Jim Perrin to lead Welsh anti wind farm protest.

    Jim Perrin still from the as yet uncompleted film 'Western Lands'.

    One of the UK's leading outdoor writers,Jim Perrin,is to lead a demonstration in the Cambrian Mountains of Mid-Wales against a huge 64 turbine wind farm which will add to the turbine blight  which has devastated an area which was originally intended as the UK's first national park.
    The demonstration has been organised by the Cambrian Mountains Society and is due to take place on Sunday- 6th March; starting from the Nant-y-Moch Reservoir at 2pm.
    Despite apparently suffering from terminal cancer,the respected writer will lead the two mile demonstration,confirming the growing outrage felt by the majority of Britain's leading outdoor writers who feel that the UK government and the devolved administrations of Wales and Scotland are virtually in the pocket of the multi billion pound energy industry.
    The rapid erosion of the UK's wild places was confirmed today by the conservation charity,The John Muir Trust, who highlighted the fact that in Scotland,areas which were once considered 'wild' are disappearing at a frightening rate.

    Back in Wales, Perrin spoke of his anger and anguish at the threat to an area which historically and culturally has always been at the heart of Welsh nationhood.
    " Nowhere better epitomises resistant Welsh nationhood than the wild landscape of Hyddgen, north of Pumlumon Fawr. It was here that Owain Glyndwr, hugely outnumbered, won the first battle of his great uprising.  'And it is here that we hope to make our stand against the depredations upon Welsh landscape by heedless and ill-considered government. May the spirit of this place impart its strength to us; and help preserve it undiminished by threatened environmental atrocity.'

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Jim Perrin to lead Welsh anti wind farm protest.

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