Brixham traders turn out their pockets to lift community spirit

    St Mary’s Square in Brixham will have a green facelift thanks to the local traders who have delved into their own pockets to help a new scheme revitalize the neighbourhood and re-design their streets.

    Sustrans – the UK charity enabling people to walk, cycle and use public transport for more journeys we make every day - are looking to re-design the area with the local community – so that it fosters more community socializing and promotes walking and cycling as well as tackles traffic problems.

    The Higher Brixham Traders Association was made up of traders in the square including bakers, a Co-op supermarket and a hair-dressers. Over the last ten years, the traders have had an active part in the community and the life of the square and were behind much community activity including funding the Christmas lights, coach trips and events for elderly residents, and getting the community together for parties at Halloween and New Year.

    However, most of the shops on St Mary’s Square have now closed and the Traders Association took the heavy decision to close down but not before doing one last good deed. The association’s bank account had to be closed so the traders decided to donate the final sum to the community they love. Some of the money will help fix the church roof, some will go towards a new mini bus for Care for Elderly, and some to a local hospice but £763 will go towards the new scheme to re-design the square.

    The money will purchase planters and plants to help make the square feel like a green space where the residents can play, socialize and inhabit rather than simply travel through.

    Jeanette Doughty from the Higher Brixham Traders Association says: "There used to be a great community spirit in the square and the traders have always felt an integral part of this square which is why we wanted to contribute. We are all very proud of how this community values the people who live here and hopefully the new planters will be something that continues to bring people together.  We can't wait to see what our revamped   St Mary's Square will look like. "

    Liz Smith, Sustrans Officer for the project says: “The square has a great collection of people who really want to keep the community alive and make their square a place to be proud of. The community will look after the new plants together and are helping design the new plans for the square. This is community spirit at its best and most inspiring.”

    St Mary’s Square is part of the Traffic Action Zone (TAZ) for Drew Street , Milton Street and surrounding roads. Torbay Council, which has secured £325,000 government funding for the project, is finding out from residents what concerns they have about traffic issues so it can prepare a plan to help resolve local problems. The government funding includes £125,000 from Sustrans, from its Links to Schools/Communities programme.

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Brixham traders turn out their pockets to lift community spirit

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