Baby food is a modern myth

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Baby food is a modern myth. There is no scientific foundation whatsoever for canned Baby food in jars. There is some against it though as many jars, even though they are glass, contain a high amount of Bisphenol A (BPA),m a serious hormone disrupter.

    If such canned baby food was needed how come that any of us of the generations where such foods were not available and those that have gone before long ago ever managed to reach adulthood and a healthy life.

    Most of us of a certain age never had the jarred baby food that parents today are told they have to have for their offspring because it is so full of vitamins and nutrition, etc. I doubt all of those claims but would not put it past the powers that be that they know full well as to the effects of BPA and have done so for a very long time already.

    Findings now show that BPA changes the behavior of both boys and girls and affects the production of testosterone in boys but also seems to produce this hormone in girls. It is for this reason that, so it is believed now by a number of scientists, we have ended up with girls becoming ladish and vicious in their behavior.

    As there is no scientific evidence to prove that factory produced and canned baby food has any benefits my suggestion would be that parents make up their own. It is cheaper, and in the Great Recession that we are still in despite what the powers that be want us to believe, and therefore better for our wallets it is also better for your children as it does not have the food exposed to harmful chemicals getting into it via the jar and especially here the coating on the lid.

    While I am well aware of the fact that today's parents are under time stress all the time and that canned baby food is, somewhat, of a convenience, a bit like baby fast food, it is also not much better than fast food. It also does not take all that much time to make up some food for baby at home.

    Maybe we need to reconsider our entire approach on life as well and on how we care for and look after our children and especially in the first years of their lives.

    © 2011

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Baby food is a modern myth

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