, that is the forester talking; as regards the trees, I mean.

    There is more in Nature that modern man like to admit for he thinks that he is the master of the universe and has the keys to the kingdom but, alas, this is, actually, not so. Man, whether modern or not, is but a part of the whole, and small part of the whole at that.

    'Natural light harvesting: principles and environmental trends' is published in Energy and Environmental Science. DOI: 10.1039/c0ee00578a

    © 2011

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Tapping into plants is the key to combat climate change, says scientist

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Paris Air Show: Review

    Post Paris commentary is generally of a subdued event, even so an article from www.thisismoney.co.uk: CITY COMMENT by HOWARD WHEELDON: Boeing and Airbus in for long haul points out:
    - 2010 Airline industry profits of $18.6bn
    - confidence in the Aerospace industry despite headwinds
    - 2011 outlook of $8.6bn has been cut to $4bn due to headwinds from the Japanese Tsunami, political unrest in the Middle East and Africa, and the rising oil price.

    - majority of orders were for short haul aircraft with the re-engined A320 (A320 neo) seeming to make some headway against the Boeing 737 with its promised 15% fuel saving
    - the first 787 is due for delivery to All Nippon Airways in September
    - the 3 year delay on the 787 has allowed Airbus to eat into the 5 years behind (the 787) starting point of the A350
    - increasing competition in airframes from China, Russia and Canada.

    Looks like Airbus have taken most of the airframe orders with the A350 and the A320 neo. As mentioned in an earlier post: Paris Air Show: Update on Rolls-Royce., Rolls-Royce also seems to have done well with engine orders particularly around the A350 where it continues to be the only engine option and has recently signed an exclusive engine supply deal for the enhanced A350-1000.
    However, GE and partners weighed in with $27bn of orders mainly due to 400 engines for Air Asia purchased from CFM (GE's joint venture with Safran). The total splits out to $16bn of engines and $11bn of service contracts. 
    The CFM engine is one of the two options available to A320 neo customers the other being Pratt & Whitney's geared turbofan

    It feels a little bit of deja vu but I hope that Rolls-Royce doesn't regret its decision not to support the update to the A320 after stating that there wasn't a sufficient business case for it.
    Airbus took 232 commitments for the aircraft at Paris and now has orders for 594 of the aircraft in total.
    I guess the problem for Rolls rests on not having an existing engine for the segment. It has been "studying" its RB285 engine (150 seaters) for some time now without seeming to generate too much interest amongst the manufacturers.

    At the end of the year, Boeing is expected to announce its own "next steps" to enhance/replace the worlds best selling aircraft, the 737.
    With airline overcapacity, costs, development leadtimes, resource tied up in new widebody aircraft (787), and the fact that Airbus haven't replaced the A320, an enhancement of the 737 would seem more likely, unless the company feels the need for a "bold" step forward.

    So with only a share of the IAE V2500 engine for the "older" A320, Rolls-Royce may find itself with a shrinking presence in new sales for the 150 seater segment until a new aircraft is announced.
    Here's hoping for another "bold step" from Boeing and that Rolls-Royce will be ready for it.

    Article links:
    www.thisismoney.co.uk: CITY COMMENT by HOWARD WHEELDON: Boeing and Airbus in for long haul
    www.thisismoney.co.uk: Airbus joins Rolls in £2bn show orders
    www.rolls-royce.com: Rolls-Royce to power enhanced Airbus A350-1000
    www.ainonline.com: Paris Air Show 2011 Report
    www.glgroup.com: Rolls-Royce faces losing single-aisle airplane market share

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Paris Air Show: Review

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Bottled water: A natural resource that is taxing the world's ecosystem

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Bottled water consumption, which has more than doubled globally in the last number of years, is a natural resource that is putting a heavy tax the world's ecosystem.

    Even in areas where tap water is safe to drink, demand for bottled water is steadily increasing, producing unnecessary garbage and consuming vast quantities of energy, and, as we will see in an upcoming article, the use of plant-based PET bottles is not better either.

    The biggest problem is, however, as I have said many a times before, and that is the fact that it is not just the bottles that we must concern ourselves with when it comes to bottled water. The abstraction of water itself is what is causing real grief to the Planet.

    Although in the industrial world bottled water is often no healthier than tap water, it can end up costing 10,000 times more. That is as much as 2.50 dollars per liter (10 dollars per gallon), bottled water costs nearly as much if not even more than does gasoline, and this does not compute.

    The United States is the largest consumer of bottled water, with Americans drinking 26 billion liters in 2004, or about one eight-ounce (25 cl) glass per person every day. Mexico was the second largest consumer at 18 billion liters followed by China and Brazil at 12 billion liters each.

    While, in a way, I can understand that Mexico uses lots of bottled water as, if it is anywhere there like in Spain and Portugal then the tap water may not be great. As far as the USA, and the same is true for much of Europe, such as Britain, Netherlands, Germany, etc., are concerned it is hard to understand how people have managed to fall for the bottled water scam buy the industry.

    In terms of consumption per person, Italians came first at nearly 184 liters, or more than two glasses a day, followed by Mexico and the United Arab Emirates with 169 and 164 liters per person respectively. Belgium and France follow close behind and Spain ranks sixth. And it is with the European countries, as I said above, that I do have problems with though, yet again, Italy and Spain, and Malta – they don't have fresh water there, being the exception, as the tap water in some places in the Mediterranean are can be suspect.

    The demand for bottled water has soared in developing countries between 1999 and 2004 with consumption tripling in India and more than doubling in China during that period. This has translated into massive costs in packaging the water, usually in plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which is derived from crude oil, and then transporting it by boat, train or on land.

    Making bottles to meet alone al the Americans' demand for bottled water requires more than 1.5 million barrels of oil annually, enough to fuel some 100,000 US cars for a year. Worldwide, some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water each year.

    Once the water is consumed, disposing the plastic bottles poses an environmental risk, 86 percent of plastic water bottles in the United States end up as garbage and those buried can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade. In addition, some 40 percent of the PET bottles deposited for recycling in the United States in 2004 ended up being shipped to China for reprocessing, adding another load of environmental impact to the batch. There are other ways of dealing with this material by now and even oil can be made out of those bottles again but...

    The rapid growth in the bottled water industry has also, ironically, led to water shortages in some areas, including India where bottling of Dasani water and other drinks by the Coca-Cola company has caused shortages in more than 50 villages.

    It said that while consumers tend to link bottled water with healthy living, tap water can be just as healthy and is subject to more stringent regulations than bottled water in many regions, including Europe and the United States.

    In fact, roughly 40 percent of bottled water begins as tap water, and often the only difference is added minerals that have no marked health benefits. So, don't be deceived, opt for tap, in a reusable bottle.

    © 2011

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Bottled water: A natural resource that is taxing the world's ecosystem

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Austin company aims to become first package-free, zero-waste grocery store in nation

    Austin company plans to open package-free, zero-waste grocery store before year’s end.

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    ingredients_small_logo1 Austin, TX, June 2011: The Brothers Lane team announced its intention to open the first package-free, zero-waste grocery store in the U.S. this week. The store, named

    in.gredients, will allow customers to bring their own reusable containers to fill with local and organic groceries ranging from dry bulk and dairy to wine and household cleaners.

    Touting itself as the “next step” in fixing a variety of problems in today’s food industry, in.gredients promises to be an alternative to supermarket-style shopping, featuring local, organic food products, offering cooking classes and gardening activities on-site, and hosting a variety of community-oriented events geared toward promoting healthy living.

    “Truth be told, what’s normal in the grocery business isn’t healthy for consumers or the environment,” in.gredients co-founder Christian Lane said. “In addition to the unhealthiness associated with common food processing, nearly all the food we buy in the grocery store is packaged, leaving us no choice but to continue buying packaged food that’s not always reusable or recyclable.

    Our goal is to reduce waste and promote health by ditching packaged and overly processed food altogether – revolutionizing grocery shopping as we know it.”

    The new store challenges typical supermarket behavior, claiming impulse buys, out-of- season produce, and a lack of concern for waste contribute to unhealthy eating and spending habits amongst consumers. in.gredients’ business model will counter these trends by encouraging portion control, seasonal eating, and the reduction of energy used to transport food from farms to customers.

    “We care about the health of our customers and our local food economy,” Lane said.

    “We’re prioritizing ‘reduce, reuse, then recycle’ and maximizing farmer revenue. We want this to be a fun and insightful experience for everyone, and hope this can springboard new ideas about how we can make grocery shopping even more sustainable.”

    in.gredients is actively seeking investors and hopes to raise the funds it needs to begin

    operations through its crowd-sourced campaign on IndieGoGo.com.

    in.gredients is being started by Brothers Lane, LLC – a small Austin-based company owned by the Lane brothers (Christian, Patrick, and Joseph) and brother-in-spirit Christopher Pepe. The brothers have started and managed successful businesses ranging from software to sustainability.

    Seasonal produce, grains, spices, baking ingredients, oils, coffees/teas, meats, dairy, beer, wine, and household cleaners. All products will be organic, all-natural, and sourced from local vendors when possible.

    The Brothers Lane are very much creative and innovative guys with a passion for making things better and have disciplines rooted in process and technology (Praecipio Consulting) and the creative arts (Patrick Lane Photography).

    Their interest in food and sustainability and drive to make things better is the force behind in.gredients and they actually do have retail and grocery store experience and bring all of their collective knowledge, experience and passion to build a real game-changing business.

    The in.gredients model, however, used to be the way all shops operated not all that long ago – about 40 to 50 years ago e still had them and before that they were the way things were done. London has not just the one that so often gets mentioned but there is another store at Borough Market, the name011011 of which I do not have, that even gives people discount if they bring their own containers.

    This is very much like the time when we still brought glass bottles back to be cleaned and reused – against the return of the deposit – and making pocket money in the process. That time also may be coming back and therefore why not stores that sell things loose and by the yard, etc.

    Yes, shops like that are more labor intensive and need more staff as gods need to be weighed and measured but it is a way that we need to be getting back to if we want to reduce (packaging) waste in stores and at home.

    All those prepackaged goods consumer vast amount of materials of one kind or the other that then has to be dealt with in the waste stream and if that waste can be don e away with it will be a total win-win situation.

    © 2011

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Austin company aims to become first package-free, zero-waste grocery store in nation

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ICS 300 and 400 Training Dates Announced

    Here's an opportunity for some excellent advanced ICS training:

    Prairie Island Indian Community is hosting an ICS300 and ICS400 this August.
    A prior scheduled course had to be canceled  and rescheduled due to not enough students.
    If you know of anyone needing this course please pass the information on.
    Law enforcement personnel can receive 24 (ICS-300) and 16 (ICS-400) hours of continuing
    education credit upon completion of these classes.
    Minimum number of students for these classes is 20, the maximum is 40.
    300 will be August 15th, 16th, and 17th. (Mon- Wed.)  8-5pm daily with an hour break for lunch on your own.
    400 will be August 29th and 30th.   (Mon- Tues.)  8-5 daily with an hour lunch break on your own.
    They will be located in our Tribal Court Chambers in the Community.
    If you are interested in signing up please contact me via email or phone.  I will need proof of
    passing any prerequisite courses  (for 300 it is ics 100,200 and 700,  for 400 it is ics 300) prior to
    the start date of the course for the instructor.  If you are signing up a student, I need their name, title and agency they work for and a way to contact them prior to the class to send out directions and information.
    I will send out a confirmation email to enrolled students a week prior to the course
    with directions and options for lunch nearby.

    We do have a hotel near the property and there are also other hotels within 10 miles of where the class will be held.  If you have any questions about hotels, please let me know.
    Thanks much, sorry for the hassle in doing this all over again.
    Jennifer Cable
    Jennifer Cable
    Prairie Island Indian Community
    Emergency Management Coordinator
    Prairie Island Tribal Police Department
    1960 Island Blvd.
    Welch, MN 55089
    651-385-4178  office
    651-267-4008  fax
    651-775-1560  cell

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ICS 300 and 400 Training Dates Announced

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HSIP Gold/Freedom Feedback Session - Feedback Requested

    In preparation for the upcoming 7-8 July 2011 Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Gold/Freedom Data Feedback Session the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group is collecting feedback to better understand your HSIP Gold/Freedom data usage and requirements. To assist in the feedback process and ensure the success of HSIP, please provide feedback by visiting http://www.hifldwg.org/node/add/hsipfeedbacksessionquestionnaire or via email to the  HIFLD Support Staff (hifldwg@bah.com). The HIFLD Working Group would specifically like to understand:
                    1. How do you use HSIP Gold/Freedom data to support your mission?
                    2.  a. Which HSIP Gold/Freedom Data Layers do you use the most?
                         b. Which HSIP Gold/Freedom Data Layers do you use the least?
                    3. What additional data, data attributes and /or data sources would you like to see in HSIP Gold/Freedom?
                    4. What data are you currently purchasing to meet your mission?
                    5. Do you currently use HSIP Gold provided symbology? If no, what symbology is used?
                    6. How do you use HSIP Gold/Freedom in support of exercise/training (e.g. NLE 2011)?

    If you would like to provide specific data layer HSIP feedback please utilize the HSIP Feedback Mechanism found on the HIFLDWG website (www.hifldwg.org). The Feedback Mechanism allows for specific types of feedback, including:
    -          General Comment
    -          Recommend New Data Layer
    -          Recommend New Data Layer Attribute
    -          General Data Layer Comment
    -          Point/Line/Polygon Comment
    -          Metadata Comment

    As always the HIFLD Working Group and HSIP appreciates your support and dedication.  The updated July 2011 HIFLD WG Agenda is attached, for additional information the on the July HIFLD Working Group Meeting or HSIP please visit www.hifldwg.org or contact Casey Perry, Perry_Casey@bah.com, 703-377-9684

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HSIP Gold/Freedom Feedback Session - Feedback Requested

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BG Update: Questor Share Tip.

    Saw this Telegraph Questor Share tip for BG last week - www.telegraph.co.uk: Questor share tip: Gas trends change and BG Group looks good value

    Interesting that the International Energy Agency gets its second mention in a week. 
    Interesting to me as I had never heard of them before.

    In this case the IEA have reversed an earlier view that there would be a global gas glut until 2020 and moved towards a view that the over supply is already dissipating, hmmm. 
    Good news for BG though, and gives the company and its February full year results presentation (where it made reference to supply constraints) an increased credibility (www.dailymail.co.uk: BG Group gushing as gas prices lift earnings).
    At the time, the company cited maturing gas fields and increasing environmental regulation, and increasing demand from China and India, as key drivers and that overall demand for gas would increase by 75% by 2020. In the same presentation, Chief Executive Frank Chapman also acknowledged the IEA's view (at the time) that there would be a gas glut until 2020. Frank Chapman's response being that he didn't know where it was going to come from.

    The Questor tip also pointed to BG's increasing oil production with "Morgan Stanley calculated that 64pc of production from BG will be oil by 2020."

    There was also a cherry to top things off (or should that be an old chestnut), with Royal Dutch Shell and China's CNOOC being speculated as possible bidders for BG.

    Management seems capable, a successful strategy is in place and it has proven its expertise in exploration for oil and gas.
    The company also deals in a commodity that is very much in demand as well as having significant reserve assets that would complement any of the major gas/oil producers portfolios whilst also being of a suitable size at £43bn (big enough to add value but not too big to acquire).
    One to keep hold onto then.

    Article links:
    www.telegraph.co.uk: Questor share tip: Gas trends change and BG Group looks good value
    www.dailymail.co.uk: BG Group gushing as gas prices lift earnings

    Links to BG Group website: 2010 Fourth Qtr and Full Year Results (plus webcast)
    www.bg-group.com: 2010 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results

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BG Update: Questor Share Tip.

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Tesco: Banking problems!

    Tesco @ 396.15p, -1.15 (-0.29%)

    Not a particularly promising start to life for Tesco Bank with savers locked out of their accounts for 3/4 days.
    Not certain what the problem has been but it has come to light following the banks attempts to switch over savings and loan accounts to new systems which in turn has involved the allocation of new sort codes.

    Various explanations around the net about certain browsers not working and the reputation of the customer helpline has also taken a battering.
    Seems to have been a very frustrating time for many people and of those interviewed quite a few are saying that they will be closing accounts down. 
    Having experienced problems with other more established online offerings I can share their frustration and intent.
    Tesco has come out and stated that they will address each compensation request on a case by case basis as long as it can be proven. But, will this be too little too late for some customers.

    Not the best news for me as I thought that Tesco Bank could carve out a nice profitable niche for itself in a UK Banking sector where reputations have taken a battering and integrity is no longer a given.
    I have already seen an early positive change in the stores following new Chief Executive - Philip Clarke statement that there would be a refocussing on its UK operations so it is a disappointment that the company has allowed something to escape in its fledgling Banking arm. 
    Hopefully, the situation can be rescued and the company will learn lessons from it.

    Article links:
    www.thisismoney.co.uk: Crisis at Tesco Bank as online banking crashes and leaves customers locked out for THREE days
    http://faq.tescobank.com: Question: How can I claim compensation for costs I've incurred as a result of Tesco Bank's system issues?

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Tesco: Banking problems!

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Sankey Slimline Water Butt – Product Review

    Review by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    1042-main_1 With a drought always, if would seem, nowadays, even in England, which was known as a land full of rainy skies and gales always, not far off, harvesting rainwater as and when it is in season, so to speak, is more important than ever.

    Rainwater harvesting is also becoming a requirement in the building of new houses but that is then used for graywater systems and that is not what we are talking about here.

    The rainwater butt has been a mainstay of gardens, especially allotments, for ever and a day and in those early days it was simply a barrel and may people still, to this day, improvise by using waste containers, such plastic 55 gallon drums, for example. There is nothing wrong with that; it works.

    However, if you want something in which to collect your rainwater for your garden that looks a bit more snazzy then you won't go wrong taking a look at the range of rainwater butts from Sankey. They have a large range from slimline ones to those that look like terracotta pots. So, if you want a rainwater harvesting system that will look not like a water butt then Sankey has the answer in the same way for those that are not too concerned as to whether the butt is seen as what it is, namely a rainwater collecting barrel, though a barrel neither of those butts is, really.

    The instructions are very precise and anyone should be able to follow them and successfully connect the butt to the downpipe.

    The installation is easy and does not take long unless, like myself, you happen to have a downpipe that is several decades old and where the adjustment screws for the fittings have decided that they will not budge. Then, unfortunately, it can take about and hour to connect it up; it did for me.

    The initial preparation, that is to say drilling out the hole for the connection pipe and such is very simple and straightforward, aided greatly by the guiding indent in the areas where the pipe is to be fitted. Only found that a 26mm drill bit, if it could have been had, would have worked better than the recommended 25mm one. Had to forcefully screw the connector piece into the butt itself.

    Once the problem with cutting the pipe – due to the condition of this older downpipe – was achieved the rest was quite simple and the water butt is now also filling up slowly as we have had some downpours meantime. After all it is Wimbledon tennis and what would Wimbledon be like without rain in the London area and better still on SW17?

    Check out Sankey's rainwater butts before anything if you consider buying a rainwater barrel of any kind.

    © 2011

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Sankey Slimline Water Butt – Product Review

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Gardening for youngsters

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Here is a summer season task that can keep children occupied the entire summer and should keep them out of mischief in the summer holidays.

    Encourage and teach your children to grow their personal garden. It is fun and they’ll be able to learn a great deal dealing with growing vegetables from raising them for seeds to harvesting their own vegetables.

    Children who grow their own greens also seem to be much more ready to eat their vegetables than do other children who are removed from the soil and the reality of food.

    This job would require a few pre-planning and possibly will have to be began well ahead of time before school break up for the summer recess.

    One of the simplest ways to begin a garden for children is to germinate the seeds indoors, teaching them how to sow them in plug trays and looking after them during their initial growing period.

    After you have together decided what vegetables to grow the crops get started off indoors so they have got a better chance later they are moved to the outdoors.

    Beans, radishes, and carrots are all simple vegetables to grow. Strawberries are a popular alternative to greens and are also thought to be an easy plant to take care of.

    Have the children make and use homemade row markers for their vegetable garden by using wooden Popsicle (ice lolly) sticks of the flat board kind.

    You could use pictures of the veggies, taken from the Internet and printed from PC and then laminated and glued on, or using just written names using waterproof labels. A good label maker such as the Brother P-touch GL200 (designed specifically for gardeners though obviously multipurpose) makes great labels for such sticks.

    Give the child their own plot, whether it is an actually part of the vegetable garden that you may, hopefully, already keep, or a small (or even not so small) raised bed or a section with planters and make it the child’s duty to look after this on their own with you just there for advice. At such a plot the child or children will also be responsible for their very own weeding and watering.

    This is any other excellent job that fosters independence and can supply the kids a sense of achievement come then end of the summer and fall – eating greens that they grew themselves in their own backyard, and I am sure that they will want to eat those greens and other vegetables.

    Gardening can also be a great subject for homeschooling and the kids can also be encouraged to create their own “cottage and kitchen garden” proper where veg, herbs and flowers grow together.

    © 2011

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Gardening for youngsters

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BP update: a little bit of everything.

    BP @ 437.15p, +1.65p (+0.38%).

    Well, much like the update on Rolls-Royce, the performance of BP since they were added to the Virtual Portfolio can only be described as a roller coaster. Purchased at 435p, the shares quickly rose to 509p in January but have since charted an unrelenting course back to the levels they were bought at.

    BP Share price performance (Chart courtesy of Digitallook)
    Unlike Rolls-Royce, I see this performance as being entirely down to its own making. In particular, to my mind, the Chairman and the Chief Executive have yet to demonstrate that they deserve their positions. Put another way, it would be interesting to know where BP might have been if the Rosneft deal had never even been considered.

    Given the volatility of the oil price, and its link to economic recovery, its nowhere near conclusive but, BP's share price was 503.7p on the day prior to the announcement of the Rosneft tie-up. The CEO, Bob Dudley and the Chairman, Carl Henric Svanberg, have to take responsibility for this bumbled attempt at international deal making and the distress of the share price since then.

    However, trying to move forward but still being held back by the past. BP did announce last week that a further agreement has been reached with another one its partners in the Gulf of Mexico operation. This time, oil services firm, Weatherford, has agreed to contribute £46.2 which will go directly into the compensation fund.

    That was the good news, and I did say that this was a little bit of everything. Well the not so good news is that, another partner Transocean, continues to decline all responsibility opting instead to point the finger at BP. Transocean owned and operated the rig.

    Finally, the don't know bit of news, the International Energy Agency has announced the release of an extra 60 million barrels of oil into the market in response to disruption caused by the Libyan crisis. Up until the end of May the crisis has removed 132 million barrels from the market.
    Apparently this increases global oil supply by around 2.2% and the price of crude dropped accordingly:
    - Brent crude @ $107.26, -$6.95
    - US light crude @ $91.02, -$4.39

    Might also be in response to OPEC's decision in June not to increase output despite IEA's call for an increase.

    Seems more a statement then anything else.

    Anyway, back to BP, it has certainly been testing and at times it would be easy to lose sight of off the objective which is to generate returns over the long term. 
    Since adding BP to the Portfolio, the company has re-instated its dividend and yields around 4% payable quarterly. It has also made solid moves to finance the liabilities and compensation due to the Gulf of Mexico incident.
    Due to its well publicised issues, the share price trades on just 5.8 times current year so has plenty of scope for "recovery" and, it remains highly geared to the oil price and economic recovery (obvious I know).
    As a result, for the Income side of the Portfolio, I still see BP making a significant dividend contribution for many years to come and eventually, a recovery in its share price once credibility is restored and its assets and prospects are appreciated once again.

    www.dailymail.co.uk: BP strikes a £46m deal over Gulf oil disaster
    www.bbc.co.uk: Oil price drops on reserve sale

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BP update: a little bit of everything.

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Paris Air Show: Update on Rolls-Royce.

    Rolls- Royce @ 609p, +19p (+3.22%)

    So what about pointing out some of the good news then. 
    A significant holding in the portfolio, Rolls-Royce, has had a turbulent 9 months or so since the Quantas A380 incident and it shares have run an equally rocky course with the addition of the JSF budget cuts.
    However, June begins what is generally a positive PR period for the company driven by the industry love-in that is the Paris Air Show.

    The diary of press releases has been pretty full for the last 10 days so lets lists them straight off the Rolls-Royce site:
    15th June - Rolls-Royce wins offshore supply vessel order in Brazil - "£15m order to design and equip 2 offshore vessels for ship owner Brasil Supply."

    16th June - Rolls-Royce secures offshore orders worth over £100 million - £100m order "to supply propulsion systems for offshore construction and drilling vessels."

    19th June - Rolls-Royce to power enhanced Airbus A350-1000 - "Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has signed an agreement to be the exclusive engine provider for an enhanced version of the Airbus A350-1000 aircraft."

    "Currently six Trent XWB engines are being tested and are delivering better than targeted results. Flight testing of Trent XWB engines is scheduled to begin later this year."
    "More than 1,100 Trent XWB engines have been ordered by 36 customers making it the fastest selling member of the Rolls-Royce Trent engine family. The higher thrust variant of the Trent XWB is scheduled to run for the first time in mid-2014 and enter service in mid-2017."
    20th June - Rolls-Royce completes $2.2 billion Trent order with TAM Airlines - Rolls-Royce "has concluded a contract worth up to $2.2 billion at engine list prices, with TAM Airlines of Brazil, to provide Trent XWB engines for Airbus A350-XWB aircraft.  The order includes a 12 year agreement for TotalCare® long-term services support."

    "This is the first time TAM has ordered engines from Rolls-Royce and follows a previous announcement of the aircraft order made by Airbus. TAM has placed an order for 27 A350-XWBs."
    20th June - Rolls-Royce share of Gulf Air V2500 order worth $60 million - Rolls-Royce "has won a share of an order from Gulf Air for V2500 SelectTwo engines to power six Airbus A321 aircraft. The order is worth over $60 million to Rolls-Royce. 

    20th June - Rolls-Royce share of China Southern V2500 order - Rolls-Royce "has won a share of an order from China Southern Airlines for V2500 engines to power 30 Airbus A320 aircraft. The contract includes a long-term engine maintenance agreement. The value of the contract to Rolls-Royce is over $250 million."

    21st June - Rolls-Royce reaches $360 million agreement with Etihad Airways - Rolls-Royce "has reached an agreement with Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, to provide long-term engine services and performance enhancement kits worth a total of $360 million."

    "The Abu Dhabi-based airline will receive TotalCare® services for Trent 700 engines that power four Airbus A330 aircraft. It will also extend an existing contract covering the same engines that power 20 more of its A330 fleet."
    "In addition, the airline will introduce Enhanced Performance (EP) kits on 30 of its Trent 700s, which will increase their fuel efficiency by more than one per cent per engine and reduce CO2 emissions by 800 tonnes per aircraft per year."

    22nd June - Rolls-Royce and Lockheed Martin sign engine fuel efficiency agreement - Rolls-Royce "has signed a memorandum of agreement with Lockheed Martin Corp. to provide performance improvements, including better fuel efficiency, to the T56 family of engines. The agreement builds on a partnership of over 50 years and demonstrates long-term commitments from both companies to enhance safety, economy, reliability and performance of Lockheed Martin aircraft "

    22nd June - Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 approved by Japanese aviation authority - Rolls-Royce "has received certification from Japan’s aviation authority for its Trent 1000 engine, confirming its readiness to power the Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s entry into service with All Nippon Airways (ANA).

    A Certificate of Type Approval has been granted by the Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB), the first granted for an engine powering the 787 Dreamliner.
    Last month Rolls-Royce announced the Trent 1000 had been granted Extended Twin Engine Operations (ETOPS) approval by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), again a first for an engine operating on the 787.
    Flight tests to support ETOPS approval of the engine/aircraft combination are now taking place and engines have been delivered for the first ANA 787 Dreamliner to go into passenger service."
    23rd June - Rolls-Royce demonstrates technology leadership in Paris - "World-leading technology developed by Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, was one of the highlights of this week’s Paris Airshow, where the Group launched the latest member of the Trent family and won significant new orders.

    Rolls-Royce confirmed development of an enhanced Trent XWB engine, capable of delivering 97,000lbs of thrust, for the enhanced Airbus A350-1000, while also securing orders of $2.9 billion from customers in South America, the Middle East and Asia."

    24th June - http://www.rolls-royce.com/investors/news/2011/110624_tognum_support.jsp - the Rolls-Royce / Daimler joint bid for Tognum has successfully secured 94% of the shares.

    So a seeming avalanche of good news with a further touch added by the announcement that the company has also settled its potential legal dispute with Quantas at a cost of £62.5m as reported by the www.independent.co.uk.
    However, the share price has run a roller coaster this year since the highs of 665p achieved in January. Since then it has pulled back to 570p, recovered to 650p and then fallen back again to 590p from where it looks to be on another recovery track with a 19p gain on Friday.
    Rolls-Royce share price performance (chart courtesy of Digitallook)

    Obviously, the tide that the share price is fighting might not be entirely of the company's own making (sovereign default and US slowdown) so might be reasonably argued that, JSF concerns aside, the company might not be at a valuation that matches it prospects. 
    The company is effectively debt free, has one of the worlds most recogniseable brands and is one of the top two companies in an industry with huge barriers to entry (investment, technology, and capability).
    It has also successfully executed a strategy which has given it a broad customer base across a number of sectors "comprising more than 500 airlines, 4,000 corporate and utility aircraft and helicopter operators, 160 armed forces, more than 2,500 marine customers, including 70 navies, and energy customers in nearly 120 countries, with an installed base of 54,000 gas turbines." (Rolls-Royce).
    Almost 50% of revenues no come from the aftermarket support of this installed base.

    At 31 December "The firm and announced order book stood at £59.2 billion", which is around 6 years work. Take note of the date though as a further $2.2bn was added to this from Paris alone.
    It is one of two engine choices on the Boeing 787 and currently, the sole engine choice on the Airbus A350. 
    The engine for the A350 (2 per aircraft), "The Trent XWB is the most advanced civil turbo fan engine in the world and the fastest selling Trent ever. Orders are in place for 574 aircraft, from 36 customers."

    The share price is once again ploughing similar levels to those seen when the A380 engine failure hit the news. Is that a fair assessment of the company's medium and longer terms prospects?
    At current levels the share price is on a forecast P/E of 13.7 falling to 12.2 in 2012 on earnings growth of 14% and 12%. 
    Given the size and visibility of the order books, the nature of the aerospace cycle, and the near certainty of revenues from its installed engine base, I see R-R being a core holding of the portfolio for some time to come. 
    It has a dividend yield in the region of 3% and, if projections to 2012 (and company guidance) are correct then the dividend will have doubled in 6 years which I see as quite a decent performance.
    In the current 12 month horizon, I can still see the company regaining its premium rating and achieving new highs in the region of 700p.

    Be lucky!

    Rolls-Royce Press Release links:

    Other Article links:

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Paris Air Show: Update on Rolls-Royce.

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