It is not radical Islam that worries the US – it is independence

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    It is not radical Islam that worries the US – it is independence that worries them and not just independence of states where the religion is Islam; it is independence per se.

    Why was there a problem in the 1980s in Central America when the Nicaraguans had thrown off the yoke of the Samosa dictatorship and had brought the Sandinistas under Daniel Ortega into power? It was because America was losing its influence and United Fruit and such like their backyard.

    The claim, however, was that the Western world was in need of being rescued from a Soviet-inspired communist takeover and they went even thus far as to claim that the Sandinistas were supplying the El Salvadorian rebels with arms via a land route. There was just a slight problem with that claim; there were just a few miles – more that just a few miles to be honest – of Honduras between thus making the land transport a little problematic. But that did not stop the company from continuing with this claim.

    And, because in El Salvador the people were getting rather close to overthrowing the dictator in that country and, once again, the interests of American companies were under threat the, apparently, biggest threat had to be removed and was gunned down just outside the Cathedral of El Salvador by company assassins. The victim was none other that the saintly Archbishop Arnulfo Romero.

    Independence is a real threat to the interests of the United States all over the place, real independence, and I am sure Britain also would come under pressure should the people here ever decide that they no longer would want the government to maintain the special master/poodle relationship between the USA and the UK, with the UK being the poodle.

    Several times already in history and not even that long ago American pressure was put on the British government to go along with this or that and if not then sanctions might be considered and Britain nicely obliged and obeyed, just like a well-trained and well-behaved poodle.

    Independence is the greatest of worries in the eyes of the powers-that-be; independence of the people especially, as well as of nations, and we are talking here of an independence from America and its influence and its controlling power.

    That just cannot be allowed to happen, as far as the powers-that-be are concerned. Everyone must dance according to Washington's tune or, obviously, face the consequences of being regarded the opposite of a friend.

    God defend me from my friends; from my enemies I can defend myself.

    © 2011

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It is not radical Islam that worries the US – it is independence

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