Irish West Coast targeted by UK government and the energy industry.

    If we can make a profit
    we'll trash anywhere!

    Not content with destroying the UK's wildest places with massive wind power plants and their attendant infrastructure,the UK government on behalf of it's corporate chums in the energy industry, is trying to persuade the Irish Republic to blight it's beautiful west coast with a massive programme of both on shore and off shore wind power plants.

    The energy of course not to be used in Ireland but to be used in the UK. Given the parlous state of the Irish economy and the fact that in Ireland,planning regulations are considerably laxer than in the UK..witness the proliferation of tacky developments in places like Donegal where bland bungalows and haciendas have overwhelmed the vernacular architecture...then the UK government and the energy corporations probably see the exploitation of the the Irish coastal environment as a done deal. Particularly as the Irish government is desperate for hard currency to be injected into the coffers to prevent it following Greece into the financial abyss!

    UK deputy prime minister Nick Clegg met Taoiseach Enda Kenny and other senior members of the British-Irish Council to discuss a plan to expand electricity grid connections throughout the UK and Eire. In particular, they want to build new inter-connectors to link the electricity grids of Ireland and Britain in order to transmit power from new windfarms in Ireland to England.

    The aim of the plan, created by the British government, is to open up remote regions of Ireland that could provide Britain with more power generated by wind farms.

     According to Conservative energy minister, Charles Hendry "The west coast of Ireland has some of the fiercest winds in Europe. They whip in off the Atlantic which makes it is an ideal location for wind farms. However, the Irish market for electricity is less than a tenth of that of Britain. That means that companies cannot afford to build wind farms in Ireland because there is no market for their power. We want to put that right."

    In the UK,the national and devolved governments have, on behalf of their friends in the energy industry,essentially have pursued developments in remoter more sparsely populated areas-particularly in Wales and Scotland- where opposition can be easily overwhelmed. Witness the lack of proposals in the middle class English shires like The Shropshire Hills,The Chiltens and the Cotswolds. The exploitation of the Irish West Coast fits in with the state/energy corporation tactics of choosing areas which apart from fitting in with their technical plans, are less likely to attract powerful opposition.

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Irish West Coast targeted by UK government and the energy industry.

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