At the last price review, the water industry took tentative steps towards customer empowerment. Customers were consulted about strategic direction and much was made of this engagement. Whilst it was certainly a step forward from previous reviews, less than one percent of consumers actually took part in such exercises and it is unlikely that they can see how they influenced the results.

    Janine White from United Utilities Water will be talking about how water companies can empower customers at Water & Environment 2011: CIWEM’s Annual Conference. Janine believes that it is time for water companies to embrace the Big Society and address the issues this implies.

    During ‘Empowering Customers in the Water Industry - It’s for their own good’, she will be asking what local responsibility and community power will mean in an industry where many quality and service requirements are exogenous; how local choices can be reconciled with regional solutions; how relevant are individual views in the delivery of a public good; and what can be learned from decision making in water services in other countries or in other UK services.

    Water & Environment 2011: CIWEM’s Annual Conference will focus on the Big Society and aims to provide a comprehensive response to the Government’s Programme.  The event takes place on 6th and 7th April 2011 and will include a mix of keynote speakers, offered papers, exhibitions and networking opportunities that will make this the key event for water and environment professionals.

    Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Natural Environment and Fisheries, and Tony Juniper, environmentalist and former Executive Director of Friends of the Earth are just two of the confirmed keynote speakers to give their response to the Government’s programme. For more information, go to

    Source: The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

    Full Disclosure Statement: The GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW received no compensation for any component of this article.

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