Masterplan Project 9

    Hackney's Park Development Officer recently confirmed

    "Project 9 of the Millfields Masterplan is also being explored.  A new path is being designed which will connect the central path running through Millfields South with the existing path running alongside the River Lea and the waste transfer station.  Once a path line has been drafted, it will be passed to the user group and other interested parties for their comment.  At this point in time there is no confirmation on whether the external funding proposed for this development is available.”

     We thought it might be useful to remind folk of what the Masterplan actually said about the project: 

    We guess this project is being pursued because funding might be available if it is regarded as key route for pedestrians and cyclists to travel to the Olympic Park (via the Lea Navigation Tow Path at Cow Bridge).  We’ll need to wait and see.
    As the link on the Hackney website to the full Masterplan document hasn’t worked in some time and it hasn’t been sent to MUG members (and despite it largely now being dead in the water), we’ve included a link here so it is at least publicly available to park users:

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Masterplan Project 9

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