Former Scotland rugby international Kenny Logan has led a protest calling for the Beauly-to-Denny power line to be buried underground. The controversial scheme which received to go ahead from the Scottish government earlier this year,will see a 137 mile super highway of pylons driven through some of the country's most dramatic landscapes. Including the Cairngorm National Park. A scheme supported by the usual suspects in all things related to energy production in Scotland...The financial institutions,The Scottish Chamber of commerce,all political parties including The Green Party and of course Greenpeace/FOE.

Logan was one of 300 anti-pylon demonstrators who protested at a rally held in Stirling. He was one of the speakers at the rally in King Street.
“It can still be buried and people should be asking the Scottish Government for a full explanation why they say they won’t demand it,” he said.
Logan, who lives in Stirling, has previously stated he would allow land owned by his family to be used to bury some of the power line.
However, Scottish Power, which is responsible for 12 miles of the upgrade in the Stirling and Falkirk areas, has ruled out burying the line, citing technical, environmental and economic reasons.
Caroline Paterson, from the protest group Stirling Before Pylons, said: “We had a good turnout considering the wet weather.
“It shows that the people of Stirling care about his issue.”