Why we can't find Osama Bin Laden?

    Bin Laden living comfortably in Pakistan, says NATO official

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The main reason that we cannot find Osama Bin Laden (and other al-Qaida) leaders is that our powers that be don't even intend to. With the treat to AQ Terrorism it is so nice to keep the people under control and oppress them with this or that law to protect them from terrorism.

    Osama bin Laden is living comfortably in Northwest Pakistan, protected by local tribes people and some members of the Pakistani intelligence service, a NATO official has been quoted as sating. This news severely undercuts the U.S. government's depiction of the al-Qaida leader as on the run.

    U.S. intelligence officials have long believed that bin Laden is living in the remote tribal region of Northwest Pakistan, but have claimed that the al-Qaida leader has had to move frequently from one safe-house to another, impairing his ability to plot attacks.

    The NATO official's comments undermine that claim and exposes the lie that Bush and Obama have been telling us since 9/11, that he was running from rock to rock and cave to cave.

    "Nobody in al-Qaida is living in a cave," said the unnamed official.

    "Bin Laden lives among people who: a) regard him as an Islamic hero; and b) whose tribal mores require them to protect a guest with their own lives. Despite what the powers that be are claiming, a guy who's not moving around is not vulnerable to attack, especially not when protected by the kind of people that seem to be doing the protecting.

    Some time earlier, Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed optimism that bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, would eventually be caught. But this evidence that bin Laden is living in relative comfort and stability cuts against that expectation.

    Pakistan's interior minister, Rehman Malik, denies that bin Laden and al-Zawahiri are in Pakistan, but they keep denying everything, each and every time, simple because they do not want to admit that they are not in control of their own intelligence service.

    I am convinced that the powers that be have been well aware as to where Bin Laden and the rest of the leadership of al-Qaida have been all this time and it is convenient for them to leave then exactly where they are. It suits them to have the supposed treat of international Islamic terrorism so that they can use that as a pretext for often draconian laws against the freedoms of the citizens.

    In the UK this can be seen with regards to the fact that anyone who may be taking photos not of building and certain other places could face arrest and questioning under the Terrorism Act and don't even think of being part of an anti-nuclear power protest or such.

    All the search for Bin Laden has been a pretense and this statement from this unnamed NATOO official will make not difference here either, with the exception that this may be used as a pretext to finally take Pakistan proper into the Af-Pak conflict, as the Afghan “war” is by now being called.

    Pakistan is the one piece in the jigsaw still needed to be occupied in order to be able to move against Iran. Iranian oil is the target, and this more so now than ever since the powers that be have finally understood Peak Oil, including and especially the military people.

    © 2010

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Why we can't find Osama Bin Laden?

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