London Green Fair 2011 – Visit Report

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    London, UK, June 2011: The London Green Fair, developed from the Camden Green Fair, has been running on the weekend of June 4 & 5, 2011 at Regents Park, just north of the heart of London, and I took the opportunity to go up to there for a gander on Saturday.

    Having been billed as the largest green fair within the London area, etc., and as to being bigger than the original Camden one from which this London Green Fair evolved I must say that I was rather disappointed.

    There were far fewer exhibitors, trade stands, charity stands, and such like this year than there were two years ago when I went for the first time to the Camden one and it thus beats me a little how this could have been promoted in such a way.

    Only a small number of vendors that have been two years ago where in attendance this year and, as said, it was by far fewer stands in the “market” are than there were in the previous year(s).

    If I am not mistaken I would say that the 2009 Camden Green Fair at Regents Park was at least twice in size and the same, I would suggest, was true for visitor numbers.

    It may just be possible that the fact that the half-term holidays were just coming to an end and some folks might have been on a short break vacation for that week that the attendance was less than that first year I went there.

    The organizers had hoped that the fact that the half-term holidays were still, theoretically, on that people would take the opportunity to attend in droves. However, by the time that I was leaving at just before 4pm the attendance appeared to be very low indeed still.

    Some interesting people I did meet, however, and, hopefully, I will be featuring one or two of them in the future here in the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW.

    The fact of what appeared to be a rather low turnout also might have to do with the recession and people still not having understood that they do not have to buy all those green gadgets but that, instead, they can save money going green.

    © 2011

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London Green Fair 2011 – Visit Report

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