Climate gabfest ends without agreements

    Developed countries not serious at UN climate talks, say Friends of the Earth

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The Climate gabfest that has been held in Bonn, the former West German capital, and which was being kept rather very quiet in most countries ended without any real agreement whatsoever.

    It was already becoming obvious from very early on that the likes of Canada – and others – were not prepared to create a Kyoto follow-on agreement and therefore it is hardly surprising that my predictions have come true. The predictions that this was, yet again, nothing but a nice little gabfest without any of the big players even as much as having the intention to create anything proper.

    Many civil society organisations accused developed countries of not being serious about continuing with an international climate change regime and at a briefing hosted by Friends of the Earth International, several analysts provided insights into the first week of negotiations.

    “The delay this week on agenda issues was very important in looking at the role of Cancun in climate negotiations. It was agreed at the time that Cancun was one train-stop; not the end of the line. But some rich countries aren't serious about negotiating climate change internationally and they're using procedural tricks to get their way.” Meena Raman, negotiations analyst from Friends of the Earth Malaysia said.

    “In Bangkok it was an agenda prepared by an American that held up negotiations, here it's one prepared by an Australian – is that a coincidence? Taxpayers in developed countries must be outraged that their bureaucrats are coming here and playing tricks like this instead of negotiating in their national interest to stop climate change.” Ms Raman said.

    The truth is that taxpayers in most countries, in Britain for sure, have been kept rather in the dark by government and media alike as to the fact that there even was yet another round of climate talks happening.

    “Three countries, Japan, Russia and Canada, have announced they are not intending to fulfill their legal obligations for a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. They have announced to the world that they are not serious about international climate change law and that their word does not count for much. Will anyone believe an international commitment from Japan, Russia or Canada again in the future?” Lim Li Lin, Kyoto Protocol expert at the Third World Network said.

    “This is a serious matter and legal options should be explored to hold these countries accountable.” Ms Lim added.

    “In Copenhagen in 2009 developed countries promised to provide US$30 billion to get a fast start on projects to protect communities in developing countries from climate impacts and to start reducing climate pollution. That money was meant to build trust and as as stop-gap until the institutions were ready to deliver the far greater sums necessary in the long-run, several hundreds of billions of dollars.” Janet Redman, Director of Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, The Institute for Policy Studies, a Washington D.C. based think-tank said.

    “Recent reports show that developed countries have committed to only about half of that, and evidence is emerging that less than 20 percent of pledges are new or additional to existing promises for development finance - if they were serious about the threats to vulnerable communities and about these negotiations developed countries would have already disbursed new, additional and public money,” said Ms Redman.

    “The one area where talks are progressing, on establishing a new finance mechanism known as the Green Climate Fund, there are still serious concerns about the World Bank as its trustee, given that the Bank has serious potential conflicts of interest due to its role in financing fossil-fuel based projects, and its practice of mixing roles as a banker, financial advisor and project implementer.” Kate Horner, senior analyst at Friends of the Earth U.S. said.

    I am also sure that on another level where talks are progressing is on the exchange mechanism for the green indulgences, the carbon credits and such like, which will enable the developed countries to continue with the BAU model on the backs of the poor members of the world community.

    We must do some real work and work on some real reductions; not play with indulgences which will defer our sins to some trees planted somewhere or such like. That is the same that was happening with the Catholic Church in the 16th century and the practice that Martin Luther stood up against. We must stand up against the green version of indulgences and demand that they be scrapped.

    They will not benefit the Planet but only those that can make money from trading them in the same way as they trade stocks, shares and commodities, on the world banking market. This must not happen.

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Climate gabfest ends without agreements

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