Climate talks in Bonn?

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    London, UK, June 14, 2011: A fair number of nations seem to be gathered at yet another climate gabfest, this time in the former West German capital Bonn, though most of the media is rather silent.

    While the Guardian newspaper in Britain has made mention of it once or twice the rest seem to be very quiet indeed and one can but wonder why.

    It would appear that the great majority of governments present at those talks which seem to be termed the “G77” do not wish their citizens to know about those climate talks and especially not of the fact that nothing is going to be achieved, yet again.

    Rumor has it that Canada, for example, is flatly refusing to sign any Kyoto follow on “agreement” (this seems to be why this gathering is being held, as the current Kyoto Treaty is about to expire in 2012) and I am sure that Canada is not the only one.

    Many of the developed nations seem hellbent on destroying Mother Earth for short term gain and huge profits.

    Canada certainly is leading the field here to some degree with the devastation caused by the exploitation of the Athabasca Tar Sands in Alberta and the way it allows the likes of Kimberly Clark to destroy forests left, right and center throughout the entire country to be made into paper towels and toilet paper.

    The sad truth is that all those gabfests archive little to nothing and it is not just thus as regards to climate change and environmental issues. This an also be found when it comes to the issues of the Romani People.

    The leaders of our respective countries seem to have no intention whatsoever to do anything to keep the Planet safe for us and for future generations. Therefore it is definitely up to each and every one of us to ensure that they get the message. What this message is and how we are going to get it to them all is something that, I am sure, we need to think about but we better hurry up.

    © 2011

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Climate talks in Bonn?

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