Brit Liggett from New York is Electrolux’ new crew member

    Brit Liggett, a 26 year old blogger from Brooklyn, New York, wins the Electrolux and 5 Gyres competition, where first prize is becoming a crew member on the coming 5 Gyres research expedition through the Beagle Channel in March.

    Within the framework of the Vac from the Sea-project, Electrolux and renowned research organization 5 Gyres have invited one person to join the 5 Gyres research expedition through the Beagle Channel, Chile. Devotees from around the world competed to become the crew member by submitting a short film explaining why they deserved the placement.

    The expedition will be conducting research using a manta trawl to collect surface samples. The Beagle Channel, just as many other parts of the world’s oceans, is still unexplored in terms of mapping out the variety of different plastics accumulated in the water. Brit Liggett - Screen Shot1

    Brit – The Environmental Journalist and Sailing Enthusiast
    In hard competition, the jury, consisting of representatives from Electrolux and 5 Gyres, chose Brit Liggett as the winner. Brit is a blogger, writing about the environment from a green design perspective. She has a history of covering the issue of marine debris and wants to show the direct consequences of not taking better care of the plastic to the public.

    - My excitement about being chosen as a crew member for the next 5 Gyres expedition can't be put into words. I've dedicated my work to environmental journalism and this trip will allow me a firsthand look at something that I've been writing about for years. I'm hoping that my daily blogs and photos from the mission provide not only a glimpse into the reality of the pollution problem in our oceans but also a hope for the future. I'm so grateful to be going along on this adventure, says Brit Ligett in a comment on winning

    Brit is also quite the sailing enthusiast. She has spent a lot of time on the water, on sailing trips and restoring sailing boats as a child. These days she lives in Brooklyn, New York, but still has navigational maps on her walls.

    Find out more about Brit in her application

    The expedition sets off from Puerto Williams on March 3rd and will be at sea for eleven days before reaching final destination Valdivia, Chile, on March 14th.

    You will be able to follow Brit’s journey on as of March 1st.

    A brief description of life on board

    The crew stands a 24‐hour watch, normally in teams. On duty Brit will be on deck working the sails, helm and other boat functions. Watch teams also help navigate, communicate with other vessels, and readying the next watch crew.

    When research is underway, nets may be in the water, cameras may be filming or the small inflatable boats may be on an away mission. Brit’s watch role will also include important supporting roles like monitoring the boat systems, cleaning and cooking meals for the crew.

    Near shore the routines vary, including diving, shore work or away missions, where sub‐teams are gone sometimes for days.

    About Vac from the Sea:
    To inspire people in solving the plastic paradox and bring awareness to the plastic environmental situation, one of the world’s largest home appliance makers, Electrolux, has with the help of organizations gathered plastic waste from the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Baltic Sea and the North Sea and turned the gathered plastic into unique vacuum cleaners. The global initiative aims to bring attention to the issue of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans, and at the same time combat the scarcity of recycled plastics needed for making sustainable home appliances.

    Source: Prime Group

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

    Full Disclosure Statement: The GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW received no compensation for any component of this article.

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Brit Liggett from New York is Electrolux’ new crew member

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